Why I Stopped Loving Multiplayer Games

The issue is that the only thing you CAN do now is kill the supports. Supports playing DBD is because the game literally can’t go forward until they die. This isn’t an issue for literally any other shooter except this one.

can you take that attitude over to mvm, where people get blacklisted for playing pyro

Disagree. It is for some games. For example, forcing esports into COD and Overwatch which by the devs own admission were made for casual players is a monumentally stupid idea. Ranked in MWII literally has 70% of the content flatout un-playale to try and keep it “competitive”. They are also forcing things like heavy SBMM which makes these casual games sweaty to the point of them no longer being fun.

For games built to be competitive, esports is fine. These are games like Counter Strike and Valorant which have been built from the ground up with competitive in mind and it makes sense.

Bro screw those dudes over there. MvM is supposed to be dumb fun. Not a job. Hate people that are so judgemental.

Why do you think Blizzard should be forever in your debt because of your one time $40 purchase 7 years ago?

Who are they milking? The most any Overwatch player ever had to spend was $40. New players get Overwatch 2 free of charge. There is no catch. No milking. The only thing they charge for are non-essential skins that don’t affect the gameplay experience. That’s something little kids should care about, not grown men.

That’s not true, and even if it was true it’s still better than shooting into double shields all day. You are in the small minority of players who miss standing at a choke trying to take down double shields while being shot at by a turret and stunned by a McCree on a 2CP map.

I’m in the group that wants supports and in-combat healing to not be so obscenely overpowered. It’s been strangling the game since Ana.

Then you wouldn’t be wanting to go back to 6v6 when the supports had 2 tanks to peel for them.

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Forever in my debt? See how you’ve got the framing all… reversed? It used to be I pay = I get product. An extremely fair, simple, straightfoward trade.

Now it’s I pay I get product temporarily, they change whatever they want whenever they want, up to and including taking away my ability to play the game at any time for any reason. Why are you not only okay with that, but defend it so vehemently? Your’e the consumer… don’t you want the best deal possible for you?

Before I could actually feasibly kill a tank or dps even with a support healing them. The support actually had to help them via ways other than healing. The only TRUE main healer was Mercy. Healing should not be as strong as damage. Supports are supports. Not healers. Now, the only way to have an impact as DPS is to play Widow or Sojourn.

Alright I’m going to have to come in and say some things that you guys probably don’t want to hear.

They honestly were but the money is in making your game cheap/free to play and having a bunch of microtransactions, remember game companies are a business.

Do not buy them, nothing is forcing you to spend money other than some cosmetics.

This is the dumbest take I have ever seen. We’re mad about the improvement of players and people wanting to be good? I’m a Genji OTP obsessed with improvement and that is all I play this game for, to improve and achieve my goals of being a known Genji player.

Go play Fortnite or COD, any game that doesn’t require you to play with your team. IMO team games are very important and playing with your team, especially in a game like OW is required, sure you win some you lose some. You aren’t immune to it, you’ve been carried, you’ve carried others it’s not like you are dropping 65 elims every game and still losing.

Get out of silver is the only tip I can give you.


You got your product.

That has always been the case with video games since they connected to the internet. You pay for a license. Not ownership. Blizzard owns the game.

Also, the game has been changing forever. It launched without competitive play. It launched without role queue. It launched with no limit heroes. They’ve been adding new maps, new heroes and reworking heroes since the game launched. That was all fine, but as soon as they clean up the shield and CC infested mess it became you draw the line?

That’s just too bad. If you don’t like the direction the game is going in then feel free to quit. I’m sure some players quit over the removal of no limits and addition of role queue. The majority will continue to play and new players will always join.

Ana was added in July 2016. Sounds like Overwatch hasn’t been the game for you since then. You should really move on. Dwelling on something for 7 years is sad.

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I can tell you this: What you’re seeing is not the majority lol. Overwatch is the laughingstock of shooters rn. It’s known as the game that dropped the ball HARD.

I’m interested in watching the vid, but one thing stands out as a little bloated:

If we’re talking about the late 00’s/early 10’s models, then I’m definitely interested in what the video has to say considering the “previous model” was successful in a time where the AAA game market (specifically shooters) was relatively unsaturated save for a few big names.

Since then the market has become hyper saturated and incredibly competitive, as well as very easy to access by more prospective gamers further adding to a radical shift in marketing and game design.

Then leave. Why are you on the forums complaining about a game you claim to have quit? This is sad man.

Yes… we’re on the same page when it comes to the nature of the business. It is what it is… as they say.

The question isn’t whether or not this model exists, the question is whether it’s good or not for the CONSUMER. Do you, the consumer, think this is a good model for you?

Not is it good for Blizzard, or is it “normal” for the industry since the internet… but is it “good” for you specifically?

The follow-up question to this is… how did gaming companies to get so many consumers to argue against their own interests?

Because I want it to be good. People like you are the problem. Not me.

Yes. I get free gameplay content every season for a game I love, and the funding comes from sales of non-essential content. That is how it should be for a live service game.

Free sounds a lot better than the $70 games retail for now. I get far more entertainment value from a free Overwatch 2 than I do from the $70 games I buy, finish in a week and then never play again.

It hasn’t been the game for you since July 2016. It’s currently February 2023.

I used to play Call of Duty many years ago and then stopped when it was no longer the game for me. I didn’t dwell on it or spam the forums. I searched for a new game to play. You should do the same.


and… ill be honest, I dont like friendly rounds, but thats just because they last so long and I am bored

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Fair enough. This is how things become the “new normal.” Everyone just kind of says it is… and then it is.

We just wont see eye to eye because I’d rather have paid 70 dollars for a true sequel that included PvE, skins, high quality events, etc.

Funny thing is that my willingness to pay full retail price for a legit product makes me “entitled” and “spoiled,” whereas your glee at piggybacking off others for “free” content makes you somehow… I don’t know. A more supportive consumer.

Skins weren’t staying free even if they did charge $70. Loot boxes were getting replaced no matter what and they would have taken the Call of Duty approach and still charged for the best skins. This is the better alternative to that.

Tell me what other product out there gives me hundreds of hours of entertainment free of charge?