Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

The fundamental question is – what has to give in order for the heal ramp-up mechanic to happen? I vote nerfs to E-rez. :wink:

Let them without sin cast the first stone and what not. You trying to act like you weren’t snippy toward me? :wink: You get what you give.

I wasn’t the one that brought up the ability to empathize originally. I’m just responding to the nonsense arguments y’all be presenting.

Almost 11k responses btw LUL. Talk about our feelings I guess? Strong arguments.

Need some more time to discuss your feelings?

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Dude, just let it pass. You cannot win over an empathy issue by saying – “I have empathy.”

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You’re the one that brought it up bro. You’re the one that leaned on it. Why tf would I be concerned about “winning” here? Tf do I gain by convincing you I’m capable of empathy? I see no gain.

Your arguments are trash and now you’re bowing out while trying to save face. That’s cool. Carry on, friendo. Best of luck to you.

Like I said, if y’all find someone that can actually debate the topic, Mercy, Mass Rez, send em my way. Cuz you clearly can’t.

Can we get back to topic now? Or you still hung up on this empathy thing?

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So? You just responded badly to it. You also deny feelings as part of a valid response to games. Games are a product of culture, and culture and emotions are intricately intertwined. When they do, they become works of art that stand the test of time.

TLDR: feelings are part and parcel of discussing games. I don’t get offended when you try to score points about my “feels” for OW, and discussing those feels.

And legitimately all your responses have been bad. I was actually hoping you’d be able to construct a half decent argument but here you are just trying to dig into some personal tangent totally irrelevant to the topic.

And even when I give you outs, where we can just go back to the original topic and forget all this, you still try digging into this ad hominem nonsense.

Your nonsense feeling argument would carry weight in PVE or single player type game development scenarios. When dealing with a strictly PVP game, where the enemy players are the ones that provide the “encounters” and such, balance takes precedent.

Take your feelings to a youtube vlog and try to make some $$$ off of it or something. That’s all it’s good for. Your feelings are worthless when it comes to discussing the topic of this thread.


Obvious and simple stuff.

Nearly 11k responses in this thread alone. Y’all have GOT to have something more than this. If not… Sad stuff.


Just throw it away already. No one wants such ability anymore.

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So you say. brokenstyli responded well to you, and I happen to agree with his commentary about how players like you respond to Mercy arguments.

You think his arguments and mine are bad, I think yours are really bad too.

TLDR: Just give it a rest. We are both in complete disagreement, and that’s about it (I hinted at it when I said “So? 20 characters”).

And we went back and forth until I dropped a dissection on them and they disappeared. Now if their perspective was as solid as you trumpet it to be, I’d assume they’d be able to respond.

Now hey, I’m not saying anything. Maybe they will take me to task on my rebuttal of what they said a week or two from now after thinking it over, as is tho they haven’t. Open ended nonsense.

That doesn’t surprise me.

The difference between me and you two? I defend every single point of my arguments. Y’all just don’t offer any answer.

Why you keep telling me to give it a rest, and then reply to me?

Get your stuff together man. I don’t expect you to respond, I don’t expect you to refute any of the points I brought up regarding the topic however many posts back, I don’t expect anything from you.

You’re the one saying to give it a rest. Do yourself a favour and don’t reply. And do this forum a favor and let this stupid thread die.


So? :woman_shrugging:
20 characters

That’s the point of debate my friend.

I didn’t realize you were 100% committed to treating this forum as your diary.

Wanna talk about your feelings? Did you make any friends today? Did someone make you feel bad?

Btw: Why you responding?

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How about you? Why are you responding?






Gold star, friendo. A for effort. You’re adorable. :blush:

“Give it a rest” they said. :blush:

Hmm, how much overheals then, Cleo? Coz throwing away E-rez is a big deal.

On tilt? Could be, I don’t care. :wink:


Should I have added an /s tag on that? I thought the sarcasm was painfully obvious but maybe not?

And yo… Why you responding??? :thinking:

They said. :blush:

They said. :blush:

They said. :blush:

They said. :blush:

They said. :blush:

They said. :blush:

Oh my…


Almost 11k responses btw. Where’s Titanium now?

Why? Can’t stand your dance partner at the moment? :woman_shrugging:

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I want an actual argument. I’d rather dance than just grab a kids hands and spin them around until they get dizzy.

:man_shrugging: I’m greedy like that.

Why aren’t you resting while watching it pass appreciating how content you are about having said what you wanted to say?


I think an ideal balance change would make Mercy more fun and skillful to play, while not making her so OP that she becomes a must-pick in every comp. This was the idea I had:

-Both Mercy’s auto-healing and Resurrect now run off of a common resource pool. This resource pool has a cap of 150, and accumulates roughly 3 charge per second, requiring 50 seconds to fill (it starts at 0 charge upon spawn).

-Mercy’s auto-healing no longer has a delay, and will heal Mercy for 10 health per second whenever she is below full health. Whenever Mercy is self-healing, the resource pool drains at a rate of 5 charge per second, stops accumulating charge, and doesn’t resume accumulating charge until 1 second after Mercy is at full health.

-Resurrect no longer has a cast time or cooldown, but instead costs 100 charge from this resource pool. This means it takes roughly 33 seconds of staying alive and not taking damage in order to have enough charge for one Resurrect.

-Activating Valkyrie instantly adds 50 charge to your resource pool, but Mercy no longer auto-heals for 20 health per second in Valkyrie (stays at standard 10 health per second, still requiring charge).

These changes significantly increase the number of situations in which you can use Resurrect by eliminating the cast timer, while also shifting the counterplay to simply dealing damage to Mercy (thus forcing her self-heal and preventing her from using Resurrect). Good Mercy players who take less damage will get to use Resurrect more often on average, while bad Mercy players will spend more of their charge self-healing. An additional bit of utility is added to Valkyrie by having it give you charge, while not being enough charge to automatically allow two Resurrects in a row, except in special circumstances with very good Mercy players. This is balanced by the lower automatic self-healing in Valkyrie, which should make Mercy a bit easier to kill in that mode if she is not careful.


I don’t like the idea of being discouraged to move through the battlefield and take advantage of my mobility as it might compromise my rez generation etc.

It’s an interesting approach though for sure.

Instant Rez is always a scary consideration for me. So ez to be broken.

Similar with TF2: 50% of hero’s health.

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