Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

HUH??? your really stretching it

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People enjoyed being resurrected? sorry no, people don’t “enjoy” cheating at the game there was simply no choice, you were back up and you had to make due, death is supposed to be the biggest punishment on overwatch and with mass rez it was only a bad joke

I remember feeling so disgusted at 5man rezzes on MY team that I would have rathered throwing then going for the win

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Not at all. I already played game, where many players wanted to be snipers.

Right so there probably not going to remove the class if lots of people want to play it

They nerfed it, so people would actually pick more useful classes, instead of trying to look cool.

Meme “Weighted Companion Sniper” was born from having line of snipers at your sniper position, who are constantly being harassed by someone sneaking in the base.

So you saying sniping got nerfed because the majority wanted it??

How does this help the MASS REZ. It the same case then.

Majority ruled.

Same reason: it was supposed to be buffed, so people would actually counter it, instead of whining about how unfair it is.

So again Majority rules it seems

And as expected, it ends in chaos.

Same DPS players, who celebrated death of Mercy, will tear each other apart to get their hero buffed and their opponents nerfed.

No, it seems fine. It is the best way to balance the game

It created GOATS, so it’s already “not fine”.

Guess it’s nice case of karma: get rid of most DPS-oriented healer, and DPS cease to exist.

It was a new meta people where asking for, They tried something new, Players have clear shown they don’t like a meta that low on mechanical skill so now more adjustments are being made.

It won’t always be right the first time.

Players don’t like any meta, as it becomes stale. So it’s never going to be “right” other than for a short time.

There always will be heroes, that are better than the rest, who form meta.

Factually, Mercy is not unarmed

Her kit includes a vastly underrated pistol, but of course there are Mercy players out there who refuse to use it and may then start to think she doesn’t have a weapon at all

So you keep changing things when players want them changed by listen to what the majority seem to want unless you can find a sweet spot where everything is very well balance

You keep changing things, knowing that you will never get them right. Simply because there is no shared point of “right”.

No, because the majority of players are bored and want something new.

And that won’t be “right”, it would be “new”. That’s whole point of those changes.

When you have 6 players team, but 30 heroes, 24 heroes will be left behind. Your changes will adjust list of those heroes, and that’s all.

So you keep playing until you get more than 24 heroes left behind right now they have not found it.

But the changes should be directed towards what players want

There are plenty of other games out there for players who feel as you do to play.