Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Moira’s ultimate is a joke, Baptiste ultimate is useless outside bunker or pirate ship. Ana’s ultimate is powerful but can only gives it to one ally and that one ally needs to be good. Brigitte’s ultimate is useless for ally that is not within her range. Only Lucio and Zenyatta has that ultimate that you described (Ana too if the boosted ally is good).

I understand if you said it to Nano, Trans, and Sound Barrier. But Coalescence, Amp Matrix and Rally? You said that they are better than Valkyrie? Two of them is even way more situational than Valkyrie while the other one is exist because it’s basically a cooldown ability. Questionable judgement.

Small advantage? Really? Mercy pocketing all of her ally is a small advantage? Once again, questionable judgement.

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Yes. 60 hps never was big advantage, be it one teammate or 5. It comes down to keeping alive one player - one that is leading the push - and even Coalescence works better for that.

They may be more situational, but they get things done. Even Amp Matrix, which isn’t very good, in my opinion, allows to turn one player into force of destruction, not requiring whole team to use it. Rally helps to recover health under fire, without having to retreat, or simply make team more resilient. And Coalescence, obviously, works better at keeping leading tank healed, while also healing and hurting everyone else in the way.


Everyone can do what you just did now. Whole hog can create space for the team to push forward while breaking barriers and getting picks. Supercharger empowers the whole team and turns them into an unstopable force. Infra red can give your team an invaluable information on where the enemy is positioned. Valkyrie can protect your team from threat or empower them so that your ally will be a force to be reckon with and it can decides who is going to live and who is going to die.

See, I can do it too.

As both Mercy and Moira main, Valkyrie is much better at leading a push than Coalescence. Coalescence is only useful if you’re out of resources and your tank needs immediate treatment. While Valkyrie can damage boost your team, heal them when needed and take out that pesky Widowmaker for your team.

Why would you even use Baptiste if only one ally can benefit them? “force of destruction”… Exagerated much? And you use Rally while under fire? Clearly you don’t know how to use it.

Because only one ally knows what they are doing. So I will give them power to make up for rest of the team not being useful.

Combines nicely with healing from different source, as armor can’t be healed, yet absorbs and reduces incoming damage. Best be used at the beginning of the fight, of course, but can work as plan B too.

Not at all. Where with Coalescence your lead survives, with Valkyrie one will die.

Wish it could. Even if your team got caught in Graviton without any extra ults being spent, they will be destroyed.

Only if you got second healer to heal them at the moment, so they aren’t stuck behind shields and can actually achieve something. That’s why I really appreciate Zenyatta using his ult with mine, so teammates can live long enough to get value from damage boost.

Only one of those at a time, while team needs all of those at the same time.

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Yeah, you need to juggle and prioritize it. Wait, it’s the basic when playing Mercy. Are you sure you main Mercy? If you can’t even juggle between heal or damage boost or when to use pistols then… Wow, you’re really bad at using Mercy. Get good then.

Yeah, good luck winning then. And an ultimate that can only stay on one place at a certain angle and last really short is better than Valkyrie? Okay…

Oh, so you need another healer huh. Wow.

Finally I see the day where someone says Coalescence is better than Valkyrie.

Did you damage boost while they were in grav? If there is any kind of follow up after Grav then good luck with ultimate that is not Zen’s or Lucio’s.

Same as Rally then? Can’t you read the situation if your team needs healing or damage boosting? Get good rather than complaining about it.

You don’t get it - they always need healing, as they always take damage. Can’t use damage boost longer than few seconds, as teammates start dying otherwise. Which is, obviously, not enough to make a difference - using damage boost when teammate is at 50% health or lower is signing their death warrant.

As for pistol - I always manage to escape, and in my games there are no snipers to hunt. Not that I can just leave team without healing anyway.


I just got her all stars skin and thought I’d return to maining Mercy ever since I dumped her for Ana 2+ seasons ago, at least for a little longer. My god it’s worse than I remembered. The second I pull out the pistol my entire team dropped like flies. Yeah, I’m sticking with Ana, quick heals will always trump consistent heals


I main Mercy how can I not get it. Yes they always take damage and that’s why you need to be able to read situation well as Mercy. As Mercy main you should know when to heal and when to damage boost. Actually it is the very basic thing as Mercy are you sure you main her?

In my game snipers are rare too so I opt to damage boost because if you have the time to kill someone it means your team didn’t need attending. Plus have faith to your second healer to heal your team. You’re not the only healer if you have another support.

Already explained it to you - no damage boost, if teammate is below 50% health. And no faith in second healer, either, as it’s mostly DPS Moira. Or Zenyatta, which is good hero, but ability to sustain team isn’t included in his talents.

One player I play with can pull 2v6 sometimes, but it usually means that everyone else won’t even step on point.

Well, true, ain’t nobody got time to wait for you to patch them up. And alive player without damage boost still more useful, than dead player with.

Everyone has their own style. If you prefer Ana’s well then good for you.

Oh no, I vastly prefer mercys gameplay. Too bad her heals require a ceasefire to be of use


Would be hilarious to have it as ability. Like Sombra’s hack, but disabling guns, instead of abilities.

Or focusing one player and sending rest of the team to Valhalla too early.


There is a lot of salty Mercy mains here. It’s kind of funny to insult the hero you main in the first place. Just because you like Mercy but you’re bad at her…

Well, can’t really do or say anything since your life is yours not mine. Though I know I won’t step that low.

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Our experiences differ

I am able to heal as Mercy when bullets are flying, personally; and I personally haven’t been in any games where a ceasefire was called

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You have like 16 hours on mercy.


So? My point still stands and at least I’m brave enough to make my stats public rather than someone. Oh, and a 16 hours on competitive Mercy didn’t complain about Valkyrie being useless. So…

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profile shaming?


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So maybe play a bit more before talking down to people with hundreds of hours on her

doubling down on profile shaming?


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I like the zeroing-in on profile shaming but not the previous person calling Mercy mains “salty”.

Not surprising, really, considering the anti-Mercy posts that were made (then conveniently deleted) in the past.

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