Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Which is surprising. If teammate with 50 hps on them is about to go down, why 60 hps would suddenly be powerful enough to save them?

60 dps is Winston’s tesla gun, after all, one of weakest guns in Overwatch.


Well, to be fair, I do believe that small amounts of anything (healing, damage, shielding, etc.) can make somewhat of a difference…

But the fact that top level players don’t consider Valkyrie a “defensive Ultimate” with the same capacity as Transcendence or Sound Barrier, and feel that Discord Orb is “irreplaceable” but Valk-Boost isn’t, speaks more volumes than number-crunching or theorizing we could do.


Yes, they can make difference, but like mentioned in my post, in situations, that are draw otherwise: both teams can’t make progress, and even small push from one side can change it.

As for why Discord is “irreplaceable”, guess it’s very obvious: you don’t need ult for it, you don’t stop healing your team, and Zenyatta himself benefits from it, as he got decent damage, as well as any teammate(s) shooting same enemy, making getting that one pick much easier. Teammates don’t have to ask Zenyatta to buff them or anything: they just have to shoot enemy, and Zenyatta will use discord on that enemy, or vice versa.

Valkyrie is like smaller version of swiss knife, that I have: it has tiny blade, tiny scissors, etc. but none of that can compete or replace normal knife or normal scissors. Can it be used for same things normal knife or normal scissors used? Yes. Is it good? No, you would do better work with normal knife or normal scissors.


The thing is, I love valk. It has its uses and it does work in certain situations. I’d just prefer it to be an e but even if no big change like this happens a return of 60 base is all I want. I can live with the rest but non valk healing is so bogus and weak if your team is using tanks. I have no problem outliving my team as mercy but that begs the question, why do they die if their healer dodged all the flankers and is alive?


No objections against it being on E, either.

As for why they die - because flankers aren’t stupid to chase someone they can’t reach. If Genji tries to solo ult me, I can fly away…but it will usually mean death of someone else, since they won’t let their dragon blade go to waste and it’s powerful enough to cut through 50-60 hps. :woman_shrugging:t2:

there are many more folks in the audience for this thread than the two of us

Big Main Small Chains still undermines the basic core design.

You don’t need free-flight and infinite ammo to shoot a Widow, especially if you have good ammo management and are good with the GA boost.

The free-flight and infinite ammo make her more inclined to go on a shooting spree/killing spree because it is the only form of independent influence she gets.

It isn’t overly exaggerated, it is true. Her core design is supposed to be selfless but survival through team work, but Valkyrie promotes selfishness and solo-play.

If you only shoot with Valkyrie then you don’t actually know how to use Mercy’s pistol because you need a crutch of infinite ammo and free-flight to support your actions.

Yes, it does these things but makes it mind numbingly easy. Mercy had to use her kit before to find ways to get this information and use more thinking to come to her conclusions. Valkyrie giving you the ability to just stay far away and get an above position on the fight too easily means the information is basically handed to you on a golden platter far easier than if you were trying to GA and find time whilst need to be more unpredictable in the sky.

Valkyrie does exactly what her base kit does, but easier therefore the rewards feel trivial and near nothing at the best of times.

Valkyrie provides no WOW moment in which every hero NEEDS to have otherwise they become stale and boring.
Valkyrie is the same things she is literally already doing but easier, which makes a player feel that they are never challenged or being given room to grow.

Let me use Soldier as an example, his ult plays for him and that is the same thing Valkyrie does but there are some things that make them different.

Soldier’s only takes the requirement of precise aim away from him, in favor of teaching the player to have good game sense and awareness to make the most of the ult at lower levels in particular. It teaches them to know if there are buildables and destroy them before ult, same with shields. It teaches the basics for every hero in the game through punishment of an easy but powerful ability. He loses one thing, to make the other challenges slightly more difficult.

Mercy has some of the lowest mechanical requirements for her primary role, therefore this task should not be made easier. Valkyrie breaks this rule and does so.
Mercy should have the feeling of challenges through positioning, awareness, game sense and should feel like they have time to examine a fight in advance and prepare a response even if that means preparing a team mate to respond but also deciding whether or not your back up plan was required and how you might approach surviving through that situation and to get there in the first place. Previously GA would have to be used for this task, now you can burn her ult in the early stages of a fight to gather the intel and not pay much attention to your healing targets because of chain beams, maybe take out a target to delay and or split their team but what are you really doing beyond having an easier time doing everything you were already doing. There is nothing WOW about an ult that does what you can already do without providing you with a greater player challenge in return for you to conquer for success.

Moira also has an extremely Versatile ultimate. Why is hers allowed to be that much stronger and yet also in her control?

She gets to control the kills, unlike damage boost where team mates can be unreliable the further down ranks you go.
She gets to do more damage per second than Mercy can heal on her ult.
She gets to heal at double Mercy’s healing rate.

