An Ode to Ana Amari (...and Ana-Mains)

(Reposted from the old forums.)

Things haven’t been the best for you as of late have they?

Everything has been changed so significantly from your heyday and you’re finding it hard to keep up.

After all, who wants a half-blind 60-year-old woman way past her prime when you can always rely on a younger, spritelier and more efficient soldier out there on the battlefield?

Grandma cookies can only entice people for so long before they get sick of you being around all of the time.

Overwatch has been shut down.

Amélie Lacroix killed one of your best friends and shot out your eye.

Not to mention the last thing you possibly said to your darling daughter was more or less words of anger and frustration.

…and your arthritis has been acting up quite a bit lately.

You’ve hidden underground, disappeared off the face of the planet in shame of your failure and feelings of inadequacy because you couldn’t keep everyone that you’ve known and loved safe from harm.

It makes you bitter.

Somedays you feel like maybe you would be better off disappearing forever, only to exist as a mere memory to those from your time. Not to mention, just looking at your rifle makes the scars left from your eye being shot out flare up in pain.

…but then, you think about your comrades.

Your friends.

Your family.

People looked up and relied on you to keep things together even when it seemed like everything was going collapse in upon itself.

…and when things always looked bad you always tried to boost your comrades’ spirits up and put those feelings of despair to sleep.

You can’t give up.

You have to fight.

So what if you’re yesterday’s news?

Just because you’re old and outdated, doesn’t mean that you can’t make your impact.

So what if the odds are firmly stacked against you?

You’ve always found a way to beat those odds even when you were facing the highest forms of adversity.

So what if you’re not desirable and people would prefer that you sit on the sidelines?

These young kids will quickly shut their mouth once they see you in action.

So what if your allies and enemies don’t respect you?

Everyone will learn in due time to respect their elders.

You are Ana Amari, former Captain, and second-in-command of Overwatch. You are one of the greatest, if not the greatest sniper in the world. You are a living legend and a shining example of what it means to support your comrades.

You will get back up when you’re knocked down!

You will prove everyone wrong!

You will beat the odds!

You will never stop fighting for what you believe in!

…because you are Ana Amari.

“To all the Ana-Mains who’ve been struggling with toxicity, frustration, and helplessness with the current state of our favorite sniper, I dedicate this thread to you.”


Dormammu I’ve come to bargain about an ode to ana amari