Why is baptiste so popular?

It’s because his gunplay feels good, and the DPS queue is 10 minutes long if you’re lucky. There is no other reason.

Know what’s going to happen when they nerf him due to the QQ?

DPS queue times are going to go up to 12 minutes.


It’s also the fact that he has a broken ability


He’s had the “broken” ability for a while now with little to no use until only recently though.

Either way, I’d still rather have to kill lamp, which only has 200 hp, than deal with 2 barriers with 1000’s of HP and also regenerate in seconds.


That’s only part of it, he’s also so popular because what isn’t he good at?

Great heals, great DPS, good positioning mobility, great team survivability and even a decent aggressive ultimate on many chokes/maps.

Simply put, he’s a classic example of a more modern released hero that is overloaded compared to when heroes had clear strengths and weaknesses.

He’s also fun to play. I agree with that part.


He’s popular mostly because he’s the strongest support currently, as simple as that.


He is a fun hero to play being he is classic hitscan with a lot of cooldowns to juggle. Meta wise he is popular being shields are so weak and IM Field is starting to look really, really busted as an ability given it’s very short cool down.

I get the idea is that every action is meant to be a team action with a team plan. So trash play like just YOLO your ULT 1vs6 into the other team for a 3k is hard blocked by IM Field now.

but it’s turned Baptiste into this hard must pick level hero and the game has so many reset/self sustain sort of stuff in the mix we don’t have a lot of game flow right now.
It’s group up ok just wait out the Window… Then try to bait out IM Field, so you wait that out… then you have a few seconds to do anything as a team. Then Mei Ice blocks to reset her self, then Doom leaps out to reset…
Orisa uses Fortify to sort of reset and oh look IM Field is back… so everyone resets.

It get what the devs wanted to happen with IM Field, but I’m not sure it’s working out that way in game play.

The lamp is being used to cover tanks after their paper mache shields break. That’s the real reason. People haven’t adjusted to the new shields.


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Because he’s the only support that gives tanks any breathing room after their cardboard barriers break from Storm Arrow/ FtH


So was mass rez. I don’t see the difference in the function of these two abilities. At least with rez you could kill the target you’re shooting at and it was also an ultimate. Annoying to shoot at stuff that doesn’t die.

Don’t even give me the argument that it’s easy to destroy immortality field because any Bap with half a brain is placing it in a position where the enemy team cannot kill it.


It’s because he’s openly better than any other support in the game. He wasn’t before.

Because he was a balanced support hero but the balancing team decided he needed to be a strong dps as well so they gave him unnecessary buffs.

He’s daddy


Interesting fact; His damage is as low as it was before the gun buffs after all the tank changes


Moira was nerfed to be barely better than Baptiste. Baptiste has zombie field, Moira does not.

So Baptiste is the support of the month now

Baptiste is only super popular in Diamond & above because he has a high skill ceiling, he’s the 3rd & 4th most picked healer in lower ranks


Yeah, as a DPS main I play a lot of Baptiste because he has DPS like mechanics. It’s not just his primary though. His healing is really satisfying as well.

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Ah, we see more and more of this argument on the forum. “You must let my healer/tank be OP or else your queue time will go up”. Yeah dude, trying hold the DPS queue as hostage is not going to work. Not now, not ever.

I actually see him getting a healing nerf, along with Ana. So everyone can feel like Mercy…

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Then we’re back to playing Moira :laughing:

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