Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Which is mostly the case. Unless that one person is very skilled and can carry, avoiding risk is better option.

Unlike you, I am more cautious Mercy. I don’t resurrect players, if they don’t have high carry potential, or died as result of their own stupidity - trying to save them will be stupidity of my own. And teammates playing smart mostly die near cover or in other relatively safe resurrect spots, allowing to bring them back without relying on enemy being blind or unable to hit me.


Uh, no. Silver is like Plat – it’s dead average, the skill differentials between players in silver, gold and plat varies greatly from player to player, from “aim gods with no game sense”, to “aim noobs with too much game sense”, and everything in between. I think around 80% to 90% of the playerbase are in this tier range for that very reason.

It’s good to play like a Master-GM Mercy in this tier range, and one way to do it is to resurrect only when one or 2 team mates are peeling for you (something which seldom happens in this tier range, unfortunately).


You know, I’ve noticed that Baptiste’s Immortality Field uses most of the same logic that tactical mulitrez did…

I would highly recommend spending a few hours on him once he goes live.


Hmmm, the skinny on the street is that Baptiste is really good for bunker comps (Orisa and Bastion), and that the counter is probably going to have Sombra and Hammond.

Lol, I’m not really looking forward to all the Bastion games which will result from this.

Someone doesn’t understand the difference between trying to prevent people from dying and actually undoing deaths then…

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But even without bunker comps, Baptiste is the only healer in the game with independent vertical mobility. Do you have any idea how long some players have been waiting for that?

Someone doesn’t understand the internal logic of multirez used in a tempo rezzing playstyle… a lot of it was seeing the death coming and prepping your positioning for it.

Immortality field is all about seeing death coming and doing something about it.


Lol, you mean how long Mercy players have been asking for some form of independent movement? Yeah, I know what you mean.

I actually wanna play Baptiste the DPS/Support hybrid, what I really want to know is how good the poke battles at chokes is going to be once he comes out.

So is putting up a shield or popping a defensive cooldown in general…but the end results are DRASTICALLY different…

And didn’t have to see anything coming really…could’ve just gotten back to a fight/respawned…or just flatly messed up or failed to actually heal people…the result was the same

But I do I agree you should spend hours on him…character looks fun

Uh, no. Silawatsi has it right in the sense that seeing death happen is a critical skill for Mercy when she resurrects.

I track ults all the time, it’s a useful skill for main tanks and Lucio/Zen. It used to be a useful skill for Mercy when she had multi-rez. Now she pops her ult depending on the flow of the battle.


Didn’t say he/she was wrong…just adding that it wasn’t always the case…they did emphasize ‘all’…

Just pop it at the beginning of the battle. Most decisive picks happen within 10 s.


Valkyrie provides independent vertical mobility

Mega-Threads Never Die!

Unfortunately, some Mercy players choose to not support their team in this manner, and instead reserve Valkyrie to escape the fight after her unsupported teammates unsurprisingly die

Here’s a description of Baptiste’s Exoboots:

Passive: Exo Boots

By first crouching, Baptiste can jump higher.

When Baptiste crouches, he charges a jump meter that allows him to jump higher. If he doesn’t jump immediately, the meter stays charged for approximately two seconds before expiring. There is no cooldown.

I understand where Silawatsi is coming from. Do you?

In mobility terms, it is more accurate to compare Baptiste’s Exoboots to Mercy’s GA, and I understood his statement in this perspective because we (as in Silawatsi and I) probably both read the PTR patch notes. I wouldn’t be surprised if Silawatsi played the PTR, so his impressions about Baptiste might hold greater weight than yours or mine (unless PTR becomes available in console).


I genuinely believe that is true, but I am not interested in playing Baptiste because I am not interested in the rest of his kit and I am also not interested in playing someone whose art style looks more like Apex than Overwatch.
I am not interested in this game anymore, except coming back for lore which means only playing for Archive Events.


Yeah, I think this is an issue about hero mains as reflections of the gamer’s/player’s personality. It feels like Baptiste is meant to appeal to the edgy rebel-with-a-cause kind of a personality, probably for the young male adult crowd who wants to predominantly play DPS. All he lacks is a Che Guevarra beret, and he’s all set.

I think their hope is that they can convert some of the DPS players to play support, which is weird because the biggest problem in lower tiers is that no one wants to play main tank.

Archive Events is the most fun I’ve ever had in this game.


Players do play main tank, but they play one like DPS: aggressively charging in with no shield.

I do believe, that outcome will be more support players, that have no intention to support their team. As Baptiste got somewhat decent gun, and his immortality field affects him too.

Blizzard can make DPS players play support hero, but they are unable to turn them into actual supports.


I feel like we used to have more people interested in the roles as they were, when they weren’t making them so heavily hybrid. A hybrid is fine, as long as it is better at its main role and the other part is not as strong but gives them just that bit of different versatility. As soon as they started blurring the lines too much, people were sick of playing the roles they loved because suddenly tank and supports were better at being a DPS than being their intended role.

Why would I want to play D.va anymore when she feels more like a DPS and all the stuff that makes her a good tank with the capability to protect her team getting nerfed?

They should have just made a multiplayer story mode from the start because it is the most fun they ever make anymore. And even then, it becomes repetitive because it’s just killing at the end of the day.