Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I only know of only one player who ALWAYS gets bad teammates, NEVER EVER a good or even competent one.

For this one player, a statement like the above might be true.

For others, not so much

Factually, many folks like rez as an ability

Factually, lots of folks have said on these forums that the reason they pick Mercy is for rez, specifically

Sounds good, Cleo. I also like WorthyAngel’s ideas:

I like the ideas, looks like a rework-level sort of change, it would require testing on the PTR. Still, as long as Mercy’s mobility is unchanged, I’m all for it, WorthyAngel! :smile:

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I stopped responding to you because I explained 3 times, in plain English, what the literature and theory was and you refused to acknowledge it. You loaded up your personal feelings into a counter-response to every small little thing I said while ignoring the big picture, and then put yourself on a pedestal saying you’re the authority on what counts as emotional and what counts as subjective.


How’s it going in here, guys and gals? Are we still fighting the good fight?
I know I kind of vanished. I haven’t played at all since February…

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Ya know, I have seen you blasting everyone who wants Mercy viable again. Heck, in many of your comments you acknowledge that Mercy has problems and needs something (an ‘ish" comment quite a while ago).
It would be really REALLY nice if you stopped negating everyone who is trying to come up with a way that might help Mercy and come up with a solution to her problems. Even if you never play her, or rarely play her, you can see the problems with her current state. I mean, if you see that something is wrong with her (or any other Hero for that matter) what would you suggest to help Mercy’s (or the other Heroes’) situation?
So you don’t like ANY form of Instant Rez (Mass Rez or current Rez), but 1.75 seconds in this fast game is not just asking to be killed, it is saying to the enemy team “Here I am, Kill Me!!!”
Healing going from 60 hps down to 50 hps is no big deal you say, except it takes longer to heal Tanks who can survive a bit of time because of their health pool. A squishy DPS or fellow Healer is dead because at 50 hps Mercy can no longer keep them alive through trickle damage much less focused fire like Ana or Moria can. Thus she cannot be considered a Main healer any more.
But she is also not an off healer because her Ultimate is so watered down that her whole team can be focused fired individually to death even though she had her split beam healing on all of them, unlike Lucio or Zenyatta who can Over-heal or Super-heal respectfully. Mass Rez WAS that for Mercy, but that is gone now.
These are legitimate problems with Mercy’s current kit, now tell me what can be done to fix them?
You keep going on that Mercy is fine, though you see she has some problems. Even Jeff has said that Mercy is fine, yet again on the PTR there is another Nerf to Mercy’s abilities on the Damage Boosting part of her kit, making it 16 Nerfs in over a year with only 1 Buff (bunny hop glitch) and 1 Revert (50 hps in Valkyrie going back up to 60 hps) which many people call a buff. So 2 Buffs, but not really.
In the past year an a half the statements from Jeff and many people is “Mercy is fine.” followed by another round of Nerfs. We are seeing it yet again on the PTR, an still you among many others have said repeatedly after each Nerf that “Mercy is fine and balanced.” only to see Mercy Nerfed again a month or so later. Heck, you are saying Mercy is fine now, but could use something.
So is she gonna be “Fine and Balanced” this time, after the PTR Nerf goes live?
Or in a month or so is Mercy gonna be worst off yet called “Fine and Balanced” only to get yet another Nerf to her abilities?
There has, just HAS, to be a solution to the Mercy problem. Help us find it, please…


For Blizzard, solution is piece by piece remove any incentive for Mercy to play with anyone, except that one player she is paired with.

Especially with new damage boost: you really expect me to stare at my teammates 24/7 to not miss a moment, when they decided to fire/use ability that can be boosted? Usually watching for enemies is more beneficial for your well being.


This is 100% the reason so many Mercy Mains are upset.
Mercy could solo heal/damage boost her team, even if everyone else decided to go DPS ignoring common sense of having a Tank to soak up damage. Now Mercy is being reduced to Solo healing/damage boost 1 DPS/Tank (?) an to heck with the rest of the team. Pharah/Mercy was there at Release, but Mercy could also heal teammates below as need be. Now if Mercy player stops healing/damage boosting the person they are pocketing to heal someone else, Mercy and the one she is pocketing are penalized. That is not the angle of mercy that Release Mercy was, an why so many are against the way Mercy is being balanced.


Refused to acknowledge it? I did acknowledge it. Go back and look at my last response to you in that thread. Like I said, your approach would carry weight in PVE and single player type games.

Oh no! The person that bases their arguments on feelings doesnt like my feelings? :cry:

Can you quote where I claimed I was an authority? Or do you just not like how I treated your feelings?

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The literature that I cited literally came from PvP 1v1 Fighting Games.

I said it already, I’m not going to continue discussion with people who don’t want to have a conversation and continues to handwave everything.


I was brushing up on my readings in WInstons Lab (their previous best analysts have been poached by top teams, and their founder is the head data guy for Blizzard now), and I came across this old article:


The key words are enabler, no kills, no star plays.

Most of the important stats like kills, effective dmg, etc. are offensive stats that contribute to a team fight win – it can easily be analyzed from heroes (be it support, DPS or tanks) that can kill. And I think both of you are right, Cleo, Rose, in the sense that these stats count more towards the performance of who she pockets and not necessarily Mercy herself.

I’d like to quote this from WinstonsLab:
“This will also affect screen time of the Supports players, especially the Mercy one’s, due to the fact that her playstyle is really passive and her most “wow” ability is now something that no one cares to see in first person. At least with the 5-man resurrections beforehand, due to the Resurrection being an Ultimate and its charge time, and its role in a team’s strategy altogether (suicide on point), observers were prepared for it and could get a proper angle to show it. Valkyrie now will be so hard to spectate and measure its impact on the battlefield outside resurrections.”

