Why is 2-2-2 considered the right way to play?

2-2-2 is required because healing exists in the game. Creating heroes that heal was a mistake. If healers didn’t exist, we wouldn’t even need 2-2-2 because people would die as designed.

If you don’t want healer in the game just play CoD or any other average shooter.


People will turn their brains off otherwise instead of looking at the good their unique lineup brings and exploiting it.

Or heroes with shields. In this mindset, everyone should just have a gun, and that’s it.

Sounds like plenty of other games out there.

Makes sense. If you mained Rein or another main tank it wouldn’t really be a question.

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They didn’t.

Jeff has outright said they never planned for something like this to happen, the players just did it to themselves.

I’ve done it plenty. It can be a bit stressful, sure, but it’s more than possible if you just know what you’re doing.

But true to form, the community would rather complain about their problems rather than simply adapting around them.


Try solo queue as tanking and then ask the same question.

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As stated in multiple interviews with Jeff, their original intention was to have 1 tank, 1 healer, and 4 dps. However, they were finding that solo tanking and solo healing was a terrible experience, while when they experimented with 2-2-2, the experience was a lot more positive overall.

So yeah, the game was changed with the design philosophy of 2-2-2, though by that point, they obviously hadn’t worked on enough characters for the smaller roles before release.

That’s really interesting that they originally intended the game to be played in a 4/1/1 capacity. That’s been a pretty rough experience, most of the time, though it has worked out sometimes.

It’s nice to have a backup. If you have 1 healer, odds are everyone is gunning for you. Same with 1 tank. Having a backup to hold the line feels so much better.

I imagine it was based off WoW’s group design, which is 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 dps. But the game is very different. As a matter of fact, looking at other hero games, most of them tend to have only 5 players per team.

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I guess that makes more sense now why some people advocate for a 7-team comp, so you could have 2/3/2.

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Yeah. Let’s expect groups of people to successfully rectify a situation themselves in a way that doesn’t involve beheading, because that’s happened in history at some point.

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Especially if you’re French. No shade.

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Hey man, regardless of whether or not stuff like this has happened throughout history due to human nature and whatnot, doesn’t really change the fact that it’s stupid it happens in the first place.

It’s not as bad as the forum says it is, actually 1-4-1 was really fun and fast paced. 2-2-2 is a slog.

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Because the DPS mains will come to the forums and cry that they can’t kill anything, or that the tanks are better than the DPS heroes. I mean, look at what the OW community did to Mercy, Brig, D.Va, and RH. They were all deemed “too strong” and gotten so nerfed they are a shell of their former selves.

Would be open to try, but if DPS can’t play CoD then they will complain till they can.

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I feel like I’m one of the few who was okay with solo healing :’( as long as people played the heroes they knew how to play I was happy. However I was never happy to see someone with 1000 hours in Mercy flexing to D.VA with like 1 hour in D.VA and feeding, I’d rather she just was a 2nd main healer along with me…

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Maybe someone will create a workshop mode to try a 1-1-4 with a shared health pool (is that possible yet?) Maybe an objective you have to defend that they can do damage to that you need to protect and keep them from destroying, it could be a new map type that isn’t CP, Payload or KTH (basically would be a CTF though)

Kind of sounds like a mode like “Storm the Castle” where one team is attacking a “castle” while another is trying to defend said “castle”. I can see a 1-1-4 style working for something like that, and honestly could be interesting to see how it would work.

I was thinking more like totems where each team had one to protect so you balance attack and defense or a multi point capture similar to battlefront 2 where the team with the most at the end wins, one would promote team work and tanking and the other will promote one on one duels or maybe one on two.