Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Then where’s his response?

Do you want to take the mantle? Argue his position then. I’ll do you like I did him. Like I did Titanium. Like I did RevertMercy. Like I’ve done it all before…

I understand what that emotional appeal of an argument is coming from. I can sympathize. You have to be mindful of the reality. I feel like I’m counselling rebellious teenagers when discussing Mercy. That’s sad.


So? No arguments about viability/balance. The central argument is rebalancing Mercy to give her playerbase greater satisfaction.

So it has absolutely no merit or logic behind it. You don’t re-balance or rework heroes cause of emotions when they are actually perfectly viable. The overall player base is happy with her all around.


I believe his words were: you lack empathy. This isn’t a pissing contest, it’s not an argument about balance or viability. He ended his argument with you on a high note, and moved on to other fun topics, like how he liked devs being in the forums again.

Not according to this thread.

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Yeah I tackled that whole empathy thing in the thread you linked. Read that and then hit me up on my lack of empathy. Show me how and where I am lacking it. Prove me wrong. Any of you.

Fact of the matter is I do have a lot of empathy… Doesn’t excuse a damn thing though.

The discussion is about balance, not on how well we transitioned from having nothing to say in response to a rebuttal toward thanking the devs.



Sure. :slight_smile:
20 characters

Oh cute. Now you don’t have an argument. I guess that’s just another to the list. :slight_smile:
20 characters.

Btw just use < adsljfh > to bypass that. No spaces ofc. :wink: See? I’m helping.

This thread is a terrible broken suggestion and it will never go live cause it would make Mercy an OP, must-pick hero.

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Yeah it’s just a big sort of appeal to emotion. Something they needed to get off their chest. You gotta give it to them though, they came in strong presenting like they had an argument to make and they knew what they were talking about.


In the end, just another way to dress up “but I feel…”

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I’ve stopped replying to this thread quite a long time ago. It’s basically 6-7 people that constantly bring it up saying over and over the same emotional nonsense that’s not backed up by any logic or fact.

People just need to let this thread die, it’s being 2 years. Mass Rez is not coming back, Mercy is fine and viable.

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Yeah you’re 100% right. This thread should just die.

The thing that gets me is 10.9k replies in this thread. Let alone all the other Mercy megathreads, and the countless 300+ reply Mercy threads inbetween…

And this is it. This is the best this school of thought on things has to offer. Weak af. Like such little progression in the discussion. FeelsBadMan.



So? :wink:

I’ve already said what I have to say. I don’t go into this trying to win, unlike you. If you don’t understand brokenstyli, I don’t expect you to understand me either, tbh.

Also, do you know how weird it is for you to say you have empathy? Empathy isn’t something you state about yourself – it’s something others say about you. Just saying. :blush:

Oh snap, now you getting all personal acting presumptuous thinking you have a clue about my motives and my ability to understand brokenstyli.

Nah, friend. I understood brokenstyli fine. Their reasoning was flawed and I pointed it out and they didn’t give me a remedy for that. Oh well. Maybe after they’ve thought on things for a week or two they’ll be able to give me a respond.

Do you know how weird it is to assume that how empathetic I am can be appreciated over the internet over the course of a couple text exchanges about the balance of a game?

Do you know how weird it is for someone to turn the discussion towards topics so personal when we were simply discussing the balance of a game?

Do you know how weird it is for them to do this unironically and appear legitimately oblivious to how weird this is?

Cuz I do. Thanks to you.

Just saying.



Self-realization is a ****, isn’t it?

Sure? I guess you’re struggling with that rn? Good luck to you.

Hey btw, if your mind ever finds itself back on topic, you know, Mercy balance stuff, feel free to respond to that, k?

Other then that. Good luck on your journey my friend. Be humble, be cautious, you’ll do fine. Self realization/awareness truly is a pain. My thoughts and prayers be with you.

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I already said what I wanted to say. You don’t seem to understand that, oddly.

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K :slight_smile: Glad you could get that off your chest.

If you come across someone that can actually put up a debate when it comes to Mass Rez and the contents of this thread (Titaniums original BS that is, I’m not about to read through 10.9k of echo chamber) etc send them my way k?

If not, let this thread die. The arguments here are weak af.

Over 10k responses worth of brainstorming on this thread alone and the best arguments being offered are “oh but I feel” and “Oh well I said what I wanted to say plz RESPEKT MUH FEELZ!” type arguments…

Yikes… Hey, at least y’all spent the last 2 years productively when it came to this Mercy stuff, right? :wink: :wink: Huge developments made. Much understanding reached. :roll_eyes:


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This is healing ramp-up mechanic, and it’s essential for her at this point.

Can’t resist being snippy, don’t you?

Uh, you were the one who started beating yourself over that empathy issue, not me. :man_shrugging: