Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Reading it myself, I must agree with you… I don’t see a lot of these responses as a normal / typical one either. Most of the replies in question to you (and some others) seem to, as puffy mentioned, be mostly circular / avoidant for some reason…

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


If team takes that long to kill single Zarya, if she had full energy charge, she would have melted your teammates with ease. And, unfortunately, Mercy’s ability to sustain teammates long enough to get their kills falls flat, when compared to other healers, that either mix multiple abilities at the same time, or simply pump out much more healing.

Had such 3v1 encounter myself, against ulting enemy Reaper. He died swiftly with damage boost. But it’s unlikely he would be victorious anyway: teammates got CC and everything to put immediate stop to his ult, as well as enough damage to put him down, even without my assistance.

It may not be throwing, but at low ranks people don’t care and if you take that tome to go get that kill or those kills and you get back to heal, they don’t care because if even one of them died because of their own bad decisions and carelessness, they blame you because you weren’t helping them in their stupid action. And then once you are back, maybe you killed off a threat or two but at low ranks, even one ult can wipe your team even if the enemy numbers are low. Mercy going shooting to them, looks bad constantly.

It may not be throwing but you guys all lost the fight together and Mercy shooting looks like a big failure to them.

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I play fill. I will try my best to fit any team around me to the best of my ability.
I can’t expect people to do the same.

There are very few people who use LFG, so I would find games faster solo Q-ing and I have had worse games joining LFG than I have just Q-ing simply because there is more player variety to work with in match making. And the more you queue with, the harder it is to find a game.
As I said, it is not reasonable to pre-make a group every time I want to play.

At the end of the day, it is a bunch of random strangers being forced into a group and being told to work together with whatever they have and that means characters need to have someway to control something of their own agency.

EG, lucio and zen ults save a team, but they had the lone influence on the usage of the ult and therefore decide on the timing to independently influence the fight.

an ana nade or sleepdart can drastically change the outcome of a fight and it only relied on the choices and actions of the ana to do so, but many times this helps her team as well.

Moira can finish of targets and still be healing, she makes the calls to rotate the abilities in her kit for maximum potential, but it all relies on her. Even her ult is decided on her own terms.

Unless Mercy is shooting, her ult is very rarely decided upon her own terms, unless she is in high ranks, where damage boost actually means so much more.
And you can say “damage boost means something in low ranks” but if it takes 6 seconds for 3 damage boosted players to kill a not even full health zarya and you can barely hear damage ticks happening in that time when there are 3 players there, that just proves how lacking damage boost is for low ranks.

thank you for your retraction

I dont play at a high rank, and want to win - I care - in every match.

My teammates generally do as well

I think the statement quoted above paints with far too broad a brush

No one complained when I killed 4 red team members while in Valk the other day

Not one complaint

Every player is used to dying, usually multiple times, in each match…regardless of how good the healers (if any) are

dead red opponents is generally a good thing, no matter how it “looks”

and Mercy isnt designed to stop ults, anyway

There was no throwing and we won the fight…and I havent heard any complaints when I use the pistol successfully

That is the thing, she had practically no energy, so they were in no danger of dying, she had just come out of spawn and ran at my team and only the three in the backline went to deal with her so I turned my attention from the two at the front to help the three who were actually focusing down a target. I put my damage boost on them because eliminating Zarya to me seemed important to stop a grav happening before we could push the payload in for victory and perhaps forcing a speed swap onto them. I had already committed to this damage boost and the other two were in no danger of death and part of me wanted to just whip out my pistol and kill the Zarya myself. 3 people alone should have melted her, damage boost should have torn her apart and caused my team to push forward with a few seconds left, but no. I could have just killed her on my ult time in the same time 3 of them did it with a damage boost.

I never said shooting on Mercy is throwing, I said people pften treat it like it is.

I can kill people too, I have killed tons and still been yelled at because “do you f-ing job mercy” by people who are at full health, by a team who aren’t even in danger of dying.

I know she doesn’t stop ults, my statement comes from a place where even if I got back to the fight with Valk and finished up my job on it and we had a numbers advantage, it only takes one ult from them to change that very quickly because a numbers advantage can mean very little at low ranks.

I dont know what to tell you…my comrades have been appreciative of my contributions as Mercy regardless of how they occur, and in the match where I killed 4 with one Valkyrie usage I received 7 votes on my end-of-game card, and I assure you that I didnt vote for myself

I don’t even need Valkyrie to get kills, I had a Sombra and Mcree harassing backlines and I constantly pushed them away and juggled perfectly in between those moments and held off tons of pushes because of that. My team recognised nothing, it was the enemy that did. It was the enemy in match chat telling me twitch reactions and saying I was insane that triggered any sort of reaction. They were sick of my pistol and sick of me working my hardest to not let my team mates die.

I have done this since the original Mercy and continue to do so now except it is much harder and more shooting is required than ever because her healing is atrociously low.


I dont see her healing as low, and I dont see her pistol use as absolutely necessary (choice being different than need) unless she is flanked with no immediate GA route out

If shooting is most effective thing you can do, picking DPS seems logical conclusion.


I am not sure a player who refuses to use Mercys pistol would understand…

This is called Hindsight Bias.

No one complains about things that work out well because it worked out well.

Not to mention that there is no way to prove that the times no one complained about you Battle-Mercying outnumbers times when you tried to Battle Mercy and failed.


the post I replied to indicated that merely pulling out the pistol as Mercy subjected the Mercy player to complaints

I received no complaints before the 4 kills, and none after as well

I repeat: there is no way to prove that the times no one complained about you Battle Mercying outnumbers the times when you tried to Battle Mercy and failed.

On top of that, I can counter your personal anecdote with one of m own: I was in a game where a team complained about me using my pistol to shoot at a D.Va running away after we already won the fight, no one needed healing, and I was just trying to get Ult charge.


again - the post I replied to indicated (gist, not a quote) that Mercy pulling out her pistol resulted in complaints from other players, every time

It does not occur at all for me

At no point did they say that it happened every single time. Their statement implied that it was a general trend.

As I said, that is impossible to prove.

Even if it were proveable, I can easily counter with the fact that it’s happened to me.


As I read the statement that I replied to, it indicated (gist, not a quote) that it happened every single time

It did happen, and quite frankly, I am not always nearly so productive when I pull out the pistol, and yet, still get no complaints from my teammates

The statement quoted above does not counter my statement

The statement that I replied to indicated (gist, not a quote) that the complaints occur every time any Mercy pulls out their pistol

My statement:

I pull out my pistol

I get no complaints

Saying you read a statement some way doesn’t mean that way is accurate.

You saying it happened doesn’t make it **proveable.

The point is that you saying something happened without proof is easily countered by someone else stating that they had the opposite experience.

Not even in gist did the argument say at all that this happened EVERY time.

You’re arguing a strawman that doesn’t exist.

So you say. Still not proveable.


Sounds almost like argument about Moira, when one uses her damage beam.

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