Why is abusive chat a report option?

“No u”


Says the person who started the thread essentially crying about how unfair it is they get reported and banned for arguing with someone with the classic not-at-fault excuse of, “Well they did it first”

What grade are you in?

You should probably lie and say a grade, because if you’re a grown human with that logic, oh boy.


A grown human? Like… Are you trying to imply he is an animal or something? Rofl.


Trolls aren’t human.


We live in confusing times. Didn’t wanna assume gender or something. Go with that.

I addressed a problem in the report system and how abusive chat shouldn’t be a report option because of reasons stated in the original message AND lists of ways that players could avoid toxicity without anybody getting silenced, suspended or banned but of course many other like you decide to focus on the incident rather than the actual problem of the reporting system

Yes it should.

No, most of the times they are just toxic and does it to whoever they please, not just someone they played with 3 matches ago.

Should have moved on from the previous game.

No, you got suspended for being toxic.

Either way Blizzard should add a way to always have the chat muted if you so please, currently you have to turn it off/hide it every time you start the game/join a match.

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The fact that you used “didn’t wanna assume gender” as an excuse for your bad vocabulary shows you are too young to understand

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Really grasping now, huh, sport?


I’ve never meant anyone who is toxic to anybody for no reason at all, never in my 2 years of playing this game or any other game had I met anyone who plays to talk trash to others that’s absurd, and even you have met people like that who are just mean to anyone they meet I’m actually disgusted, the fact that you can’t press 2 buttons to mute someone is unfortunate and I truly hope you become less lazy in the upcoming years

Fun fact, it never did.
it is used to refer to a collection that includes a whole assortiment of undesirable behaviors, considered as “toxic” by a group of people: the community, and an overseeing authority: “The company which name can not be mentioned due to that being in the tos for the forum for some reason”.

in order to keep player engagement, the overseer needs to adhere to the wishes of the people.

The people/overseer don’t like the guy being toxic to you, nor do they like you being toxic to him in return causing a never ending spiral of toxicity.

So they report you both.
And here we are.

I do not understand, you are a Widow main, you like to take your SR back from those clowns… So why do you not enjoy reporting them and fettering their experience with the game? It is just the cherry on top, realistically.

I do not want to mute them. I want to hear what they have to say, make fun of them for their lack of intelligence, humiliate them in-game and lastly, add to that report count so eventually they lose their right to play the game.

That is true petty vengeance.

Why did I just read this entire thread?


Because it’s a wild ride start to finish


But I’m not that petty which is what many don’t see, they see spawn camping a toxic player as petty which is actually stupid to think and no matter how toxic someone is I wouldn’t want them to lose their gaming privilege of this game since they did pay money for it and I’m 99 percent sure they aren’t toxic every game they play. I don’t need to report I just need to make them eat their words and humiliate them a bit, that’s all. I don’t need to report and I don’t need to be reported either I win you lose done. That’s it. Getting someone banned in my eyes is like stealing their money, yah you have to get reported multiple times to get banned but you still contribute to the cause and it’s super annoying to get those warnings knowing you’ve done knotting wrong, just blizzards broken report system back at it again

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Yeah, could say that again…

It’s like watching a headless chicken run around

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I have no sympathy for them because I feel the need to play unpopular heroes on an alt just because those rats are the type to false report constantly. A taste of their own repugnant medicine, if you ask me.

Yet right here you say

Meaning the system is working and you understand fully what you did wrong but refuse to accept it.


Didn’t know spawn camping and targeting toxic players in game was banable?

That logic just literally makes no sense…

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