I didn’t say it was the smart move. It’s just, when in doubt, they nerf healing.
I think in turn they needed to nerf heroes like Junkrat and Hanzo, but that didn’t happen
or having two members of the enemy team being rezed every 20 seconds. and before that dying every fight to an enemy dive while your a support.
Hanzo yes, junky boy why?
Because he has 2 concussion mines and his grenades do 120 dmg on delay. With 65 hps being the best available, Junkrat can kill any 200hp hero before they are ever healed out of range.
He can shoot at least 3 grenades before you can heal even 1 grenade of damage. And that’s just his grenades. Yeah I totally get the whole “but it’s only potential” thing, but Hanzo is also about potential.
These are two heroes that have heavy potential and no healers to really mitigate them. That’s why Baptiste became so popular after the nerfs. Burst damage reigns supreme, once again
And if we’re gonna talk about Pharah (on a serious level): she needs buffs
They mega buffed his gun and its like everyone forgets it happened.
ya and mcree can walk behind you and right click to kill any hero with 250 health or below, well before you take into account the flash bang or roll.
widow can one shot you, mei can freeze both you and your healer then kill you while they can’t move. ect ect
And really its the tanks job to mitigate damage from characters like junk more so then it is a healers job to out heal it. Even then his slow firing rate puts him at a similar dps to soldier. where they both can do about 240 damage within the time junk fires two shots, and that is without taking account headshots. his mines suffer from falloff splash damage. and is nades are as small as genji shurikans.
if anything he needs a bit of a buff.
You don’t see the difference between a predictive, small radius, needs LoS ability and one which functions up to 10s after death, had like 5x the radius and needed no LoS?
Bap is a bit overtuned, but Lamp isn’t nearly as broken as this forum makes it out to be.
Mass rez could bring back up to 5 people at full hp (including tanks) while immortality forces people to be lumped together and only keeps them at 40hp (they can still get knocked out of it and killed) and it can be baited out.
It’s a strong support ability just like anti-nade but has enough built in weaknesses to keep it’s effectiveness hindered. Mass rez barely had that.
I’m still on the fence about him being overtuned. Theres always gonna be a strong support and Moira got knocked off that throne recently, so I feel it’s more of a power vacuum left behind.
But I will say if any part of Baptiste kit could be nerfed, they could increase the ult charge required for his ult. It’d keep his healing and damage more in check all be it indirectly.
The more ult charge you feed the other team the less advantage you have in the long term – and Junkrat builds his ultimate pretty fast. He especially loves tanks and supports that can heal those tanks, because his damage is far too much to simply ignore.
McCree can get blocked by a barrier and that’s the end of that. He has to find a flanking route or try and slowly break it with his team. McCree just doesn’t have anywhere near the potential Junkrat does. At least without Deadeye he doesn’t.
I want his damage/burst lowered. Zen has to give up SO much to get access to burst damage, Bap pretty much has it all. He’s the Hanzo (or Sigma if you will) of Supports.
Funny you mention that, because Zenyatta still out damages Baptiste. Having discord available at all times really bridges that gap.
That’s factoring in his ultimate amping his own damage and healing too.
hint hint attacking shields dont get you ult charge and good luck diving with junky boy if the enemy has an orisa or sigma to suck you out of the air. Even then his hit box includes his tire making it very easy for those same hero’s to get damage on to you.
and deadeye isnt the best ability in the word, be it that as long as your not trying to go after the that 6 k one shot you should still be able o break a barrier or a two and deal some hefty damage to something or another.
while junky boy has to get in close to even try to bother the tanks with his minds and the like. The meta definitely doesn’t favor him at the moment. And at most I would like to be able to hit a mercy with his gun again that isn’t with in spitting distance of your hero. thats at least something mcree doesn’t need to worry about.
Because between the buff to his gun, and the tank changes, his overall damage per game has lowered because he has to focus more on healing/ immortality field because of the cardboard barriers the tanks have
But you can break a barrier a lot faster than McCree. Almost 2x as fast.
That’s not how that works.
You still have to kill the 2 barriers, and then the field on top of it.
Players love this word “overloaded” to the point where it’s pretty much lost all meaning.
I mean, put it to you this way.
Genji has a double jump, is able to deflect all projectiles and projectile based ultimates, is able to refresh a cooldown on any participated kill, and is able to wipe entire teams with nano-blade. Talk about an overloaded kit.
Or D.va. Not only does she have three times the health of any damage hero in the game, she doesn’t die when her mech is destroyed. She can fly for limited periods faster than Pharah, has infinite ammo on her primary and she can eat ults and destroy projectiles with defense matrix. She has a set of missiles that can kill targets from any distance and her ultimate delivers up to 1,000 damage in a 20 meter radius. Did I mention that she can safely launch that from anywhere on the map? Talk about an overloaded kit.
…and on and on and on…
It’s just lost all meaning at this point.
A FTH McCree will break barriers faster than anything Baptiste does short of using his Ultimate (and even then…).
Immortality Field doesn’t stop damage, just death.
Jokes on you my DPS queues are already 16 minutes
Edit: since this was the very first thing I saw, Needs to be added.
Immort field prevents/stops any damage taking you below ~20% HP (40hp on a 200hp target)
Which in turn, stops death.
IIRC there’s a “damage prevented by immortality field” statistic when you’re playing Baptiste.
What do you suppose the enemy team has to fire at when immortality field is up?
It’s still an important distinction. There are many times I ignore lamp and just put “worthless” damage into Bap for Ult charge.