Why I'm an Ana Main šŸ’•

Hey, all.

So, I tend to get a lot of harassment when I play Ana sometimes. I donā€™t have the best accuracy, but I think I have somewhat decent shot consistency; I manage to pull 70-80% accuracy on average, and sometimes pull ~85% on a really good night. Iā€™m, currently ranked in the 96th percentile (top 4%) on Overbuff, but I take that with a grain of salt.

I can miss important shots sometimes. I may miss a Genji whoā€™s using Dragonblade because he double jumps at the last second which results in his death, or I may miss a flick-no-scope shot because I didnā€™t predict someoneā€™s movements enough, or I could miss a grenade simply by being bad. I could land 49 perfectly aimed shots in a row on a blinking Tracer across the map, but then miss one shot, and that results in her death.

I will get called out for it if I miss.

ā€œAna, please heal me.ā€
ā€œAna plz shoot me.ā€
ā€œAna your aim is trash.ā€
ā€œAna plz go mercy so you donā€™t have to aim.ā€
ā€œTrash Ana.ā€

This happens a lot. Itā€™s one of the reasons I donā€™t play Comp anymore. I could manage to have miracle level accuracy all game and keep our tanks alive through monstrous amounts of damage, and land almost every sleep dart I fire while managing to cancel tons of enemy ultimates, or land a grenade to secure a kill or save a teammateā€™s life; as soon as I slip up once, Iā€™m throwing and need to switch off of Ana and to never play her again because Iā€™m awful as her.

It kind of hurts sometimes, but I tend to try to not let it bother me. My accuracy will probably drop by 5% for the rest of the game, but itā€™s not too bad of a difference. Iā€™ll stick with Ana as long as I know Iā€™m doing okay and pulling above 66% accuracy.

If we lose after I get called out, ridiculed, and insulted, Iā€™m blamed for the loss - then Iā€™ll get a ā€œ35% healing doneā€ card, and no one will change their mind. We lost because I went Ana and had horrible aim - despite it being around 75%.

If we win, usually no one will say a word. It must have been the DPS carrying our team or the other healer picking up the slack of my horrible healing. Yeah, thatā€™s it.

Soā€¦ why do I still play Ana with all of this miserable treatment from other players?

A while ago (in Quickplay), I played with a friendly Reinhardt and Soldier: 76 duo; two low key, easy, and fun-to-heal heroes. We were defending on Eichenwalde. The rest of our team was a D.Va, Genji, and Zenyatta. Keep in mind the Genji.

We held first point for a good amount of time, and ended up finally losing the first fight when the Genji and D.Va overextended, and Zenyatta and I got overwhelmed. Reinhardt and Soldier held off for as long as they could, but couldnā€™t win the fight alone. Okay, no worries.

Same story with second point. We held pretty well in a mundane game; I nanoed the Soldier and Rein when they ulted since they were easy to hit, and healed my team as best as I could aim. We finally got pushed back to the door due to too much damage spam, and we held until the last 30s.

Finally, their Genji managed to bait out our Trans by attacking Zenyatta. We managed to pick an enemy off with the Trans, but immendiately afterwards, our Soldier, Genji, D.Va, and Zen got murdered by a Grav+Blade combo. It was Rein and I against 5 of their team.

I popped my nanoboost into him and spam healed him as much as I could and dealt as much damage in between as I could. I dodged the enemy Genji long enough for Reinhardt to get 3 picks - 2 enemies left.

I managed to kill the Genji with a Sleep+Primary+Nade+Melee combo - 1 enemy left. Roadhog.

Roadhog managed to pull our Rein off the map, and it was just me left. 3 seconds until someone gets here, probably. .05m left to the door. Itā€™s in Overtime. Dodge the Hog, bounce around the payload, anti him when he heals. I just have to last until someone gets here.

3 seconds pass.
5 seconds pass.
10 seconds pass. The enemy team is coming back. Whereā€™s my team?
Hog manages to hook me and kill me. They get the point.

I watch the respawn camera; my team was sitting back waiting for them to cap. Okay, I guess. Weā€™ll just hold them here.

ā€œana swap ur uselessā€ - Genji

What? I just held the point alone against a Hog for almost 20 seconds while you all sat backā€¦ why am I to blame?

ā€œgo back to mercy you stupid mercy mainā€ - Genji

Uhhā€¦ okay then. Iā€™m not going to switch, but now I know this guy is a jerk.

We get back into position. Our Genji dives in with his ultimate while avoiding my LoS, so I try to get in a position where I can hit him with nano or heal him. He keeps dodging my LoS and goes deeper and deeper, so I canā€™t heal him. He dies.

ā€œana plz #$@%ing nano and heal me u dumb @$%&!ā€ - Genji
ā€œI couldnā€™t, you werenā€™t in my LoS. Sorry.ā€ - Me
ā€œ@#$% uā€ - Genji

Okay, well letā€™s just try and hold. Itā€™s a 5v6 now, but itā€™ll be okay.

Anon switch the Torbjorn (was Genji).

Sighā€¦ we can work with this. Iā€™ll just nano the Soldier or Rein. Oh, waitā€¦ is he sitting in spawn? Oh wellā€¦ 5v6 it is.

After that, our D.Va got picked off. We got pulled into a Grav, but luckily Zenyatta used his ultimate to keep us alive. However, they didnā€™t attack us. Right after Trans ran out, the enemy Genji used Dragonblade and destroyed our Soldier and Zenyattaā€¦ Iā€™m next.

