Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

First of all. Think of the travel animation like the trail from Widow’s gun.
More instantaneous, fading slowly away.

No, It’s supposed to be a skill shot. If it would be like Discord or Armor pack it would be too good. How it is now, Pacify can be wasted if you don’t hit.
Adding a skill shot to Mercy’s kit, while keeping said skill shot beginner friendly.

I maybe will make a gif of, how it could look like if animated.


Oh, a trail, not a travel animation… yeah, that makes more sense…

Yeah, I suppose a skill shot would do… I was saying that because the hitscan thing didn’t make much sense to me… I guess something like Mei’s secondary would work for a skill shot with a projectile, but yeah, hitscan is good too…

Indeed, it makes much more sense :stuck_out_tongue:

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Do you need some more info about it? Or elaboration?

I thought about that, but at the end, with a cast time, I was thinking that this one-time-use ability should be hitscan. Because of the one sided effect it has and to keep it relatively easy to use.

Neither of these have changed since before the rework save for Valkyrie, and that thing is disappearing with the proposed rework.


Do we still get to keep bunnyhop? :smiley::smiley::smiley:

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Of course! Once you bunnyhop, you can never go back!


I strongly disagree here. Using damage boost at just the right time for only a split second to secure a kill (on abilities like Chain Hook, Rocket Punch, FireStrike, etc.) is gratifying. It adds more to Mercy’s kit than just healing, even if it statistically isn’t very powerful.


I sign this. Mercy’s dmgB completes her beams. Removing that one would just make her even more dull and unpolished, even Pacify couldn’t save her in that case.


bump, we need more positives! =)

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Lmao you don’t have to be so defensive, no one here is upset about that.
She heals as much as Moira damages, and that’s poetic xD

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Just felt like commenting on it since people sometimes bring it up like it’s inconceivable lmao

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That’s actually a perfect description of the situation wow

I just found it incredibly ironic since I was watching Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1 when the nerf went live and I was like, ”hmm, why does this remind me of her 50hp nerf”.

I certainly hope this is a thread that the devs at least know exists, unlike that huge Doomfist thread a while back on the old forums with lots of feedback and details that a certain someone didn’t know was even there. Which was hilarious when the certain someone said people needed to provide examples and such of Doomfist problems rather than just complaining. (No, I will never let this go unless the devs can prove that they’ve improved much in this area.)


I mean they probably don’t I’m pretty sure the devs never learnt how to read

I felt so bad for the OP. All those details and the devs ignored it for so long.

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The certain someone was so politely called out when a poster responded immediately with a link to that thread.

In all seriousness though, how was that information never passed on to the dev team?

And yes, that is extremely sad. That’s why I won’t let it go.

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Yeah it’s why when the Mercy Mega thread first became a thing I side eyed it hard. Was a garbage bin and nothing so far that the devs have done has proven to me otherwise.

And yeah thanks for keeping it known <3


Well, I’m actually really impressed with how those who are not happy with Mercy’s rework/state have keep this going for a year now. This thread and all of the effort that went into it from Titanium and the other Mercy mains is evidence that we’re still here and still want her better, and that their crap silence hasn’t deterred anyone.