Why is Ana's rifle being cleansed by opponents?

Maybe complain about something less silly next time? It works as intended and Ana is in no need of a buff.

Zalems, Thank you for adding nothing to the conversation.

It’s a consequence of the way her damage is applied. It’s a DOT. I think it should apply faster than it does.

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There’s not anything to add. You were trying to make it out as if it doesn’t make sense, when it absolutely does. You were being silly and I pointed it out, that’s all.

Dude, no one needed you to point anything out. You’re a moron with 2041 posts, all of which were probably as useless as you posted here. You’re wasting thread space, trying to get me riled up so I’ll do something, post something, get banned or have the thread taken down. The only reason I’m responding to you, in any capacity, is because clearly you’re that type of lowlife that has 2041 posts, and a private profile; which to me, just seems like you like getting your rocks off doing this, and hopefully someone sees you and mutes you just for being an instagating pos. Either find something profound in that limited capacity goo you call a brain to post, or get bent. Either way, this is my last response to you.

The projection here is craaazy, lmao. And “wasting thread space”… be serious, please. Nobody is trying to get u banned either. Do you think everyone is out to get you?

Because that’s a stun…


Yeah, but what’s that matter? If he can wraith out of damage, then he should wraith out of a stun; I’m not really trying to argue that, and I don’t want to give ideas, but that’s the equivalent. Like, does anyone know for a fact if widow’s mine; if it’s purged[cleansed], relieves the wall hack effect then? Because that’s the discrepancies I’m noticing, and hence, why I’ve said, the DOT should apply even if they’re going into the invulnerable states. Not during, maybe after, but definitely not going into.

Ana is the best Support in the game. Let’s not buff her.


That’s a subjective statement. There is no proof to that other than a high pick rate, Mercy has a higher win rate.

Bro ur complaining about a hero who does good dmg for a support. U also are asking for characters who always have had invulnerability to lose that effect.

Reaper wraith form gives invulnerability

Mei ice block gives invulnerability

Suzu gives invulnerability

Fade gives invulnerability

Using doom and ram does not work they have damage reduction not invulnerability.

Sorry ur argument is invalid since dr and dmg immunity are not the same

Anas biotic rifle is a 2 dot weapon initial dmg then the rest dealing a total of 75 dmg a shot if someone uses invulnerability after the initial hit its obvious the rest of that dmg is ignored.

There is really nothing to complain about this has been here since ow1.

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There is a reason he cannot wraith out a stun stun like moira cant fade and mei cant ice block

Stun is a cc effect cancelling the use of movement and abilities and using wespons.

So that invalidates ur point.


Just because it’s been around, doesn’t mean it’s right. We had two tanks for the longest time, now we have one. What was right? We used to be able to 5 man res, now we can only res once every 30 seconds, who was right? That’s all subjective. Mei’s ice block doesn’t promote maneuverability; as a matter of fact, I’ve made it a point NOT to argue Mei’s ice block because: She cannot move, she can be slept RIGHT after, she can be naded RIGHT after, and her only escape is to wall off an ana or duel her. Moira is a HEALER who can cleanse herself. Reaper being able to cleanse out of a duel makes sense. Reaper being able to cleanse fire, makes sense. Reaper being able to cleanse something he was shot with and not hit with (biotic nade) doesn’t make sense. [correction/edit, I know reaper cleanses the bio nade. I meant to say that he should be able to cleanse the nade, however he shouldn’t cleanse a shot already made.]

Well they have always had it and tbh with you if it really was an issue more people would have complained 5 years ago.

Besides uts on a fair cooldown just shoot after they use invulnerability.

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It’s an objective statement when it’s coming from everyone in the top 1% of the player base. Ana is a hitscan sniper without falloff that has good healing, a three shot primary, a long stun that more or less guarantees kills if it hits, and an AOE anti-healing effect that lasts for a good amount of time.

She’s Brawl, Poke, and anti-Dive all in one character. Coming from an Ana main, her versatility and sheer impactfulness makes her the best Support in the game.

You dont even kniw how reaper is do you?

He in a constant state of deteriorating and regenerating his cells hence why he is in pain.

Wraith form is reaper practically letting him break apart to a gas like state

Ana uses a dart poisonous to enemies but heals allies.

Reaoers way of wraith form cleanses the poison dot creates so it makes sense.

From ur point of view ashe dynamite dot should also carry on then…

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i’d argue against that too. Moira can wraith every 6 seconds. If she wraiths in, wraiths out, do you think you could land 2 shots, and a nade within the 6 second cool down if she rushes you? Do you think you can accurately land 3 shots at close range while she’s draining your health? If you open with a nade in the duel, you have to realize that she’s just going to try and wraith as soon as possible to evade, and if you can’t maneuver, you’re kind of done for, right? So, how do you effectively make ana a threat? Make is so if she hits you before you wraith, you’re grass halfway through the wraith. Sorry, but you have EVERYTHING going for you as a moira vs an ana. Reaper? Seriously, you’re telling me that you’re worried about REAPER taking some damage? He literally HEALS shooting people, so if you’re having a problem rushing an ana, even if your slept and naded, you still can wraith out. If you wraith in, you have 8 seconds as an ana to dispatch the reaper. Again, if you open with a nade, you still have to secure 3 more shots, in less than 7 seconds. So you’re telling me, if youre a reaper, YOU should have the advantage of being able to wraith out of that crucial 3rd shot; because YOU suck at killing a healer with no maneuverability?

Ow is a counter pick game if u cannot kill moira as ana go someone who can


Um, except for the fact that Ana is ridiculously powerful and Moira is the second worst Support in the game?

Skill issue. Mad cuz bad.

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Actually, Ana uses a series of biosynthesized darts for offense and defense, and in theory if they were designed against reapers inherent DNA effects, if they were injected into his bloodstream and capable of doing damage in his physical state, they still would do damage in his gaseous state; he the compounds don’t change, only the state of matter. If I take a torch to water versus an ice cube, they’re still gonna melt. So yes, technically he shouldn’t be invulnerable. Even wade wilson could die, sorry brother.