Why is Blizzard silent on Brigette

I feel your pain. Lucio hoping around and grabbing Zarya bubbles.

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I said she makes pushing on chokes easier where in my post says anything about junkrat. She already get nerf the devs already said this why are you bring that up.



Just because people complain doesnt mean they need to respond instantly. There a video game company they’re used to people crying

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Is Symmetra coming in the PTR after that? :eyes: Sorry i had to ask but I know there’s a lot or work involved as well ;-;~

600 hp shield we break rein shields easy and that has 2000 hp. Seriously why nerf the shield how.

because it can survive dva bomb

What about the Sombra and Doomfist changes you alluded to in a recent interview?

Hey Jeff, thanks for responding ! I think that waiting on the PTR to go live with nerfs for brigitte will take too long. She currently ruins the game in the higher levels of play. Please include the nerf for her ult in the patch for today.

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Because once she’s combined with an actual shield tank, she basically has no downtime on that shield and it’s always available. The small size of the shield makes it harder to damage it. Especially with non-hitscan weapons.

Reducing shield uptime also means less shield bashing so if that goes through and she has 350 HP on her shield, she will have to play more carefully and will actually risk losing the shield if she overextends to bash something.

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It’s nice to have a feedback, thx you :slight_smile:
The armor change should be nice on Brigitte Ult, it was a real problem at my eyes.

Also, I’m very hype for some Ana change, I’ll be patient.

GL and keep up the good work ! :slight_smile:

Fix Sombra’s bugs please!


“We’re also discussing some other changes that might make it onto the PTR when it goes live or might go live next week (if at all).”

Is it related to Brigitte or Ana or are you talking about other heroes?

A month to wait for her to get in comp to nerf her shortly after in the season… Luckily the way people were crying about being stunned I didn’t even bother learning her and probably wont.

Game is becoming more and more of a joke competitively. I respect the hardwork that goes into it and the artistry (part of the reason i still play) but its going the way of wow competitively… I remember when they tried to make that E sports… RIP

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Lol that’s good one considering his stats with his heros are high and is genji main.

Please look at overpowered gengi too.

Mercy mains trying to make this post about Mercy


If they did that than they will increase the stun time.

If you really think brigitte would have actually helped Overwatch E-sports you know nothing about E-sports. if they released brigitte to owl like this owl would have lost all of its credit with a skil-less hero like brigitte and became a joke.

Its about time you starting to look at ana. She’s been too long in the f-tier. As for brigitte, well a little tuning wouldn’t hurt i think. Just don’t overdo it.
And while you’re at it please buff reindhart so brigitte stuns doesn’t go through his shield.