Why is Catwoman (or CatSombra) seen as super sexy but

Personally, I always thought that was a little disturbing. I don’t know, maybe it’s just how the media portrays them, but then, I also think cats are little creepy in general. So a woman having like 15 of them would definitely be a turn off for me.

I get real :sunglasses:

Edit: rephrasing

Yeah my mom has one and so does my uncle. One is longhaired the other is shorthaired. They’re both enormous haha. I love how they talk alllll the time and will play fetch and swim in the pool during the summer. They’re a really cool species of cat.

I always wanted a Norwegian Forest Cat myself.

Well, they are the guardians of the Underworld, according to ancient Egypt.



lol I saw it before the edit and I was like … that is highly inappropriate sir!

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I looove ancient egyptian culture :heart_eyes_cat:

Are you talkin smack about Brig you son of a bastion :triumph:

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Oh I would never.

I must start every Brig game by introducing everyone to Good Luck Katt. It’s a guaranteed win. Plus you can tell if you have a psycho on your team cause they will shoot at it.


I’ve never had someone do that.

Yo whos talking about 15? lmao

I mean cat woman was a sexy lafy with cats

It’s only happened a couple times, both times by a McCree with a ridiculous alt account/smurfy account name and level 1 endorsement. lol

Luckily Good Luck Katt is invincible.

You know what’s funny is that when you told me about it, the first thing I imagined was a McCree shooting Brig’s Katt at spawn.

Well if you’d been around any one with a pet you’d know there is some reason to that stero type. In general people pamper their pets a lot, treat them better than their own children at times. Spending more time, money and affection on the pet than anything else.

It’s not uncommon that getting the rights to a beloved pet is more important in a Divorce than just about anything else. We have all been there with a Girlfriend/boyfriend who had a pet.

You had to get along with them or the relationship was doomed pretty early on. You also had to accept being at least second in line of importance. They quite commonly care more for their pet than you. So in the pecking order of who gets attention a cat would win.

Multiply that by like 10 cats or dogs… and basically their life is to busy to admit any one new.

Edit: As for the Sombra skin it’s one of their better ones lately that wasn’t a paid owl skin. That said it’s for a character I’d never really play…

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any woman who takes good care of cats is beautiful to me. no question. if sombra happens to be one of those women in lore even better.

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give mei a cat skin.


I know which skin I’m getting first :wink:

Mmm, fetish activated.

Lady Dimitrescu Ashe skin for Halloween?

a women with cats is sexy what are you on about?