Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

a lot of people are still in denying about cd rez being the troublesome part in mercy’s current kit
queue in the people that recently said the that the recent hps nerf was what she needed. heck even the devs are still in denial that cd rez was a mistake


i said its possible to do,theoraticly,what is wrong about that?

i didnt comment if it was useful to do or not.

besides that i’m still not conviced pacify is an interesting skill.

But its better then just flying what most people asked for i guess.

they havent engaged in any way

and the few responses we have been able to glean from interviews or a few posts on the forum they adress pickrate almost exclusivly

never fun. Never if the kit flows well. They only address her power and pickrate.

So you think the idea is not good? Or what do you mean?

HPS is definitely one of Mercy’s strongest feature… even reverting her HPS will make no difference to the fact that this game still needs a MAIN support.

I’m not sure what is going on but there is like a Mid Gold Panic where EVERYONE is playing anything but Mercy and it is costing games as Gold Ana’s can’t shoot and resort to blaming others… Moira’s can’t alternate Healing very well and Brigitte, Lucio and Zen’s healing are trash.

Mercy is still a consistent healer and she still a must have but I’m sure if it because of the recent changes… hardly anyone is playing Mercy.

She’s an awful chore to play now. Her healing feels slow as hell and that actually makes her feel less fluid because you’re stuck healing someone longer so you’re not zipping around the battlefield anymore.

They made her a complete bore to play is what happened.

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I’m not interested in even more counterplay to self-destruct, is all. Pacify is an interesting concept–I play a lot of Alexstrasza–but not on Mercy. Someone pointed out that allied damage boost and enemy damage reduction shouldn’t be on the same character, and I agree. But if we both agree, then no worries.:stuck_out_tongue: i was mostly memeing

It’s all boiling back to who to heal first… back then… Ana would manage the tanks whilst Mercy handled the DPS and then she would come back and support Ana or the Tanks.

Both were good duo’s but as people went more and more mobile with choices like Winston and D.Va… it became a very hit and miss game resorting to Mercy having to always main heal.

In reality, despite how unfun she is or how much of a chore it is to heal… Mercy is still the strongest consistent healer.

Which is hilarious because neither of those things were why she was initially reworked.

What if damage boost was traded off for Pacify?

I’d still fundamentally disagree with mass rez returning but a single target pacify skillshot (though hitscan for some reason) is arguably more in line than single- and chain-target damage boost.

And there is no other ult or ability that you fundamentally disagree with?

What do you mean by that?

I mean exactly what I asked. You fundamentally disagree with the concept of mass rez. Is there any other ability or ult in the game that you disagree with as well?

Of course. But I don’t see that being relevant to my point :woman_shrugging:

I never said it was. Good grief. I was just asking to get a gauge on things.

i think you misunderstand what i said.

The self destruct wouldnt be pacified

but baby dva’'s gun while she is out of mech could be , if pacify would be a thing.

and Dva is my actual main,i dont want her changed too much ^^

I did misunderstand–I thought you meant pacifying pilot D.Va while the mech self destructed it would lower its explosion damage like how damage boosting pilot D.Va used to increase its damage. Thanks for clearing things up!

I like the rework idea, didn’t really read the rest of it because I don’t think I’ll live long enough to finish it… I’m sure I probably agree with it all anyway, I’ve read most of some other posts, and agreed with them…

But how can Pacify have a travel animation if it’s a hitcsan? Shouldn’t it work more similarly to Brigitte’s armor packs or Zenyatta’s discord orb?

A Mercy thread and rework idea that everyone can agree on that has logical evidence to support its claims for this failed Mercy rework! Bump!