Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

And you had some time to make it useful for all teammates, who need it. Now you just pick one, and rest feel bad, because they were not resurrected.

It’s silent “You are useless trash, who don’t deserve to be revived”. Or simply sad question “Why not me?”

I have quite honestly never heard of such a thing. A link to evidence of such an extreme action would be appreciated.

I think you’re reading to much into it, anyone with a brain would understand that the skill only lets you pick one and as a matter of fact if you pick the wrong one the “trash” is you, the mercy player I mean

Rez has a ton of strategy behind it and decision making too, if you have this level of needyness that seeing someone else being rezzed… honestly, don’t even play

It’s about feelings. Everyone wants to feel important, and not being rezed = you are not important.

As for strategy, it’s simple: you rez whoever you can without getting killed. Not much decision making either: you keep it for that key player, or you just boost your stats and rez wherever you can.

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That’s a player problem, not a Mercy problem

It is, because it’s Mercy causing this.

what??? what kind of 2019 bs is this??

This is a GAME, an online game for that matter, your feelings have nothing to do with the gameplay, if they are such a problem for you, you should not be playing and should try to resolve these issues on your own

if you pick anyone to rez without getting killed you’re making the wrong choice, you need to take in account the value that person can bring back to the team, rezzing tanks is far more value than rezzing dps unless they have their ult up and can dish damage right away, same for supports, sometimes you choose to rez a fellow support because you know you can’t heal everyone and the rest is currently healthy enough, strategy is key here but if you wanna play like garbage and then complain on the forums, go ahead

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Tanks don’t die in places, where resurrect is possible. :woman_shrugging:

And, personally, I would prefer to give remaining players some chances by not being suicidal.

As for feelings, people play game to have fun, in the first place.

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that’s not true, you cannot rez a tank right away if he dies amidst an enemy team but can wait almost until the timer is down and the enemy team’s focus is somewhere else to swoop in and retake their focus back, again, just because you’re bad doesn’t mean Mercy sucks

Keep throwing personal insults, it’s not going to work.

Enemy team doesn’t focus on somewhere else, all of my teammates are here, and all of them are dying.

If tank is dead, they are dead: they will lay in the middle of firefight going, until respawn timer is over.

I told you that if your feelings are that big of an issue you should not be online, I have not insulted you yet, being bad at the game is not an insult it’s a consequence of you not wanting to try harder and learn about the game

if the enemy team is focused on your team, then you have free reign to go and rez, your tank is at an advantageous position too, so go figure

He isn’t, he is in the middle of enemy team. Which totally won’t see me flying to rez them.

Which is where Tanks have the highest output in dps

He won’t survive to kill anyone. I myself often barely make it out alive from such event. Often to find rest of the team dead as well.

he’s not alone and not because you’re there (even if you actually are) your team who should have stayed alive for 1.75 seconds should be there too, you turn a 5v6 into a 6v6 with an advantageous position for both your team and your rezzed target

Well, they don’t, as they don’t have second healer, and our shield tank is dead there.

There are lots of “should have”, that simply don’t apply here. “Should have better teammates”, “should have second healer/tank that covers your rez”, etc.

why would they don’t have a second healer? are you assuming that Mercy should be able to solo heal? because it’s been stated by the devs that 2-2-2 (or even 3-3) is the best comp out there, why would Mercy be able to solo heal under ANY circumstance?

Because people simply pick whatever, and that’s my task to make them win.

no, your task is to play as best as you can, you are not at fault for your team’s flakyness

Since I can’t undo it, it’s my fault. With mass rez, I could.