Two versatile ults should have pretty similar values when in play. How is 60HPS even remotely considered good and versatile healing when Moira gets 140HPS on her versatile ult.

Moira’s personal damage during an ult is probably much higher than Mercy’s impact during her ultimate while damage boosting.

Mercy was given all these things to make her “better” at what she does, but instead it made her EASIER at doing what she was already doing, instead of rewarding a player by giving them more powerful control of what she already had.

Mercy is designed versatile at her core. She is supposed to reasonable enough to use in every situation if you don’t have someone who can play the correct hero for the situation. Instead, she feels like she doesn’t belong in every situation because they made her core weaker in an attempt to make her ult look stronger without actually giving her anything.

You can’t make a versatile hero and give them something like Valkyrie that was meant to make her better at being versatile, that is OP. Mass Rez was used either in Mass or Tempo it was versatile but niche and because it had that obscure niche it was the one part of her that wasn’t able to be versatile which is why it was something that only she could control because it became a game for a Mercy player to decide how to make niche look so powerful when they spend all game being a versatile and somewhat invisible impact.

That’s broken because Mercy has really high mobility.

If you need Valkyrie to survive a fight, then you don’t know how to play Mercy well because Valkyrie is designed to make playing Mercy easy and therefore it is a crutch.

Except I can do the same things without Valkyrie. At the end of the day that impact of whether someone lives or dies has nothing to do with Valkyrie, it has to do with my competence at making sure I heal someone and can make sure I can urge them to take cover. There is nothing Valkyrie has done in a fight that I haven’t been able to do without it, except maybe sometimes turn a team that actually focuses a target, into one that gets rewarded by a slightly faster kill.

There is nothing Valkyrie does that you cannot do as a player with her core kit, unless you are not a good player of Mercy yet.

My issue is not that I want Mass Rez back, but I want that feeling of control back that I have to plan for.
My issue with Valkyrie is that I don’t need a f***ing baby sitter.

It is why I believe an AOE that lowers enemies damage could be soft but extremely valuable and genuinely versatile tool for Mercy without removing challenges from her.


I believe that giving her blinding light, that is active together with wings, can achieve just that. If you dare fly close to enemies, you can blind whole enemy team, making it very hard for them to land accurate shots and reducing damage taken by your teammates. More healing/damage boosting is done and less damage taken, brighter wings will glow.

Unlike other CC abilities, blindness doesn’t slow you down, or in other ways take control of movement from player - it’s no stun. Tactical visor, for example, will work just fine, even if 76 was blinded. Visual effects are similar with flashbang from Counter-Strike games.

It’s passive ability, and it’s activated every time GA/Valkyrie are active.


That’s a hot take.

How is the “basic core design” being undermined? What is the “basic core design” etc? If it’s one of a primary single target healer, how could big main small chain undermine that concept?

I think this establishment of “basic core design” is important. For instance, in my opinion, Mercy is a single target healer of great consistency. I don’t see how Valk or “Big main small chain” is somehow undermining “the basic core design.”

“The basic core design.”

Wtf is Mercy’s basic core design? Why do you cite it in the way you did?

You talk about a WOW moment. Is it “basic core design” that Mercy has a WOW moment that is easily accessible? Is that what you’re talking about?

If you read further up, I gave my opinion on that to the person I am responding to. The basic core design not only refers to what she is, but why she is. Why she needs to have restrictions and limitations and how these restrictions provide balance and much needed challenge to her.

I agree with most of what you wrote… but…

On this particular item I would like to say that this change is undeniably better than what we’ve got now. Don’t oppose a step in the right direction just because it isn’t perfect or you don’t think it goes far enough.

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I do agree on the blinding light. Specifically, I would like to see GA can be activated without an ally. It works like D.Va’s booster and can be controlled like said’s ability. And the blinding takes effect when Mercy is on GA and will affecting enemy that is 10 meters or so range from her.

Edit: that way, it works exactly like the animated storm rising when Mercy flashes the talon agents.

If I don’t vocalise that it still isn’t the optimal change then I am settling for less than what is required. This does not mean I wouldn’t accept it as a stepping stone to what is required, but I can’t not express my unhappiness with it as a final result which is what many people tend to treat this solution as.


Have you tried telling her to

play another hero 4head

just like every one on this forums is telling us


Don’t have to, she already does.
She only plays Mercy because she wants to be like me, because she sees me use her and wants to be as good as me but often she just moves on to other heroes and begs me to play Mercy because “Sissy, we really need a healer”


how does this thread keep coming back


It can never truly die, just like heroes. Mistakes can not be swept under the rag and forgotten that easy.


because there are people who are still unhappy with mercy’s design, particularly her ult in conjunction with the rest of her kit.


any good mage should know - its magic


i sure hope it not “bioware magic”

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