My interpretation: mass resurrect is garbage, but at least its build up and results can be analyzed, and it can be shown properly at a proper camera angle; in comparison, from an analytical standpoint it’s not clear what Valkyrie’s impact is when it is in play during a team fight, and there are no proper camera angle to show it properly.

I would like to add this point: Mercy is unique precisely because Mercy can be played via a passive playstyle – and that is a good thing because Mercy fills a hero character niche for a gamer personality type that’s normally not covered in most PVP games.

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Yo friend. I’m glad you responded. I hope you respond to this.

Point me toward your citation. This literature. I went briefly skimmed through the thread that was linked where you went all


and I didn’t see a link. I glanced it tbh so I might of missed it. Either way, hmu plz. I’ll go through it and hit you up again after I have. Otherwise I dealt with your summary already.

Oh btw…

That is VERY different from a 6v6 team-orientated, objective-based, hero shooter. Like I said, what you said can be applied to games like PVE, or single player, or hell even 1v1 fighting games. THIS IS NOT ONE OF THOSE GAMES.

So give me the literature you’re all leaning on, appealing to authority, and I’ll go through it myself and give you my thoughts. Cuz you aren’t doing it any justice as far as how it can be applied to a game like this. A 6v6, team-orientated, objective-based, hero shooter.

I look forward to your response.

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Clearly you haven’t seen much then. As my MAIN POINT in all my arguments recently has been about protecting Mercy’s viability.

I’m not saying she’s perfect where she is. I’m not about that mass rez trash, and I really dislike people misrepresenting her value and state in the game. I don’t think it benefits the discussion what so ever.

There needs to be a realistic assessment of Mercy’s kit and how it interacts with the game. There has to be an understanding as to why that is. Then there has to be a reasonable attempt to try and adjust her to satisfy ALL FACTORS.

This is not what takes place. What happens is we get people talking nonsense about feelings, throwing out wild ideas that have WIDE RANGING balance implications, and just disregarding not only how this game is played but those playing it.

Then they play the victim.

It’s annoying.

I haven’t been doing that. Ask Silawatski (sorry if I misspelled your name Sila, I just think of you as Sila). I’ve had great conversations with them recently about ways of adjusting Mercy.

You have no idea what you’re talking about. I suggest you actually read what I’ve said instead of just throwing out this nonsense.

I can’t be bothered to read the rest of this post tbh so I’m stopping here.

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Those are general gaming principles which are true for any game, actually. It applies to how heroes are designed and implemented in any game, PVE or PVP. TLDR: it doesn’t really invalidate brokenstyli’s central points.

Most gaming YT channels expand on those principles. I suggest Easy Credits, a prominent YT channel that has a lot of vids on gaming.

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Link it up friendo. Show me the base material so I can address and understand it etc.

I’m not saying that these fundamentals, these principles, don’t exist, etc. I’m pretty positive that I will come away saying “yeah that all makes sense, and when we apply these concepts to a game like Overwatch, we have to acknowledge this series of considerations… Etc. Etc. Etc” That etc ofc being how the unique game environment of Overwatch, the qualities of it’s characters, etc, etc, all interact.

I didn’t say it did. But you can’t just lean on that like it gives your position credence.

Already familiar, yo.

I wanna know where you drawing the parallels. You can’t just pander to the “muh feelz” minority that have a problem with current Mercy. You can’t just lean on your feels and think it gives you validity.

Bringing up Mass Rez again and again does nothing to help the discussion on how we can incorporate these fundamentals of game design in a way that appeals to the largest demographic while being a healthy part of the game as a whole.

I have been, again and again, open to talking about adjusting Mercy. I don’t like acting like current Mercy is some sort of abomination, and I don’t like anything to do with Mass Rez. I support my reasons why. So let’s hear your side.

Cite me your literature y’all keep citing btw.

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Whatever, dude. Already gave the basis for those feels. I suggest you tone down your XqC-alpha-mode-bad-boy self-image and try again. :man_shrugging:


I wish you guys would like address what was said, instead of just picking one little sentence within it all to quote and be like “well lulz I like don’t care jeez sheesh bro.”


I guess you don’t want to talk about Mercy unless it’s in line with your thinking, huh? Well, more power to you. Cya.


BTW! Still waiting on this literature. Link me up please. Jeez.

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As I said, I already said all I want to say. I find our discussion boring, because it’s your usual balance/viablity thing, and its my usual OW as culture and art, which you keep on labeling as “feels”. :man_shrugging:

Why should I? I assume you’re smart enough to use Google.

You’ve never worded it like that in our exchanges. Balance and viability is the most important thing to me. It effects all of us equally in a sense, we’re all at the mercy of it. Mercy’s viability is VERY important to me in not just a ladder sense but in organized settings as well. I see her as very key in diversifying the meta etc. That’s why I don’t like Mass Rez, as it’s always been trash in organized settings outside of possibly like EARLY EARLY game.

OW as culture and art I’m very fond of. I love the sub communities outside this forum and they’re awesome things. And I want all that feel good happiness stuff as well.

When it comes to the balance of the game however, if I have to care about your feelings, I have to care about everyone’s. That’s no good.

Well cuz there’s a lot of literature on the subject so I’m wanting the specific one you and brokenstyli seem to be referencing and leaning on so hard. Makes sense, ya?

So… What’s this literature? Just give me a book title or a link to it or whatever.

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Read between the lines. brokenstyli pretty much framed a lot of his arguments the same way. :man_shrugging: