Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Players both want their enemies to die fast, and don’t want themselves to die that fast.

How are you going to do it, when both teams think that way?

People have to die otherwise there whole game is a stalemate at the chock point so certain things can’t be change or the game can’t function.

Again we have to go with the majority and for a FPS most people like a quicker time to kill

People don’t “have” to die, they just have to capture objectives. You can freeze them outside of it, or push them off point with other CC abilities.

Only modes, where people do have to die, is FFA and deathmatch.

So you want to introduce CC that can hold a WHOLE TEAM off the point for like 30 seconds??

The majority won’t want that much CC so again it won’t happen

Already can be done, if you stack up some CC abilities/ults.

Not if your team gets CC on the point. You HAVE to kill them or they are contesting

That’s why you push them off first. That’s what GOATS are good at: pushing other team away.

Ok, I am done, this is getting silly

GOATS 100% kills the enemy team to take the point, they can’t keep you off long enough to take it with 0 kills.

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You are talking about attackers. Defenders simply have to survive on point.

And to me, it’s most enjoyable thing to see: when attack fails.

Well good luck, with your 0 killing balance meta.

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This one is still alive… Huh, amazing ;p

I’m honestly confused by this answer.

Rez was giving yourself a second chance, another opportunity to do something impactful. How did you not like that ?

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because as a player you understand what punishment should be, you know when you mess up and you assume the consequences of it, you acknowledge that the enemy team played better than you did and taking that away from their hands with the press of a button was, simply put, unfair

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You could always jump off map, if you can’t stand being resurrected.

Victory by any means necessary, including all kinds of dirty tactics. Players were DDoSed on consoles to win in competitive.

There is no fairness, because winner gets everything. That’s true nature of competition.

well I did say I felt like throwing, which is just jumping off the map or simply not moving, so you’re spot on

However, with current rez you know that the Mercy player struggled to get you there and even if only out of respect, you keep on going, it’s not dirty anymore, it’s a balanced, valuable skill

If you aren’t that magical player, that alone manages to win, that resurrect doesn’t worth the risk.

Especially because you take that “emergency button” from someone, who may need it more later on.

You could simply walk too far to be resurrected with rest of the team, and ask Mercy to not bother with you. But to win, you are still more useful alive.

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To be fair, she used a long cool down on your so it did have a consequence to your team

Usually it’s followed by someone else dying during that cooldown. And that “someone else” won’t be happy to know, that resurrect was spent on you.

you mean mass rez? mass rez was farmeable in 30 seconds too…

No just talking about rez