Statistically zen does more damage than bap by like 2k

Seriously, actually look it up before you scream he is op.


zen doesnt have vertical mobility, splash healing, aoe heal on a cooldown, or immortality field. he just has transcendence

of course he’s gonna be stronger


I was typing exactly that, lmao :wink:

Umm excuse me but can Baptiste float? Yeah didn’t think so.


cant he stand on his immortality field?

And a pseudo-sniper m2 and Discord.

Discord is a strong ally that’s not tied to a cool down.

Nope you phase through it.


This post wasn’t made to suggest zen needs nerfed.

It was made for people who have this uninformed idea that bap does outrageous amounts of damage

well with amp matrix, doesn’t he outdamage zen then?

Oh also, Zen can heal and damage at the same time, Baptiste can’t unless he uses his shift, which would explain why he’s 2k lower, if he could heal and damage at the same time, he would be much higher than zen imo.

Remember when Blizzard used to be adamant about heroes having strengths of weaknesses? :rofl:

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I mean, Baptiste kinda can, you just can’t aim both at the same time.

That’s factoring in his amp matrix.

Last 3 months on Overbuff has the stats as.
Zenyatta: 12,855
Baptiste: 9,925

If we go by this month.
Zenyatta: 12,972
Baptiste: 10,307

This is GM on PC.

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he can tho. you can shoot your heal grenades and shoot at the same time. err, one at a time. but you can do both consecutively if you just hold down m1 and m2