Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Actually, they haven’t acknowledged much of the feedback beyond saying that our reaction is that we think they ruined her and that they intended to make her more fun and engaging and refuse to acknowledge that they missed the mark with all the examples people have given showing how that just doesn’t make sense.


They have acknowledged feedback many times

They dont necessarily agree with a faction that cant agree among themselves what is wanted

The Mercy complainers dont seem to acknowledge statements unless they are what they wish to hear

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My complaint is that her new ult feels janky like a spectator-cam and less impactful than her E ability (which was her old ult). Her main team benefits, healing and rez, now both feel lackluster compared to old Mercy. And while people still play her for her original abilities, I think few people will say they play her for Valkyrie.

The complaint is that they first buffed her rez in an ill-advised manner, making her invulnerable, thus eliminating counter-play, and then throwing the Mercy out with the bath-water in a shoddy rework, rather than trying other, less drastic approaches (and there were MANY alternative suggestions at the time).

What’s the counter-statements?


I feel the rework was excellent, given that it eliminated mass rez from the game

I feel that those who refer to Valkyrie using derisive/derogatory terms like spectator simply havent learned how to best make use of it

Okay, in what way is it different in the controls and behavior from a spectator cam? It certainly doesn’t feel like flying or soaring. OTOH you have Pharah, where they actually put some effort in the control scheme.


I stand by what I stated

If you dont feel like flying is flying, I have nothing to tell you that will convince you otherwise.

It sounds (to me) like you might be best served as a player by playing other characters

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To be fair, even with invulnerability, there was one big catch to it. To use old rez to it’s maximum potential(which was considered “fight reset” and made certain streamers go insane), Mercy has to survive past her 3-4-5 teammates dying, which, considering her being high priority target back there(for a good reason) could easily backfire.

In a way, it was similar to recent Reaper situation - wrecks low ranks, yet mostly harmless above them. Counterplay did exist, but was in form of changed tactics, rather than hero switching.

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I agree but I don’t think one ult should be the game check. That sounds like an issue larger than mercy

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It simply was how game was designed. Any other defensive ult could be nullified by switching to different hero, since damage ults usually charge up much faster. Or by stacking up damage, overwhelming defensive ult.

I mean yeah. But that’s what I mean.

Symm and mercy were kind of the best Game sense checks. And then both were changed. And now the only one left is sombra and zarya who people also hate.

But again, that isn’t really Mercy’s issue. That’s a game issue.

Can be player issue as well. No one wants to admit, that someone less mechanically skilled bested them, by outsmarting them. In common mindset, “fight decided by skill” means that whoever got best mechanical skill is supposed to be the winner, even if one made poor decisions and got in that fight unintentionally. So, whenever they can’t win, due to other side using some clever strategies, it’s unfair and should be removed.

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I mean yes. But the game encourages it.

It’s part of why the Sr exploit was even a thing. Mercy didn’t need game sense to win, it was just number manipulation.

Number manipulation for dps, is kills and dps done. Not really playing well or winning.

But that’s far beyond mercy or mass Rez or Rez at all

So, in your opinion, it happened, because Mercy was playing by same rules DPS played, while being “low skilled” and not even being a DPS?

Only with regards to the Sr exploit. Partially at least.

The SR exploit definatly caused a behavior which can only be described as system abusive and plain unskilled strategy use.

And it wasn’t even about winning N7Warrior. It was just about getting the most SR from a win and the least from a lose. The reason why you could really see it if a Mercy player did that with the winrate.

But anyway… I get what you mean, why they changed it. Ow players like Pew Pew and not think think so it had to go.
Yet this is really not a game issue. Overwatch was so successful because it was not just “be good at aiming or lose” and i think the decline of the playerbase is basically the aftermath of throwing that idea out.
If they would have sticked with the idea of smart gameplay wins over pure mechanical skill, the game would do much better as i see it.


But it makes game harder to learn, limiting accessibility. Take TF2 for example: rocket jumping is so complex, that there are lots of guides and maps dedicated to mastering it. And it’s only one of mechanics.

If Overwatch had such level of complexity, it could scare away many new players, which would see game as too difficult for them.

Is that such a bad thing?
Sure that’s just my opinion, but adding more smart complexity to the overall gameplay makes it feel fresh every time you play it.
And as we know from Mercy 1.x, complexity doesn’t need to be hard to pick up.
Or Reinhardt, which is just as easy to pick up, but also has, again just as much, complex comps he can be used in.
The most beloved heroes in the game are not that hard to pick up.
And I think it makes the game not harder to learn, since the big newcomer killer, mechanical skill, is not that prominent.


I would attribute that to difference between console and PC gamers. While on PC gamers are willing to dedicate effort and time to master things, on consoles it’s less common. Overwatch was made with console gamers in mind.

TF2 thrives on PC, but quickly died out on consoles.

More console shaming, nice

its the same game

same name

same heroes

same maps

same modes

same strategies




Resurrect, while badly designed, overpowered, and broken as hell at the time, was in the perfect place as Mercy’s ultimate.

It’s a powerful ability - something that needs to be charged up by healing, boosting and shooting. Something that needs to be earned. It’s not something that should just be spoonfed every 30 seconds. One of the key differences between a good Mercy player back in the day and a bad Mercy player was how fast Resurrect could be charged up.

It also made Mercy one hell of a target due to its impact. Sure, a bad Mercy could just “hide and res”. But in higher ranks, that crap didn’t fly (bar the SR exploits in season 5). You’d be forced out of your hiding spot by heroes like Genji and Tracer - It was a high-stakes game of chase and honestly, for me, that’s what made her fun to play. That was almost the entire reason I liked to play her. Mercy actually had a reason to zip around so much with GA - in fact, I’ve got a hunch that she was originally given GA for this specific reason. I think they knew how much value Resurrect (as well as the strongest healing output, at the time) would give her and how little she’d be able to fight back with a very support-focused kit and weak weapon.

Mercy 2.0/Mercy 2.5, while having Valkyrie as an excellent tool for evading enemies as well as a bugged “super jump” ability, doesn’t have as much of a reason to be moving around as Mercy 1.0 did. She’s targeted about as much as any other main healer is, except for the very moment that she uses Resurrect - when she can do absolutely nothing about it.

I know this has gotten pretty long-winded, but I wanna get to my main point - That everything people complained about with regards to Resurrect could’ve been changed without this whole fiasco.

I’m sure people are tired of these countless suggestions that have been thrown out there, but I feel like I need to put in my 2 cents for what it’s worth.

Almost all of the problems surrounding Resurrect 1.0 had to do with how it worked, not its place as an ultimate. It could instantly resurrect the entire team with one button press, it had a very large range, gave the enemy virtually no time to react, and could even be done through walls for most of its existence. It took very little effort to pull off, but encouraged a disengaged “hiding” playstyle especially at lower ranks due to the value it placed on Mercy.

Now, as I’ve already discussed, that value was a good thing. Not only did it allow Mercy players to potentially make a huge impact and feel rewarded, but the giant glaring target on her head served as a crucial skill check on a hero who had (and still has) very few.

Anyways, now that that’s out of the way, here’s just one out of many examples of how the whole thing could’ve been fixed.

Resurrect 3.0:
-Yay! It’s an ultimate again!
-Mercy gains five charges of Resurrect that disappear within 15 seconds if they aren’t used (duration can be adjusted for balancing). These charges are spent by pressing E (Or Q, if Valkyrie becomes an E ability)
-Resurrect is single-target, instant-cast, and has a range of 5m. Maybe a 1 to 2 second cooldown so it doesn’t come down to mashing E 5 times after a Graviton wipe.

As far as I can see, this fixes everything.
-No more instant huge res, it’s now one by one, giving the enemy team plenty of time to react
-No more hiding - catching the enemy by surprise will maybe net you one res before they start clicking your head, so it’s better to just be there to pick them up the moment they die.
-Much more versatile - you can try to pick up the whole team or prioritize one target to keep rezzing.
-The target on your head is brought back, keeping the noobcies in check. You can’t just pop Valk and become semi-immortal for 15 seconds anymore.
-You can get a play of the game without being Battle Mercy (which is, and always has been, nothing but an annoying meme, bar Animetic as the sole exception)

As for Valkyrie, if this hypothetical Mercy 3.0 becomes extremely underpowered/a niche hero, the free-flight could become an E ability for about 4 seconds with a 30 second cooldown.

If anyone has criticisms or concerns, please reply to this, but please keep it civil, as I’ll try to. I’m aware that this reply is way too long, but I’ve honestly spent way too long on this to go back and edit it any more than I already have.