Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Ohh, and you still can’t get value even when you have hundreds of hours on her. My bad then. Where’s the prove if you have hundred hours on her? I can’t really see with all the private profile.

Are you saying…and I am not putting words in your mouth, rather, I am asking…that you approve of profile shaming?

Nobody says you can’t get value from her. You just get better value from everyone else


I main Mercy too actually, it’s just that there are pretty decent numbers of salty Mercy mains in the community. The other Mercy mains that I usually hang out with is pretty fine with her. Some are missing the mass-rez, but overall they are a positive bunch.

And I just seen the real-life salty Mercy mains right now.

What does that question have to do with you ignoring Minjoo calling Mercy mains salty?

Not all of them. Sorry for the choice of word.

Personally, I tend to get better value out of Mercy than I do with other characters

That said, I like (and get value from) all of the supports

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No, I’m aware that you strictly meant the ones who don’t agree with you.

I don’t care if you main her or not, really. Doesn’t change the fact that you called Mercy mains who don’t agree with you “salty”.


It has to do with the statement that was quoted along with my question, specifically the first part of it

Explain please.

How does my feelings on profile shaming influence you ignoring Minjoo?

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This thread so, so needs to be locked…

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Sorry if it were meant that way, I was just meant that for Mercy mains that dislike her greatly but still play as her. I respect the opinion of mass-rez Mercy or rework Mercy, I really do. I was a part of them once.

It’s possible to like a character and call their kit “trash”.

Bastion mains are aware he’s trash. Symm and Torb mains are aware they’re trash.

Calling the character trash is not to insult the character themselves, but to call attention to the problems that can hopefully be addressed.

Like, this is common sense to me that shouldn’t need explaining. The only reason to call this being “salty” is just to throw shade.


But they insulted the character that I like to play. I was just defending Mercy’s kit. And I’m not exactly wrong either. They are being salty about Mercy right now. See the definition.




angry or resentful, especially in response to a defeat or disappointment.

So, I’m not exactly wrong calling them salty because that is what they are feeling now. Sorry, I’ll just use “disappointed” Mercy mains from now on.

The question I asked was in regards to the statement that was made, and included in the quote in the post with the question

The statement wasnt made by Minjoo

Okay, as a linguist, I hate when people start trying to dictionary-thump definitions at me. Language and words are not an absolute law, and words can have several semes beyond the dictionary definition.

Not to mention, but I don’t think you’re stupid and am sure you’re well aware that the term “salty” is used as a perjorative insult. You didn’t mean the term ONLY in the sense of “angry or resentful”. You meant it as a put-down, since you also said: " It’s kind of funny to insult the hero you main in the first place. Just because you like Mercy but you’re bad at her…"

So, if you want to strictly go by dictionary definition, then technically you’re just as “salty”, for being disappointed or resentful of how you perceive those Mercy mains to behave. And yes, you can then technically say I’m also salty for being disappointed and resentful of your behavior.


Okay, let it stays that way. You have your opinion and I have mine.

I ask again: what does my feelings have to do with you ignoring Minjoo?

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I’m not the one calling people salty for those opinions


I wasn’t addressing a statement made by Minjoo in the question I asked