Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Yeap, pretty much agree with this. The only outplay potential for Mercy is her blaster use, and it just doesn’t jive with her Swiss/Red Cross/“conscientious objector” background.

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Oh no that sounds exactly like WoW all over again. All classes being homogenized and the game having a very obvious path that you have no choice but to follow and can’t stray from, along with a lot of hand holding.

It’s the reason I quit that game and barely anyone thinks the design choices they have made over the years are good for the game – the decline and hate for BFA is an obvious evidence.

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One-who-must-not-be-named is former WoW developer, so it shouldn’t be surprising, I guess. However, it’s surprising, that balance in HOTS became better, after certain developer left for Overwatch team.

Somehow it doesn’t feel like coincidence.


The analogy is true with Overwatch too. The only tank she works well with is Orisa, and that’s because Orisa can reduce incoming damage by her lonesome at a press of a button. The rest of the team typically is composed of a Zenyatta, and 3 other DPS players, and it’s hell for her to play with.

The problem is clashing personalities – Mercy is is a main support who tries to keep the team together, and it does not jive well with DPS players who typically have a hard carry mentality with a duelist outlook.

Hero archetypes and the casual players who like to play them are design issues, and the choices Blizzard has made in this respect I feel are not very good.

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It used to be part of the game, not a design flaw.


I don’t think killing mercy will be that hard lol. She is hiding somewhere alone and her ability is very teammate dependent. Unless this mercy is really good that she can kill every flankers that try to kill her.


Problem is players somehow miss enemy hero with big noticeable wings. Think it’s called “selective blindness”. Are DPS players motion-sensitive, like dinosaurs from Jurassic Park, and their vision simply doesn’t register immobile and unarmed targets?


LOL, I agree

She had a big glowing wings and they still can’t find her. And her colors scheme isn’t exactly good for stealth.

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Well at least you guys have come one step farther and have stop trying to deny it even happens.

We are getting you there.

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And I still fail to see, how is that a problem. You are allowed to win by any means necessary.

Hide & ult is legitimate strategy, regardless from ult being used.

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True which is why they take out the methods that are detrimental for the majority.

Yeah, it sucks if it happens to something you like but that just the way it goes. I like a 400 HP pulse bomb but most people don’t so I don’t get it anymore

Majority isn’t always right, and it applies outside of games too.

Over time, Overwatch became a lot more predictable and dull.

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It does when it applies to keeping most of your player base happy.

Usually the best option is what most people want

Except you unable to. That’s typical double standard, when it comes to healers: players always enjoyed being resurrected by Mercy, but no one enjoyed, when it happens on the opposite team.

Someone will suffer, it’s just how PvP games work. For someone to enjoy kill, someone else will get to suffer dying, which isn’t enjoyable.


Except people get killed all the time and people don’t complain about it every single time.

There is certain ways and certain conditions people perceive as being more frustrating and less fun than others

People always complain about being sniped, or dying from CC combo.

If you want to remove all anti-fun mechanics from game, remove them all. And there are plenty of heroes, who are definition of “no fun” to deal with.

So, no mobility(it’s no fun trying to hit Genji, jumping like someone from insane asylum), no CC(losing control of your character = very unfun), no long range heroes(being sniped by Widowmaker from opposite side of the map = very rage-inducing).

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That is the reason DoomFist got nerfed into oblivion and FOtH is getting nerfed again even though McCree is doing poorly.

More people like playing sniper then don’t like being sniped so again it sort of a majority thing again.

You are not safe from being sniped, if you are playing sniper.

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Sort of hard to complain about being sniped while you are sniping you obviously enjoy it or you wouldn’t be sniping

It’s very easy, actually. Other sniper was pocketed/behind shield/didn’t engage you in fair way.