Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Cleo the vast majority of your complaints come across more as player error than anything imho. Just saying.

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if you wanna take that upon yourself, whatever but no character can undo something like bad teammates and mass rez doing so WAS the issue

So what? If I can’t make those player errors pass without costing us victory, I am to blame.

If I can’t make player win 1v6, it’s me not healing/boosting them enough to do so.

Not at all but if that’s the cross you’re going to carry I can’t stop you.

It’s how game works, as I still get SR reduction. I won’t be having such mindset, if game was rewarding good performance, even if it didn’t result in victory.

Mercy isn’t causing the issue at all, rather, players who feel as you desribe are failing to understand that Mercy only has 1 rez available and that 1 rez isn’t always available

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You think so? Mercy has one rez, and every single player believes themselves to be that hero, who saves the day, if only they will be resurrected.

Our experience differs

I am able to rez tanks successfully in most matches, and in fact they are my preferred target

That said, a Mercy who only pockets her 2stacK dps two tricK friend probably wouldn’t notice tank positioning and status much

Middle of point doesn’t sound like a place for resurrect.

I would say you tank just have to be a little smart when the tank knows he is going down. Drop near a corner or something so the Mercy can rez from behind the wall

Who knows, maybe it’s actually DPS playing tank. Few tanks I could rez were from above my tier.

And yet, a rez can be pulled off anywhere on the map that Metcy can get to

them instantly taking you out with a button should be able to be countered with a button on ulti.

its not like mass rez was uncounterable since it was easy for the enemy team to retain good positioning and throw some aoe ulti at them so they can rewipe them.

its all about smart ult economy and not throwing all 6 ults at the enemy team with no plan.

you should just respect that the mercy outplayed you with her ulti.


ooooo then your gonna hate baptiste.


Baptiste not only does same “fix mistake of bad teammate” more often and with less cooldown, but he does it on multiple players too.

Whole team, except you, got stuck in graviton? Smart throw of immortality field would prevent disaster.

Sounds like you have found the character that will allow you to move on from complaints about Mercy.

I am thrilled for you, and wish you great luck and success on your new main

He isn’t going to be my main, as I despise that character.

Given the praise heaped upon Baptiste in the statement I replied to, I am very surprised you claim to despise this character

He has some good abilities, but as character I hate him.

Ah well, I was hoping anti-mercy players would finally have some motivation to move on after nearly 2 years

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