šŸ¤” Why I want Jeff to talk about Off Supports (Like Sym)

Basically when we look at the interviews last weekā€¦ I noticed a few things that concerned me.

  1. Viewed Supports as Defensive Healers

  2. (Other 6 things, but donā€™t have time to list themā€¦ because life things.)

Sym is currently struggling to even exist in the meta. (Meanwhile Torb isnā€™t)

And then they release a hero who is very similar to Symā€¦

To the point, there is no point even play Sym anymore.

Because Echo is just better, plain as day.

Makes me wonderā€¦ where is Sym in their goals?

(Because I suspectā€¦ she doesnā€™t exist or they are planning to rework to support.)

How are Echo and Sym similar in any way? I feel ike thereā€™s some straw clutching hereā€¦


Could do a list hereā€¦ but again donā€™t have the time.

Donā€™t think they have goals for their heroes

They just exist to perpetuate a specific design of playstyle and if its good, cool, if its not, oh well as long as is its objectively breaking the game in some way

She is literally just a usable version of Symmetra that can fly. She shares way more with Sym than Pharah.

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and somehow ā€œTracerā€ was added to the building blocks during development.

This applies to every other DPS as well. Sheā€™s nothing like Sym except having a beam, thatā€™s a huge stretch.

I think you being rude to him about a trivial issue while he commented on a Spanish dude sharing his tale of OWL bring a small community together might be a reason why.

For reference.

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How is Echo similar to Sym? Because she has a beam for like 5 seconds? Zarya is a better comparison and even then I donā€™t think so. Sym is uniqueā€¦


How is Echo similar to Symmetra? They donā€™t seem alike in any way other than aesthetic.



  • Left-Click: A high fire-rate shotgun like projectile as a primary fire
  • Right-Click: A rapid-fire burst of bombs on a cooldown
  • E: A mid-range beam that does more damage on low health targets
  • L Shift+Passive: Can fly/Grants increased multi-directional mobility
  • Ultimate: Duplicates any enemy hero and gain increased ultimate charge as that hero


  • Left-Click: A mid range beam where damage ramp over time, gaining ammo from barriers as a primary fire
  • Right-Click: A slowly charging orb that travels slowly that does damage on impact as a secondary fire
  • E: A teleport that moves herself and team between two fixed points
  • L Shift: 3 turret charges that slow enemy movement and deal damage
  • Ultimate: A high HP barrier that span the entire map

The only vague similarity they share is they both have a beamā€¦sometimes.

Echo is a high-mobility high-burst hero designed to flank the enemy team.

Symmetra is a front-line damage dealer with consistent damage with decent team utility.

Their kits share no similarities, not even in their purpose.


Ult are both powerful supportive abilities

Both have a mobile option- Teleporter/ flight

Both have beams with special bonuses

(Could go onā€¦ but need to do grocery shopping)

Those are apples to oranges in comparisons. Functionally and mechanically so far apart.

This is a stretch so huge youā€™re doing half court slam dunks.

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Sorry that I didnā€™t have time to explain

Wishing somebody else went over this

Because these two DPS heroes are similar

If you donā€™t have time to explain then donā€™t create a thread.


People forget and then ignore and then silence and ā€¦

Uhhā€¦ uhhhhhā€¦ Iā€™m no fruitologist (is that a word?), but Iā€™m pretty sure apples and oranges functionally and mechanically are extremely similar.

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Do you typically eat the peel on am orange? Do apples have convient slices already? Do they taste the same.

The only thing they have in common is that they are fruit.

They are both Dps heroes

Those are the most vague defenses for an argument Iā€™ve ever heard. If you canā€™t be bothered to support your argument, then stop trying to have an argument.

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