Why is Catwoman (or CatSombra) seen as super sexy but

A woman with cats is not?

:face_with_monocle: :question: :face_with_monocle:



New anniversary skin lol


I just saw the skin, it is really good.


Not sure where you got this. Whether a woman has a cat or not has no impact on how attractive she is?

Unless you refer to the infamous cat ladies which end up alone because they fail to get a partner and end up with alot of cats so they dont feel lonely. But its not the cats themselves which makes them less appealing.

It’s a joke dude :stuck_out_tongue:

But she is

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She really look like Black Cat from the Marvel Universe or maybe like Cat Woman from the DC Universe

Well I’m not generally attracted to women so I’m just going by the general stereotype that if you are a female over a certain age and reside with even one cat you are a washed up spinster.


OMG! That is f***ing awesome!!! Thank-you Blizzard!!!


Because the crazy cat lady is imagined as the one from The Simpsons.

If you’d known how much cats my girlfriend has lol
We both are cat persons :smile:

Imo I don’t care what Sombra is wearing she will never be attractive to me


I like cats myself, I always had one growing up and when I first moved out I had my cat Tika for 13 years before she passed away. I have a dog now though. I don’t like dogs more I think I like them both equally, but my dog is little and chill and relaxed and so I don’t want to get another cat because of how temperamental they can be with other animals. My boyfriend also just doesn’t like cats, which I don’t understand.

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Sombra is sexy, regardless of the costume.


sits down

Okay son, our story begins with the rise of Japanimation in the 1970s…

Who says that a woman with cats isn’t? But the cats are peripheral anyway.

I currently have a 1 year old Maine Co-n (Censored for some reason) which we’ve rescued with my parents. I love her. Shes already as big as other cats as adults. I’ve had many dogs before but they’ve passed away. We’ve had german shapherd and beagle

Thats not a japan thing. DC has cat woman, Marvel has black cat. The sexy female cat thief is a comics stereo type.

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