Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

several of those are not damage ults.

earth shatter is more for stun then damage

Self destructy you can pacify baby dva,her mech is an object so that makes sense .
Meteor stroke,works like a mei cryfreeze, no negative effects.

riptire is an object

molten core,you should be able to pacify torb but not his turret yes.

A very worthwhile read! Thank you for taking the time to put into words what so many people feel is wrong with their favourite character.


“So we think we’ll get a ton of feedback from you. And we’re really eager to hear, so” we can just ignore all of it. “So we look forward to what you have to say there” and completely ignore it.

“Rest assured, if things aren’t playing out well on the PTR or if things happen to go live and they’re not playing out perfectly, or to the community’s liking, we will” not go back and look at things, because that’s not how we roll.

“We look forward to your discussion” that we’ll happily ignore, and “we look forward to those of you who actually go to the PTR and check things out” so we can ignore that, too.

“and we also look forward to people’s impressions” as long as they line up with ours.
“Let us know what you think of these changes, guys”, we’re happy to ignore all of your feedback.


I don’t really see it as that harsh, for one it wouldn’t remove all damage and second she would have to land the ability before getting killed herself. And like I said, numbers can always be tweaked. If it’s “too easy” to consistently land then maybe the ability can be changed from hit-scan to a projectile.

There’s a lot of possibilities for balance changes here.


I think you missunderstand the ability. It’s not canceling Ultimate abilities it only reduces the Dmg output for a duration most Ult’s will laugh at. On top of that it can be cleansed by some abilities.
On top of that you have to hit the ability for the effect. If you miss your target it’s wasted.

It’s overall not that strong and if it could be nerfed in reasonable ways to make that kit balanced.

But also has far less impact as sleep dart, which has the potential to completely disable the enemy. The utility of it is good, but not better than other or Ana’s utility.

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1000 comments in 2 days, the Bastion megathreads finally have a contender it seems.

I’d say that this is more like The Crown Jewel Of Mercy Megathreads.

One megathread to rule them all. All ten of them.

no seriously the old forums was on Mercy megathread 6 by the time the new forums came out


to be honest there is about 95,000 comments… not sure if any previous Megathreads can contend… so far there is like 10… not sure what Blizzard is up to but they haven’t been trash dumping our threads

and i never said it wasn’t a rework tho. and im not saying that it’s a pure revert. all i’m saying is that there shouldn’t even be a revert vs rework debacle between mercy players in the first place. because at this point it should be clear to everyone that cd rez isn’t gonna work out

Oh, I’m all for giving her a shooting ability, I’m just unsure if this is the right one.

I do see it making her better in 1v1s, but I guess Valk already kinda does that.

Eh, I don’t feel strong enough about it either way now that I think about it. Blizzard might even cave into another rework at this point.

Wait, how would it not affect Molten Core? Torb’s gun couldn’t do less damage?

I mean, yes Torb’s gun would do less damage, but no less than he would do without ult. His turret is unaffected.

Good. Because otherwise it would feel inconsistent.

Yes, and Pacify is something more on Mercy’s terms instead of damage boosting someone and praying that they manage to kill something.

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This was evident when PTR for 2.0 and 2.1 rolled out… heck even Muselk was meme’ing hard that Mercy was broke and her revives were just chaotic (he got revived 4 times just to die as a Roadhog)

Player entities with HP, like turrets and traps, can’t be Pacified.
That should be as much a rule to Pacify as it is to DmgB.


Why can’t Pacify just be the E slot?

Yep. Played her since beta and bought the game because of her. She was may main until I quit in Jan.

To be honest a Support that specialises in cleansing and buffing and debuffing would be better than reworking a new kit into Mercy.

Reworking her kit any further is acknowledging the fact that Mercy as a Healer is a dead concept.