Why is 2-2-2 considered the right way to play?

Why does the community want 2-2-2 so much? I dont think the devs planned to make the game 2-2-2. The game released with only 4 support and one of them had no heal. Imagine being a support main and having only 3 viable hero to pick from, same for the tank.

They added the message only one healer and only one tank after the community decided 2-2-2 was the way the game is meant to be played. I find it a bit weird because in pretty much every game that use the holy trinity (tank, healer, damage) there is always the same problem, nobody wants to heal or tank, with this ratio it means more ppl had to sacrifice their fun for the team and it cause more toxicity. Now with role queue ppl will ave to either wait longer or play something they dont want.

Personally I almost only quick play and usually fill if needed, but I’ve always been fine with 1 healer and 1 tank, I dont get the big drama with solo healing since I dont mind doing it at all. The weird comp wins just as much because there is not much team coordination in the average game.

So im curious as to why is 2-2-2 considered to be the way you’re supposed to play the game is it because of owl, youtubers, streamers or something else?


Try solo healing and solo tanking for a bit


Same as Hero Limits. Game was worse without them.


It wasn’t previously considered the right way to play, but it was a more consistent, balanced way to play.

But now that Role Lock is a thing it objectively is the right way to play. Because its the only way to play, unless you can exploit your way onto other roles.


First meta was two Winston, two LĂşcio, two Tracers.

Things evolved from there, but in the back of everyone’s mind that first meta just comes back unconsciously.


What heroes do you play

The same dialogue even says you might need more healing, more tanking, and another DPS as well on the support screen.

Why doesn’t the game do 1-4-1 and just balance the tanks and healers to be geared toward solo healing and tanking to accommodate more DPS players? like buff the crap outta the tanks and healers and let the people have their dps in order to keep queue times down for everybody.


This mentality has always been confusing to me, and it’s where a lot of the stigma against “dps instalocks” comes from.

Why do people think playing a Tank/Support is “sacrificing your fun.”?

Is Baptiste really that less stimulating than Soldier 76? Genji and D.va? …Ana and Widowmaker?

Personally I find the damage roster boring because that’s literally all the value they provide to the team. I play as a tank like Orisa I actually feel like I have things to do both for my team and against the enemy.


It settled pretty quickly to be a reliable way to build a team comp that works most of the time. Multi-tank comps have had a few shining metas, but triple DPS metas haven’t really been as reliable and quad DPS has just been objectively a good way to lose most of the time.

You need a main tank, an off tank, and a healer. Main and off tanks serve different functions, so it is a good idea to have both. Having 2 healers is also more reliable because losing one doesn’t immediately end your push. If you solo heal then the healer dying is usually the end of the fight.

And as a tank main, I will say that it is also much more enjoyable to have two tanks and two healers. It feels better to play tank with the extra support. I hate playing quad DPS with the passion of 1000 burning suns. So, I’m pretty glad it’s going away.


Because that’s how the game was designed and, largely, balanced

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Mostly dps or what ever I feel like playing, I fill when there is no healer or no tank.

Ah, the good ole’ days.

If the devs designed it for 2-2-2 then why release with so much more dps hero? Tank and healers had almost no hero choice with only 3 healer and 4 tank. The devs ave to release only tanks and healer for a while to try and catch up now.


The devs adapted the game to the players, one example are torb and Sym reworks, the vast mayority of the player base thinks that 2/2/2 is the most confortable/enjoiable way to play…to the ones that don’t like it they can play clasic qp

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because hog/lucio 4 dps can’t make it through the choke and it’s better to have a barrier tank that wants to play a barrier tank than it is to have one that’s irritated they are filling for selfish dps mains and are just going to hard int all game long


Dont say its the best way but It cant happen fast enough if u ask me

I did my placements on my main, solo heals as mercy all 10 games tonight (yep lost alot) … babysitting i mean
Im so sick nd tired of Ashe Widow Mccree Hanzo players that dont fill or switch

It cannot happen fast enough!..

It wasn’t until the community stopped caring about working together and coordinating, we were given that freedom and a bunch of people abused it by insta locking dps with no synergy and causing other people attempting to work together or form some kind of comp to get abused because solo tanking or solo healing is not fun especially with a team that refuses to work with you.


Lmao but people do it successfully every day. Are you owed 100% win rate because you solo heal or tank?

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Because there originally was a differentiation between Attack and Defense–they weren’t all lumped together in DPS. Also keep in mind Symmetra, while not a healer, was considered a support. The idea (as has been described by Jeff) was that you’d run 2-2-2, give or take a slot, with Defense heroes on Defense and Attack heroes on Attack.

Changes to combine Attack and Defense together and to move Symmetra to DPS were only made after it was recognized that the delineations between Attack and Defense broke down in-game, and there were instances in which Attack heroes were being used on defense, Defense heroes on Attack, or either on both.