I fired a sleepdart at the last second, and managed to hit him as I dropped to 60 HP. Rein pinned him, and now the fight was 2v5. We can do it.

I nanoed Rein again and he slammed his hammer down - all 5 of them stunned. He swug his hammer and threw his firestrike, killing 3 of them. 2v2. I finish off another one with a lucky flick shot. 2v1.

My beloved Rein dies. 1v1. Itā€™s Roadhog again. Fire, fire, fire, dodge, sleep, fire, fire, fire, anti-nade, fire. Heā€™s dead. We win.

The Genji (now Torb) is still sitting in spawn.

I pulled 87% accuracy and 43% team damage healed. It was an amazing game for me.

After the match, the Reinhardt and Soldier complemented the hell out of me, saying I saved them so often and we wouldnā€™t have won without me. I got a card for healing done. 10 upvotes - the enemy team said that I was an absolute pain to play against. I guess I did my job. I felt really pround.

So, despite the troll calling me awful, I managed to pull my own and really help the team win, and got heavily recognized for it. I felt appreciated, and it was after a hard game played with a ton of stress and effort put into my fight.

The hard fights, the reliance on aim, the ability to make big plays, and the ability to help other people make big plays while keeping them alive. Nothing beats that feeling.

Thatā€™s why I main Ana.

EDIT: Now that Iā€™m finally Level 3, hereā€™s 2 POTGs that I got as Ana to show my "meh"ness as herā€¦


Honestly I respect all Ana mains and I enjoy playing with them too.


sighs Genji mains :roll_eyes:ā€™

I appreciate all Ana players!


most pros played the game the most(200 hours per season) when ana was meta. no coincidence
ana however is almost always worse than most heroes in this meta
even if you have good aim its a hassle to play when mercy can just pocket and moira is just tracking
anas nades and sleeps are definatly good but its often used in defense against a single diver rather than at the start of a push


I used to be an Ana main [before moira and mercy 2.0] and she was honestly one of the most fun, most rewarding characters for me to play. I still have a lot of fun when I play her, but lately it just feels like between all the barriers and being out-healed by moira and the new mercy, then dying to Dive over and over-- playing her just doesnt feel as good to me :confused:

But that is awesome. People like that genji are honestly why I stopped playing support, so big props to you for not only keeping your cool [I wouldā€™ve roasted him] but managing to pull off a 5v6. :]


I remember once getting a POTG as Ana.

Easily the thing my Genji-maining butt is the most proud of.


This is the only reason I enjoy Ana on my team

But seriously, I love all Ana mains. Theyā€™ve had to sit through the storm that Ana is in and I respect them so much. Especially the ones who can solo heal :smile: Keep it up my dude.


So much this. Thereā€™s nothing else quite like it in the game.

Stuff like this is why I only play Mercy in uprising so I can hide all my hours. It seems to work lol.

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I play Ana as my main support hero for 2 reasons.

1 - that grenade is awesome

2 - her voicelines are hilarious to taunt the enemy with.


Thatā€™s one of the best images Iā€™ve seen linked so far on the forums :joy:


I respect people that have stuck with her all this time. I think sheā€™s really fun to play, but I notice she for some reason gets more negative attention from teammates than the other healers, and I personally canā€™t stand that, so I barely use her now. Itā€™s like, so often when somebody dies, the first thing that pops in their head is ā€œI died because my Ana wasnā€™t skilled enoughā€, despite getting darts shot into them the entire time. I guess people just naturally point fingers at aim based heroes when their team is losing. Glad that some people still get enjoyment out of her, despite her not doing so good right now.


iā€™m 100% fine with having an ana on my team unless the enemy is running a pure dive and we already have mercy or moira on our team

sheā€™s honestly the most fun healer to play around

At this point I think itā€™s a taboo to actually appreciate your supports.

ā€œWe need a Mercy, Ana switch.ā€
ā€œLUL Mercy main canā€™t aim go back to bronze.ā€

ā€œWe need a defensive ult can one of our healers switch.ā€
ā€œWhy do we have a Zen when they have a tracer/Sombra?ā€
ā€œLucio please stop using speedā€¦ā€

There is no winning.


I respect all Ana Mains, I love them :sparkling_heart:

My favorite is when I play Mercy and We have an Ana Main

And they proceed to nano-boost while I use Valk.

Battle Mercy- Team Kill :dizzy:


I love having Ana when Iā€™m Mercy because it usually means I can pocket our main DPS a lot and let our Ana do my job for me :stuck_out_tongue:


I like playing Ana whenever I flex to her. I have a lot of respect for those who know how to use her kit right.

Also, go figure it was a DPS main. Whiny jerks. Itā€™s not that I hate all of them. Itā€™s just that I hate most of them.

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That too, even when I play Ana know exactly what do when we have a Mercy too.

I just love running these two together even though people hate running two main healers.

EDIT: I am all out of likes


Ah the glory that is the Anahardt combo.
Imo one of the most fun parts of this game.
Wait a second, why the hell did you make a serious thread?
How dare you be inspirational!


Gosh you must be spreading the love :two_hearts:


I have to, I am trying to become one of the popular forum poster !

I am almost there, as many know my name by now. I have a long way to be up there with RichC, JellyandJam, SunsetHippo,SPG, Ivan etc. :revolving_hearts: