Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

yes i am aware of the obvious statement you’ve been regurgitating at me.


Proof would be that along with never seeing any sign of them on the post, whenever they address Mercy they have never actually addressed the community and dumb things down to act like all we say is “don’t ruin mercy”. They have never mentioned ANY of the concerns about Mercy and the arguments that people have brought up against them.


The devs have actually responded many times, but it appears (to me) that the Mercy-complainer side does not acknowledge answers that are not what they wish to hear


They’ve responded with comments about Mercy’s balance, viability, and pick/win rates.

The Mercy Mega threads complain about Mercy’s lowered player agency, lowered skill ceiling, the loss of an engaging gameplay loop, and lack of an empowering “hero moment” since the rework.

The devs have not responded to any of the Mercy playerbase’s concerns or complaints about her rework.


Stop belittling people who leave feedback.


Because those are player issues, not mercy issues.

Considering that Overwatch is a game and that all those problems stem from her poor desing, it is indeed an issue which comes from Mercy.

And the dev’s did not at all address any of those issues since her rework.
They talked about stats… That’s it. Those don’t explain anything and don’t give any reason for her having such a flawed kit.


I quite like Mercys kit and design, and find no flaws with it


*in your opinion.

I disagree completely. In my opinion. Who’s opinion is more valid? Why would you think a hero should be changed based on opinion? In my opinion Genji is boring and i think he should be a healer, should blizzard even entertain my crazy opinion?


I find many flaws with it as I discussed in a well-written and detailed thread.’

Inb4, “I don’t see these as flaws”, yes I know, everyone knows. But you like to say the obvious so I went out of my way to explain why I do see these flaws and all you can say is no.

Its funny because anytime there is a Mercy post to buff her or change her positively, you are always there to say no, but when there is a Mercy post saying to nerf her or make her weaker, you are seldomn there.

Interesting isnt it? The consistency to say she is fine in posts that talk about her being too string doesnt seem to happen to often for you.


As I said, I see no flaws, perceived or otherwise

In regards specfically to “everyone knows” - I personally do not believe everyone has read every thread necessary to achieve this understanding

I see very few threads involving nerfs, with the most predominant ones of late being the “remove sj” threads, which I have been active in


Who made her OP? Did we rework her? Did I get knocked on the head and forget that I was in the balance team and personally ruined mass rez with invulnerability and then decided to just make her OP to spite you specifically? Is her current state my punishment for my poor balance changes? Gosh if only I knew before now


Clearly contradicting ability design, severely lowered skill ceiling and complexity as well as mechanics which don’t really fit into the overall direction of Overwatch.
You could argue about the last point, but the rest of them are no opinions, but more so facts.

Stuff which counts under opinions are things like “frustrating to use/to play with/against”, “boring to play” or “fun to play” and they are just as valid.

In Mercy’s case, most of those things are mentioned by many players to support their opinion about the dissatisfaction of Mercy’s state.

Now I’m not saying that my or your opinion is more valid than the one of someone else, but if you see massive amounts of people with the same opinion, which put a lot of thought into said opinion as well as underline that with facts, you really should take those opinions into account.

You see, this… what you said

Has no reasoning at all, other than that you don’t like the hero in general. And the idea to rework him into a healer is just absurd.

Now compare that to someone which really likes Genji as he is, which also comes up with more then enough reasons and facts, why he should not be changed into a healer.

Which opinion would you take into account? The one with a lot of reasoning or the one which sounds more like someone just lost agaisnt a Genji?
I think the answer is clear…

However team 4 is not working in that way. As long as something is not an issue in OWL or goes on the nerves of some streamers, it won’t be changed, just like Mercy’s super jump.

To end it off here

Funny enough, Blizzard’s other departments still do that. Just like with wow classic, how the major opinion that german players would like their own servers…

They exactly gave them that (or will if it comes out)… German servers (They also will give many other countries in europe servers).
A better overall game experience…
That’s something you can say that team 4 is putting a lot of effort in to.


the thing is - a massive numbers of folks have expressed the opposite opinion

Does Blizzard then only listen to the complainers, and not those supportive of what Mercy is now?

They changed Mercy countless times based on complaints of other people and ignored our side but sure. They are the alpha and the omega, only the anti mercy opinions on her matter, our opinions and our complaints do not.


it didn’t matter back when the massive majority of people were fine with mass rez mercy.

so no i don’t think they should listen to you now.


I know of no valid data to support the claim of “the massive majority of people were fine with mass rez mercy”

But it is interesting to hear that one side should be ignored and the other listened to

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You just make it sound like we made her op. Contrary to popular belief we were not responsible for the awful balance changes that lead to her broken state so I don’t understand why you’re lording over us that she was op when the devs made her this way in spite of our objections.

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I did ?

Mass rezz was always OP. The very idea to negate any combination of ultimates with the click of a button is obviously not something you can built upon in a game like this in the long run.