Why is Ana's rifle being cleansed by opponents?

Bionade? One of, if not the most, valuable abilities in game? High burst healing? CC w/ sleep?


please dude you’re just embarrassing yourself atp. at least have some clue of what you’re talking about


You are saying all forms of dot should ignore invulnerability and ckeanse effects its not just bout reaper this would nerf many heroes.

Ur argument is yeah i cant deal with this because i use a character who has the potential to 3 shot like 70% of the roster but some of my dmg us ignored because my dmg us a dot…


You might wanna actually look at the breakdown. You’re talking out your butt. Objectively speaking pick rate vs win rate, Ana is the highest pick rate, but she’s beat out by 5 other contenders for the highest win rate. Moira actually has the 3rd highest win rate.

Win rate is not everything besides if thats ur point how come most ppl in higher ranks like to use ana and say she is one of the strongest supports.

She has 2 very good abilities good dmg and has an amazing ult.

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You might wanna actually learn how the game works. Pick and winrates mean nothing. Ana is the strongest. Objectively.

You can have an uncleanseable DOT but she needs ashe level falloff then. Ana gets too many free passes already, you already have a hitscan sniper who kills as fast as any actual hitscan dps from any range she wants. Let’s not make the only hero with a double digit pickrate for 6 years running stronger for no reason ok?


Love how people still use winrate as an argument despite Tracer having a lower winrate than Genji and other similar situations. It means nothing.

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Ahctuyually; my argument would be more along the lines of, I still should be able to do that ~70 damage or so, even if you phase shift in the middle of the DOT. Again, it’s an escape, but it shouldn’t negate damage that’s already being done. I’m not asking for hitscan, I’m not asking to ignore the invulnerability, I’m arguing that Ana’s rifle, for all intents and purposes, shouldn’t be cheated out of a kill because of a get out of jail free card that MAKES someone invulnerable. I didn’t shoot them when they were invulnerable; and Ana is the only one that’s primary fire does DOT as someone in this thread stated earlier. So in effect, yes, you can say that I am asking for one hero to be adjusted. I can’t argue against that.

Thank you ive been saying that for ages now

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Damage over time is over time specifically because it’s meant to be counterable through abilities like that. Get good.

EDIT: And do you even know what hitscan is? Ana IS hitscan.

That’s actually a very fair argument. That’s actually in all entirety, a fair trade. Her purpose IS to heal, so damage dropoff to prevent her from being a DPS sniper, in my humble opinion, completely reasonable.

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No, it’s not. Ana is meant to be a mix of damage and healing. She’s fine as is. No nerfs or buffs needed.


Again like many people have said anas rifle should not deal the full dmg if it gets negated due to cleanses like fade ice block wraith form etc.

Ana is strong enough she has anti heal and a powerful stun one of the strongest ults and no fall off.

Im just stating ur point is stupid anas biotic rifle is a dot just like other dots in ow.

Theres no reason to make solely anas rifle ignore it just take the fact ignoring win rates and pick rates that ana has a dot and if an enemy uses a cleanse and ignores some dng due to it being cleansed deal with it like every one else.

Not even gonna get started how u used dr as a reference about cleanse block has an entirely different function.

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Also to caveat to this, Ana’s nade is not as powerful as people think either. Overhealth takes out her biotic nade now, so hampster, JQ, they can be antied and still receive health, so part of her kit is starting to become negated

Ana nade was always fine with anti-heal, the issue is they want to get rid of “hero swap to counter”. But ended up making Kiriko which straight up is more broken than bap is. xD

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ana is a projectile based character, that has hitscan capabilities. That makes her capable of hitscan, but not a hitscan hero. Ana is NOT meant to be a mix of damage and healing. She is meant TO HEAL, she is a SUPPORT. She’s not fine where’s shes needed. What’s your background, and authority to that statement? How many hours do you have on her? What’s your counter argument other than ‘I don’t want it?’ Try contributing some thought, dang man; try to use that head for more than a hatrack. That being said, Ana’s DOT is getting negated more than she used to, especially with characters like kiriko and life weaver. I think it’s fair that Ana gets just a hair more lethality, if they’re going to continue to dismantle her kit.

That’s how cleanse/invuln abilities work and have always worked? Ana isn’t special?

Because Doom and Ram blocks only block a specific % of all incoming damage ?? That’s how their abilities work?

It’s literally one of the strongest abilities in the entire game

Ana is the top picked supp in like every rank AND OWL for the last few months and yall think she needs buffs lol

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God you are just something else man…

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No duh, that’s why I’m saying change it. Isn’t that what the forums are for? General suggestion? Maybe… change it from what it’s always been? Because… I’m an Ana main? is this really that crazy of a concept or are people so inept at thinking that they just… need to have things remain the way they are, otherwise they just… lose their brain? Idk, not a direct insult, I’m just trying to figure out how you came to this question, because I’ve literally made my point about this several times.
As for doom, Idk if that percentage thing is true, because he seems to take a lot of damage when I shoot him with Ana. Like, a pretty regular amount of damage. So does Ramm. Almost like… they’re not negating the dart, hence why I brought it up. Are you with me still?
As well as the comment, “its literally one of the strongest abilities in the game,” yeah, when was the last time YOU personally played in OWL? P.S. she IS the top pick support, but shes still not the highest win rate. Which, if it didn’t matter, why is it the other statistic listed :face_with_raised_eyebrow: