Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

There is something very clear in my opinion.
They had no clue about how Mercy was best played (no it was not hide and rez Dodo, I see you trying to nitpick that), what Mercy players liked about her kit, what do to with her without destroying her identity…
So they eventually just listened to the loud complainers aka ToxicQc, SeaBird.
And now they’re trying to make it look like they are happy and everything is as planned.
Or even better: they convinced themselves everything is perfect.


clarification: there is no nitpicking on my part in this regard. the statement I described was made by the devs in regards to why mass rez was removed at the time it was being removed

No comment.


none of that is exagerration

The above statement only describes an individual’s opinion. An opinion that is, by definition, subjective and as such, nobody should expect this opinion to reflect the truth.


Knowing that pro players are usually quick to put broken abilities to use, them not using mass resurrect speaks a lot about how much of an “issue” it was.


Well, yeah, the entire point behind Hide n Rez was a gamble that the enemy team wouldn’t notice that Mercy was hiding and subsequently wouldn’t be able to react when she came out of hiding. At the lower level, this is a good gamble because people lack game sense and aiming skill, but at the pro level, it’s an awful gamble because most pro players are excellent in both of these fields.

It’s basically the same reason Death Blossom and Barrage are actually solid ults in lower ranks, but not so much in high ranks.

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It was indeed a huge issue, so much so that the devs acted with unsual speed to remove it once they observed the unwanted behavior it resulted in

Uh huh.


I’m not sure how you got that out of the Jeff Kaplan comment that Brawl linked, where Jeff asserted that the Mercy rez issue was NOT “doomsday” or “game breaking”. I guess if I put my tinfoil hat on, I could interpret his statement of:

“I don’t feel like there are any heroes who are way too strong to the point of breaking balance”

…as a secret message that decodes into “oh wow multirez too op!”

I’d have to really twist the tinfoil cap on tight, but maybe if I squint hard enough the words will magically turn into different words that support my narrative. That’s how it works, right?


i think the game would’ve been healthier had we not rushed into mercy 2.0 so fast.



Has anyone else noticed that after the Mercy rework, there’s a lot more people getting into high elos on mechanical skill alone? The coaching vids on youtube are full of hilarious "How did you get THIS far with gamesense THIS bad?!" reactions.

It’s because multirez was THE gamesense skill-check. Once it was removed, people started to get away with a lot of stupid, selfish tactics that normally would have been punished by a savvy Mercy.

Mercy 1.0’s problems could have been fixed with some slight tweaking. Some counterplay measures to multirez, add in the bunnyhop/superjump, and an E ability that Mercy could fall back on instead of having to resort straight to her ult when the situation starts to go pear-shaped.

Mercy 2.0 has problems that no amount of buffs or nerfs will fix. We tried to warn them about that when they rushed it to live, but here we are coming on 2 years later with the bittersweet satisfaction of being right all along.


I know of no changes other than removal of mass rez that would have fixed the primary issue with pre-rework Mercy

I know of no significant issues with the current state of Mercy

Yes 100% agree, once one has said everything they can say on a topic, to the point that one has nothing new or constructive to add, why keep beating a dead horse?

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Basically yeah lol. I’m yet to see the quoted individual make a substantive argument on anything where they’re pressed to move beyond their repetitive and contrarian claims. I think you and Brawl have both pretty unambiguously shown evidence that Jeff K didn’t believe Mass Rez was causing a serious problem.

The opposition view has not provided any evidence to the contrary except that the “devs acted swiftly,” which is an arbitrary judgment of “swiftly” and also unsubstantiated–the devs could easily have been working on changes for Mercy for a period prior to that point and simply not have mentioned it, which would not be unreasonable given that many Mercy players had been requesting changes to her, such as the addition of an E ability (I would also point out that given the frequent complaint that Valkyrie feels like a glorified standard ability bound to Rez, it’s possible that the devs were actually designing it as the much-requested E ability, and only changed it at the last minute when people freaked about Hide n Rez following the spike in its usage after the SR exploit became known). That all said… I also wouldn’t expect a substantive argument, and I would personally advise against feeding an obvious troll, like Lumanaska said, unless they’re willing to cease trolling and actually have a conversation.


I think you broke Megadodo, you brought up FACTS lol


Who would win?

A squack box that only appears on the forums to harass Mercy posters, parrots people’s posts at them in “opposite day” speak, and has mastered the art of talking a lot without actually saying anything…




Extremely arbitrary, as Mass Rez was in the game for at least a year (not including beta), before Valk happened. To say the devs acted “swiftly” or with “unusual speed” is patently ridiculous.


We still have yet to address the fact that this continuously active thread that remains the biggest ever on the site, has yet to receive one dev response.


This thread is a modest reference, compared to the “Mercy Feedback Thread” series. Including the old forums, there were ten megathreads with around 15-20k replies each.

Even when Mercy threads begging for a revert or another rework flooded the front page for well over a year, the devs have never responded to any of the Mercy playerbase’s concerns. The closest they’ve ever gotten were strawman answers citing pick/win rates and balance/viablility.

I’d honestly be surprised if the devs ever gave us a straight answer about the issues that players have with Mercy’s Valk rework… though it may get a passing mention if Mercy were ever to be reworked again.