Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I’m in lower rank and most of the time I saw my teammates movement as much as my enemy’s movement. When I saw my team is about to push I Valk immediately and the Valk is usually a good one.

Or when an enemy gets a pick and I don’t have rez and the enemy is about to push. Valkyrie can counter picks a lot. Often times I went into a battle with three of my teammates against 6 of enemy and win those fights.

Valk is kind of like EMP when used at a lower rank. Both ultimates needs coordination to be successfully pulled off and the lower rank didn’t really have it so you just got to force coordination.

And often time Valkyrie in lower ranks will rarely be boring and still needs prioritization. Because your ally will never stays within 10 meters of each other for some reason.

Very accurate. They wander off halfway through what I guess can be called a team push.

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Me too, I love Resurrect. But my problem with resurrect is the requirement for it. Because when I’m on a roll with Mercy, I rarely or sometimes never even uses Resurrect at all.

That moment makes me proud but lately I saw a video that says rez is powerful but the requirement for it makes it very niche. I understood what he says about it and sometimes not resurrecting someone also works because that someone dies in an unfavourable position.

I like this, but I think that it should be added in Valkyrie. Like, when Mercy is healing she heals 60 hps while giving a 30% damage reduction buffs to every of her allies.

Combined with big mains small chains, her big mains is 80 hps and 35% damage reduction while the small ones is 40 hps with 25% damage reduction. I feel like damage boost should also given some love and I thought she should also speed boost an ally while she is damage boosting in Valkyrie. Or simply still putting the damage reduction since it can mitigated the damage an ally receive due to Mercy not healing them.

Rather than this I would much prefer a CC cleansing ability. The game needs it, and I think Mercy is good enough to receive it. She can just simply cast it in a 10 meters radius and cleanse an ally from any kind of CC but not the hard ones.

While in Valk, when she uses this ability she can cleanse them and make them immune to CC within 5 seconds. The cooldown of this ability shall be 15 seconds. It seems pretty balanced for me.

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There are tons of good ideas to give her in replacement of resurrect for sure.

I personally just am not a fan of Valkyrie being a part of them, but I have stated my reasons plenty of times on that recently.

It’s not that easy. It’s basically her only burst and mainly the reason why she is not laughably UP.
Just think of it. Replace, just res, with any healing ability. Not that Mercy would have no high value utility at all anymore (only GA movement), all the other healers do already a way better job at keeping teammates alive. She would not fit at all in the comps she used to support well. You could think about placing her in a 3 tank comp because more healing, but again, you would have better options for that slot.

Then we have utility… You could give her the pacify idea from this thread, but what would it bring? You mostly have to fight the same issues again. All comps she used to work in don’t work anymore, you have better utility on other healers, Her healing would start to feel very lacking and she would feel very empty since the only very noticeable ability of her kit would just be gone.
The only positive side for Val would be that you actually could empower Pacify with it. But then you would still be stuck with the main issue that she is just boring and offers no change in her pacing as well as the overall very pure design of Val on Mercy.

Removing res and replacing it would be like the end of Mercy’s design polish and i think that’s not something to strive for.


Her healing already feels very lacking, because resurrect is best, when you don’t use it. Thanks to slowdown and whole “wait a second, let me resurrect this kill you just made” kind of restriction.

Consistent, low impact abilities just don’t cut it in fast-paced game. When time is of the essence, you have to unleash all your power at once, or within very short timeframe.


Right this moment, I had a game where it took my team nearly half my ult in a three on one to secure a kill on a Zarya.
I was damage boosting them. Between the three of my team mates, it took them far too long to secure a single kill.

We won the fight. I know I assisted my team in pushing forward initially but toward the end of my ult and visibly being able to see how useless my ult can be in a situation like that is just heart breaking.

I’d have had nearly the same impact without Valkyrie in that moment.


No, this is not throwing

It is every team nembers job to try to win the game. Killing that widow or pharah who has been decimating your team is often a better choice of action than healing

If one demands a certain composition of ones team, then yes, it is 100 percent reasonable for one to spend time doing so

That isnt what Valkyrie is designed for.

Using Valkyrie with those expectations is a player issue, not a Valkyrie issue

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Do you just, look for Mercy threads to dump your 100 dollars worth of 2 cents into?


The question appears (to me) to imply that what is described within said question is something I do, but given that I do not understand the meaning of the implied action, I cannot provide an answer to the question asked

And can you write a post like a normal human being?


who are you addressing with this post?

You, because you surely are overusing all these fancy words.


In my opinion, I am replying as a normal human; and am not using any fancy words nor overusing any words whether fancy or not

This sounds normal? I mean you do you, but in my opinion it doesn’t sound normal.


I have already answered the question being asked in the statements quoted with said question

He likes to pretend that his opinion about his own arguments means anything.


Even though half his statements are overly circular and just avoid questions entirely…