Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Yep its a team game

If one doesnt like playing a team game, there are plenty of solo player games out there to choose from

Slight correction:

There have been a total of 17 Nerfs to Mercy since the Rework. True not all to just Valkyrie, some to Mercy’s main kit…

Depending on who you talk to, more like 9 to 11 Megathreads, with over 100,000 individual posts and feedback.

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You are missing the point.

A character should not be totally reliant on there team because you can never 100% rely on your team, especially the further down the ranks you go because there become too many variables that hinder the ability to have good team work to make team reliant heroes work. It is why Mercy’s ult and E rez work less the lower down you go.

You need QUALITY team mates for it, but the lower down you go the quantity is more important.

EG. A soldier at high ranks using his ult and getting one kill is pretty good. At low ranks, the more kills you get with the ult is more important because otherwise you won’t get very far because everyones basic aim sucks so it is too slow.


Like the one with Immortality field? I swear I read a thread that suggest changing Mercy’s ultimate into an aura that prevents team from dying.


i mean, they are equal though. it’s a 9 dmg to a 10 hps with no crit potential. Additionally, healing will inherently always be second to dps. that’s how it works. you can’t heal what isn’t injured. and it specifies injured compared to dead.
Damage inherently takes priority in this game, thus why even with 80+ healing with moira and ana in base game, their kits don’t warrant nerfing in their healing.

I agree that healing isn’t the same as dmg. but to say that dmg must exceed healing is inherently untrue. 300 hps for Zen ult doesn’t save a hero with 250 hp from a widow headshot. Or pulsebomb. Dmg inherently precludes healing opportunity.


This I can agree with. Resurrect has always been a contradictory ability since forever. Changing or removing it for something else would be nice, but we all know that blizzard won’t remove rez from the game.

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Which is similar to Valkyrie, but Valkyrie didn’t need another ultimate just simply them using their primary fire or ability is enough to win a fight.

So EMP is as the same level as Valkyrie then, makes sense.

Which works in the lower rank. I don’t know about gold or platinum, but Reaper and Junkrat is meta over there so hitting shots won’t be as hard as it is due to players in the lower rank mostly use hero that is not aim intensive.

Valkyrie give Mercy an infinite ammo. She can still influence her personal success with this. Does it not count because it’s too selfish?

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Oddly, the above post fails to mention the buffs

So again…plenty of other solo player games to choose from if you dont like teambased

And we’re looping, we’re looping, right this way please.


Come on, I was talking about ALL the Nerfs, like they were. True, there were 3 (as you call them) buffs.

  1. Bunny Hop
  2. Healing in Valkyrie from 50 back up to 60 HPS (yeah, it was a REVERT [though you never call it that], not so much a BUff since she had 60 HPS about a month earlier)
  3. Gaining Ult faster since the Nerf from 60 to 50 HPS to her main healing, causing Ult charge to take a LOT longer.

Am I missing any, an if so which one(s)?

TAKING BETS. If I missed 1 buff he will say I did but not say what they are.


I mean, you say that, but I have seem some pretty crappy people playing those heroes. I myself am literal trash with Junkrat. I can’t hit the broad side of a barn with Junk.

But then you are throwing if you go on a shooing spree, because then you are not performing your role.

Maybe you kill one widow, but you weren’t really doing your job when committing to that kill.

I’ll go kill a Widow and come back because self-preservation, but I can kill that Widow without infinite ammo and free flight which means I am being given a crutch to make my life easier. I don’t like that, Mercy needs as many challenges outside of mechanical aim and making an ult that challenges her mind is so so important. Valkyrie does not, because it is the same stuff you can do without it except it makes it easier.

That is bad.


This largely depends on how quickly you manage it. A little bit of attack helicopter Mercy thankfully doesn’t remove you from your healer role for long enough to make a difference if it’s timed well.

That doesn’t solve the issue, does it?

What am I supposed to do? Organise a team every time I want to play this team based game?

That just isn’t reasonable.

It’s like queuing for CSGO and League or whatever else, you are on a team but everyone needs to have some individual influence on the game.
I can communicate, but I as the player need to be able to act on a situation in some way to make up for someone on my team failing to do so in their own way.

If the tanks shield fails, then I must work harder as a support to find a way to keep the situation within my control, sometimes that is a defensive ult, sometimes that is an Ana nade or the immortality field, but that comes down to INDIVIDUAL PLAYER CHOICES.

These choices change and become more cohesive with the other players you are with the more you and players around you improve from climbing.

A character needs to be relevant and capable of some individual action to make them balanced for all levels of play.

It isn’t about trying to play a solo game or a team game, it is about being able to have PERSONAL and SELF CONTROLLED influence on the situation. You cannot always rely on your team, but you can rely on you.

Like if you are driving, you control your own car and follow the rules and whilst you expect everyone to control their own vehicle and follow the road rules, you can’t trust everyone and therefore sometimes you must control your own actions on the road to handle someone else’s bad behaviour or carelessness to avoid incident.


This is true, but not everyone at low ranks will always see and respect that.

You may get a quick kill and return to your job but a lot can go wrong in that time too because lower ranks are more likely to take damage they never needed to take.

EG. I left my team behind a shield to get a quick kill on a Widow, I turn around to return and my Soldier’s dead way outside of the range of the shield for god knows what reason and now the enemy is encroaching on my team because of that pick when he should have stayed behind the shield. I am likely not going to have the healing to deal with the oncoming situation and I am hearing very little hit registration which means damage boost won’t make much difference.

What do you do?


That’s a pretty messy situation you’ve had to deal with, and it sounds frustrating as all get out. In terms of my own personal experiences with attack-helicopter-Mercy, it’s typically been as I said, a brief jaunt to drive off or kill a sniper that works most of the time, and leaves me with enough time to GA-dive back to the team to keep healing.

However, as you’ve said, that’s not always appreciated/noticed at lower ranks. On top of that, not many teams have the coordination at those ranks to understand when to push in alongside a Valking Mercy which leads to the Valk Spectator Cam moment.


In lower ranks, even single ult can be enough to wipe out your whole team. Unfortunately, Valkyrie is poorly suited for preventing such situation. Or even simple “we ran in and found Bastion behind shield” situation.

Yeap, at those ranks your best bet is to try and predict when your team is gonna push in an mash Valk as they run in. Try to get that fight-starter value that it can manage when there’s better coordination.

They will push in eventually, but no one said they will do it together. Resurrect, at least, made sure they eventually will be together.

Like, I love the ability and it is super fun.
But what I loved about it was the variety of situations I could choose to impact on and what I had to look ahead for.

But Mass Rez just doesn’t satisfy the high ranks because they don’t have enough on her kit to work with if they have it.
And E Rez just doesn’t work for lower ranks because players can’t be as good as they need to be to get value.

I love advocating for an AOE damage reduction ult that she can put on enemies, even if she only hits one ulting enemy, that damage reduction could save a team but not to the level of like Ana dart for example, but along the same lines and it will also increase her chances of successfully healing a team.

Also, I really like the concept of a single target immortality field style thing.

  • Lower cooldown for the sacrificing of multi target.
  • Last less time because there isn’t a machine to destroy.
  • Still has that low damage threshold.

Even just a mass like quick take no damage moment, which means you could survive D.va bombs, or something.

I also want to see the bunny hop feature changed, it becomes a space bar thing like Hanzo but it has dual function.
If she uses it not on the end of a GA, she can have a vertical jump. Otherwise it works like now but they share the same cooldown.