Why is baptiste so popular?

Bap you just fire into a crowd with your canisters and get value. Then you have an ult on cd that allows you to Protect your team when they have been out played. Also he can dps almost as consistently as soldier too.

It’s like any other meta you have cheap hero’s in it.

You are half right being op and being 1 of the only usable heroes in a particular meta are too different things. But I agree every meta really only allows for a few support.


Only so many ways you can make a healbot.

Really. You must never play rpgs

We need more supports and tanks that are not brain dead to play. We honestly just deserve a better dev team.

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You realise that effectively, as long as you pumped non-stop damage into the enemy team, it would essentially work as permanent anti-heal and make every single healer completely redundant right? You do realise that this game would become impossible to play?

We have characters in this game who don’t need to reload ever and they could just pepper your team with half damage pellet hitscan shots from all distances away.

Your idea is honestly ludicrous.

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So you want it to be rendered useless? Got it.

There’s a good reason abilities start counting down their CDs when they are used and not when they expire.

The last hero that had a CD like that was Winston, and he was absolutely garbage tier largely because of how inconsistent the shield CD made him.

“Inconsistent”. It’s what your change will do. It would remove reliability.

It’s what makes Junkrat complete and utter f*****g garbage in OW since day one (I’m getting angry now).

Just stop. Make the other supports who lack impact more like baptiste. Make bap closer to a new baseline for supports. He’s good for the game. It’s why he’s popular.

And finally, IF isn’t “an ultimate”. The lamp can be destroyed by 100% of the game’s roster. That alone makes it far less powerful than any ult (shy of tire which shares its vulnerability and inversely scale).

I agree but baps not braindead. Bap takes some level of skill and game sense although I would argue all support do just some kits are simpler to pick up and play.

damnitbinks is only using “braindead” because he personally doesn’t like baptiste.


And McCree can output 420 damage in a second at mid range with no spread.

Dps damage has to be considered based on reality not hypotheticals. Healer healing gets to be closer to hypothetical top end by design (Lucio, Zen, Brig, Mercy Moira can’t really miss, Ana and Baptiste are very lenient aim wise). Junkrat rarely gets to two shot people at range and if he did it wouldn’t be a healer having 80hps vs 60hps that prevented it. If you get hit by two grenades back to back you die. Nothing wrong with that doesn’t exactly happen a lot at range because it’s hard as hell to do. If he had the AoE of Baptiste sure he’d be broken… but he doesn’t.

When I fight Hanzo I’m not scared of storm arrows though he wins a lot of duels and melts a lot of tanks with them. I’m worried about getting one shot. Because asides from never be anywhere he can peak (impossible) I can’t react to the damage of a one shot. I just die. No amount of HPS fixes that.

It may still be the same, but his ult is an absolute shield shredder, especially with all shields losing between 1/4-1/3 of their health after the patch.

Moira was previously used because of how much health shields had, so comps played were made to ignore barriers, which is why Reaper/DF were also picked.

Now it is Bap and Hanzo because shields basically don’t exist with 2 ranged tanks, a shield breaking DPS and support. No reason to ignore barriers now when they just melt.

Bap’s ult also allows Hanzo and Widow to one-shot even tanks.

A broken ability? Which one of his abilities doesn’t work?


The one he doesn’t like.


Even the RPGs suffer from the same problem, only so many unique gimmicks you can use (a lot of which can and should get devs burned at the stake in a shooter coughstunscough)

HOT healing: Zen and Lucio
Burst Healing (ABSOLUTE BS): Bap and Ana (formerly Moria)
Shield “healing” (basically have a shield that absorbs X): Lucio and Brig.
Drain healing (do damage to heal): Moria

This pretty much covers the major flavors of healers in RPGs.

Now as for shooters (which this is) it already covered the major bases of healing

Healing Station: S76
TF2 Medic Beam style healing: Mercy and to an extent Moria
Fire and forget low end HOT effects: Lucio, Brig and Zen
Medpacks for teammates: Brig
Shoot teammates with healing bullets: Bap and Ana
Aura healing around them: Bap, Lucio and Brig

The only one thats really missing can very well stay gone and thats the original Team Fortress “Stop and I’ll heal you with my melee weapon”.

DVA, Moria both of which don’t exactly do a lot of a lot of damage per second. And Rein and Brig both of which use melee weapons. Everyone else has to reload at some point. Yes this includes Hanzo and Sigma who have “Infinite” magazine size coupled with a very low rate of fire. That time between shots is them “reloading” their weapons.

Also what is cover.

His jump is good (all be it situational), but once you reach some of the higher tiers Widowmakers will be licking their lips at the free head shot you’ve just given them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You must’ve never played paladins. They have a great variety of supports for many playstyles unlike this game.

Because Paladins is Mobatrash and not a shooter.

Nah, They’ve nerfed every other main healer into irrelevancy, which really makes him the only one left worth playing if you’re to have any kind of an impact. Moira’s sustain is a joke now. Ana tho popular is still easily counterable. The tanks that mercy synergises with the best are in a horrible spot.

What other choice is there to play at this point? Baps the only one left

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It’s his overall kit that’s overtuned, not any single ability of his.