Why is Ana's sleep considered high skill?

  1. Ana’s Sleep is though one of, if not the hardest - to - land projectile in the entire game on any target that isn’t a Tank.
  2. You seem to be thinking that Sleep is somehow a one - shot… Umm, what?
  3. Don’t even remotely compare Sleep to Mei’s “low skill = high reward” mess of a RMB… Let’s not fool ourselves here.
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It does lead to deaths in which the person on the recieving end can’t do anything about when it hits.

If hogs hook combo is a one shot, I CAN see the argument that sleep is.

Because Mei has done well in the low ranks ever?

Ana is doing better in the low ranks than Mei typically does.

Like I’ve been arguing that dart is a skill shot, but like I’m not on board with any argument that Ana is hard than the rest of the supports right now or that Mei isn’t harder than most of the DPS line up in her current state.

Seriously. When a hero typically only gets a lot of value in owl, that isn’t a sign of low skill.

Ana is the second most picked support in bronze.

Don’t give me the “harder than Mei” stuff you are trying to push here.

Like if you are even going to try, you are going to need to back that the hell up.

I mean it’s a “dart” with a hitbox that’s like 1/3 the size of Roadhog. I’ve literally been slept while standing BEHIND Ana. Honestly I think Overwatch players just have a very skewed idea of what’s skill based considering how forgiving all of the aim and hitbox mechanics are in this game.

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100000000000000% true.

Can you replicate in training room - show us a vid? :smiley:

The gold standard:

NOTE: this source measures the TOTAL WIDTH of projectiles. The Developer’s usually cite the radius of the projectile which is half the total width. They probably cite the radius due to details of exactly how the engine works that will remain trade secrets until their source code is opened up to public scrutiny.

It’s an exaggeration to say it’s as large as hog but it is WAY larger than the projectile appears to be. It’s a 40cm wide ball, which is really big, it’s bigger than a basketball or dodgeball. It’s more like the size of a medicine ball.

And due to how almost every hero has a hitbox that extends beyond the edge of their visual model and for an impact to register the very edge of the projectile hitbox may hit the very edge of the hero’s hitbox. So from the edge of the visual model of the projectile to the edge of the hero’s visual model, the projectile has a radius on par with a beach ball!

These are visualisations of abstract mathematical concepts. The whole point of hitboxes is that they are mathematically simple for the engine to calculate, player models are in fact incredibly complicated for an engine and we can only see them at all because the CPU just say “I give up, this is too complicated, here, Mr GPU, this is your problem, you paint by numbers and send it to the screen ASAP”

The CPU doesn’t see all the shaders, all the fine detail, it’s like sending them a colouring in book with simple instructions of how to conduct complicated visual rendering. It’s very hard to interrupt the GPU to ask “does this thing line up with that thing” the GPU can’t think about what it’s doing, so there is an inherent disconnect between the visual and the physical.

PS: Projectiles interaction with the environment seems to use a different hitbox (i.e. no hitbox), it seems when it comes to the projectiles passing near a wall all projectiles act like zero-diameter points. This projectile hitbox only applied with interaction with player controlled hitboxes which would include barriers and things like defence matrix, deflect, kinetic grasp, etc.


Are you for real? You mean the same Mei who just holds down the mouse button and sprays wildly until she hits TWO targets? Try landing Mei’s RMB and Ana’s sleep on a skinny cyborg man jumping around the whole map and tell me which lands more often.

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I’m gonna guess that it’s considered hard because in most cases you either land the shot or you die, or when you have someone diving on top of you. It’s easy to hit on bigger targets but if you hit a tracer or genii while they are on you jumping or blinking around it can feel pretty satisfying

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Very true. It is easy to sleep most of the tanks but the true value is being able to sleep the dive hero’s or a hero who has been given nano and is diving the backline. That is where you see the players who separate the low tier from high tier.

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Honestly its hitbox is so forgiving. Don’t get me wrong like I’ve seen some crazy sleeps that definitely weren’t easy to pull off but most of the time they are.

Well, I don’t…

And that’s because Roadhog, unlike Ana, doesn’t require another player to actually kill the player they’re supposed to one - shot…

Eh, yes she has… More than well in multiple occasions as well…

Well, overpowered heroes don’t seem that hard and underpowered heroes seem harder, what a surprise…

Does that say anything about said heroes’ designs though? Not really…

False statement. Mei became outright overpowered in OWL.

Also, I’m mostly arguing about Mei’s absolutely rock bottom skill floor here.

Her skill ceiling, just like that of most heroes in this game, is pretty high and I totally agree with this statement.

Yep, once again, that’s what happens when a hero is overpowered.

Ana fundamentally has by far the highest overall skill requirements when compared to a hero historically plagued with “low skill = high reward” elements like Mei.

Like, please, let’s not fool ourselves here with such obvious statements.

Uh, Mei’s right click is regarded as a skillshot…

This is hilarious, people really compare holding down a button with Mei with an ez headhsot after frozen or Moria succ to sleep darts?

so we had already, tank Ana, DPS ana (70dmg is obv DPSey enough to nerf it asap), low skill ana, nobrain ana which hit every sleep, and every sleep is an instant kill, what did i forget? :stuck_out_tongue:

Are we really debating if a single projectile round that’s either hit or die and typically shot under duress is high skill? If that’s not high skill literally nothing in OW is.

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It has a very big hitbox but no one ever talks about that for some reason. Landing darts is really easy


what makes it high skill is not wasting it.

Ana is punished heavily (depending on your rating) for wasting sleep dart.

Simply landing the sleep isn’t enough. You need to make sure it’s a high value sleepdart. Spamming it into tanks is often useless, most other sleep opportunities will have 0 value return.

Meis right click has limited risk for low value plays. With mei, a shot you hit is a shot you hit and that’s all that matters (for the most part)

I don’t understand. You’re comparing an ability to a secondary fire, in their projectile speed and somehow making conclusions off of that.

it’s actually pretty hard to hit properly on flanks and a team mate can easily undo the sick trickshot you did.
Also whiffing it leaves you extremely vulnerable as that’s the only true self peel option. The other one is nade, but forcing an ana to use nade on herself is already a victory for your team

Says the Brig main :relieved:

the problem with your analogy is that sleep is not a one shot it provides the chance for a one shot but does not guarantee it for some heroes it does but requires input from team mates to facilitate the one shot while a one shot from say hanzo or widow requires no team input aside from a possible mercy boost which is not necessary for most one shots.

this is only half true and depends on the situation staggering is best for the defending team since they are the ones that want to drain the time from the clock. for an attacking team a direct one shot can be more reliable for a won team fight.

dont get me wrong im not saying sleep is bad but i am saying that its not better than a oneshot for an attacking team.

Put on your Ana fan armor