Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Which is my point. Why didn’t you?

I don’t see that question as being relevant to the topic

Neither is profile shaming or asking my opinions on profile shaming.

So your question is just as irrelevant.

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I respectfully disagree

Gee, I didn’t know salty is an insult now. I use that term to me all the time. “I’m very salty that Mercy and Reaper didn’t end up together”. See, it’s not used as an insult. Just describing the state of a person in a much shorter way.

Okay, sorry if anyone were ever insulted when I use the term salty. I didn’t mean it as an insult. Just describing someone else’s feeling in a shorter way.

No one thinks their own questions are irrelevant, so who cares?

Based on what I quoted before, I 100% do not believe you.

But I guess that wraps up this argument.

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I mean, the statistics of the abilities kind of say that it is.

Coalescence lasts 8 seconds, Valkyrie 15.
Coalescence needs 2125 ult charge points to use, Valkyrie needs 1625.

Valkyrie is both longer and up more frequently than Coalescence. The only way that anyone would design the two abilities that way is if Coalescence had significantly more raw power than Valkyrie.

If we look at just the raw numbers, we find that that is absolutely true. Coalescence does 140 HPs per effected teammate and 70 DPS per effected enemy. Valkyrie does 60 HPs per effected teammate OR +30% damage per effected teammate OR Battle Mercy which is difficult to quantify.

Is Valkyrie easier to get value out of than Coalescence due to the shape of the effected area? Sure but that does not make it better. I personally would much much rather have Coalescence at my fingertips than Valkyrie.


I would judge by the continuous back and forth replies that care exists here

In the absence of caring, the expected result would be, as i see it, no replies

I’ve never seen that term as an insult, personally

If I say a given individual is irritated, angry, etc…this isn’t an insult - everyone gets angry sometimes, and it is often a quite reasonable response in certain circumstances

allow me to add here that I dont think an individual describing themselves as a linguist would implictly approve of the use of the word trash as a term to describe an OW character

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And I would judge by the continuous nitpicking and bad faith arguments that the “respectful” disagreement is a lie.

Respect requires making an effort at understanding the position presented to you, and not making an exception when someone you agree with uses shaming but calling it out when someone you agree with does.

And case in point, here’s a PERFECT example:

As I said before, when people call the character Trash, it is 100% in regards to the kit.

And I’ve already stated that you can both like a character AND dislike the kit.


Coalescence is better than valk. I’m a Moira main and it’s an amazing ult when you consider how you can release it sometimes twice in one team fight

If you put it that way then I agree that Coalescence has more raw power than Valkyrie. But I much prefer Valkyrie because it is good in almost every situation. There are some situation where Coalescence is definitely way better than Valkyrie. I highly respect your opinion.

Some clarifications:

I dont see any statement I have made in this thread as nitpicking, nor as reasonably described as such

I dont see any statement I have made in this thread as being (or involving) bad faith arguments

I have been sincere in every statement I have made in this thread.

Nothing I have stated has been a lie.

Does this statement then mean - and I am asking, not putting words in one’s mouth - that one should make an effort to understand and respect profile shaming?

That moment when you go from “salty mains” to “I highly respect your opinion”.

This thread is rather eventful today :upside_down_face:

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I can definitely see that Valkyrie can be of some use in nearly all situations.

Thing is I don’t think ultimates should be designed that way. Since you need to do well to fill up your ultimate meter, and the fact that it is called an ultimate… that rather builds up the expectation that it should be this impressive, powerful, kit defining, frequently Team Fight defining ability. Most ultimates in the game ARE that.

Valkyrie on the other hand isn’t any of that in my opinion. I mean… despite all the nerfs to it, E Resurrect STILL more fits that description than Valkyrie does.


I’m not doing this song and dance with you again. You not being able to “see” something you said being nitpicking, bad faith, or lies doesn’t mean they aren’t.

What does this question have to do with you ignoring Minjoo’s shaming?


I personally find Valkyrie to more powerful than Coalescence, and absolutely more versatile

Coalescence would be a lot better if one could cancel it so that one could escape a dva bomb (for example) launched immediately after one starts coalescence

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For the last time, I never intended to shame someone.

And for the equally last time, I 100% do not believe you when you flat out called them “bad” at playing in the same paragraph.


Okay then, whatever helps you sleep.