Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Because it’s not only Blizzard, who is knee deep in treating their players like wallets with feet.


The wrong comparison is not being made here.

Sure, two of these are ults but if her ult is basically her base kit but easier, then it warrants bringing up that her base kit is more of a challenge then anything else.

Yes, the mechanics shouldn’t be mechanically complex to use but I’d sooner get hit by a car than accept that Valkyrie gives her any complexity at all once you experience her base kit. All I want is something different to do that isn’t base kit but easier. I want something else to do because the more thought filled option you give Mercy raises her skill ceiling without ruining her skill floor or making her difficult on people with various medical issues. Surely anyone can agree that having a character be challenging without being mechanically difficult would be healthy for the game.

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The comparison is entirely wrong in my opinion, but I wont argue it further in this thread.

Such discussion belongs in the dodo compromise rework thread, since it is a ult altered in that rework that is being discussed

Can you, like idk, address the other parts of what I said though?

What is the problem with wanting something else to do?
Address my issues about Valkyrie and my points about wanting something else to because it can raise skill ceiling without harming her mechanical skill for players.


Not really. OP Mercy metas support 2-2-2 deathball compositions, and Blizzard needed that because people were sick of dive with Genji+Tracer on DPS. In every meta, Mercy is only good at supporting non-flanking DPS (any DPS hero who isn’t Genji, Tracer or Sombra). If any hardcore fanbase has any right to find Mercy useless, it’s the Genji/Tracer/Sombra mains.

Well, Blizzard fueled a lot of the fire against Mercy mains. Just watched Montecristo in his talk show with Thorin, and the running gag with him is that he hates Mercy with a burning passion.

The implicit attitude of Blizzard is to despise Mercy mains who are unhappy with her changes, DESPITE the fact that Mercy best functions in any meta where it’s non-flanking DPS doing the damage, not the tanks which is the current situation right now.

No one explained that to the fanbase, not Montecristo, not the OWL, not the pros who spoke on camera how they think Mercy should be deleted if they had a choice to delete one hero in the game (really, Blizz? is that really necessary?).

Unlike some people here, I don’t like Overwatch to fail. In fact, I want them to succeed – BUT NOT IN OWL which is an entertainment platform for viewers who don’t even play the game, but in Overwatch as a gaming experience for its casual players who actually DO play the game.


And that’s why I want them to fail. It would take some severe changes in Blizzard to return to their customer-friendly ways, which are rather unlikely to happen.

Sometimes you have to start from scratch, to correct your mistakes.

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Blizzard is currently successful as a sports league despite low twitch numbers, and I attribute it to the “men in suits” who has signed up lucrative deals resulting in expansion teams, marketing co-promotions, and even regular ESPN coverage of their games.

What they are currently failing in is addressing what their existing player base, esp. the long time Mercy mains, but also the DPS mains who are sick and tired of GOATs. I don’t think failure in OWL is suddenly going to translate into them suddenly listening to what the player base wants.

I think figuring out some sort of common ground with other players who like maining heroes is an essential first step. My suggestion is this starting point: CCs and stuns are simply not fun. That means toning down Ana sleep dart, DF uppercut, Brig shield bash, McRee flashbang, etc. If the community can unite from this starting point (or any other unfun aspect of the game), then maybe Blizzard will start taking us seriously.

All you said is fun and all, but what if we don’t agree?
You keep saying “this is the best thing”. No it’s not. It’s always the same conversation over and over and over. Get over it.

I’d love to see Lucio having a jetpack, it’d make him more fun. Does it make me right? Hell no. It’s the same to you.

And please, you got bad attittude from Blizzard when the thread situation on forums was waaaaaaay out of control for a long time already. It might not have been you, but it was indeed Mercy mains and I don’t blame Montecristo for having that opinion. I’m the same.

Mercy isn’t broken. Mercy isn’t low powered. If she could have improvements? Yes. But after all that happened it? Never touch Mercy again. Any change on her will ignite that, so leave it be. Hurt it or not.

It’s okay for you to have the point of view since you’re free to advocate your point of view same as me, but Montecristo? One of the most public, respected faces of Overwatch?

There is a reason why moderation is a prime virtue for people in authority – it’s what allows them to rise above disputes within the community and adjudicate disagreements. Blizzard has not been exercising this virtue for quite some time where Mercy is involved.


Mercy isn’t low powered? Oh, right, because giving her new heroes to pocket is really a buff to her…wait. :woman_facepalming:

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When you raised a Youtuber (which I’ll not say the same because it’s considered witchhunting) with hundreds and hundreds of hateful comments about Blizzard. I’ve watched cringing around 5 or 6 videos and all of them raised hate, and hate, calling devs incompetent, useful, dumb, because of balances you didn’t like, they make a “meme” and you say that’s bad attitude? Please.

To be honest, the proportions the “ReVeRt MeRcY ShEs NoT FuN bIiZz SucKz” took, Blizzard had to right to make an official statement about it. And they should’ve ban waved A LOT of people for that.

After posts and posts and posts generating hate, with “forged” feedback by the same people over and over, making witch-hunt to mods because they banned a toxic main mercy from the forums, with prints of tickets, name of support members, etc. After the megathread being filled with users with 5-10-15 posts level 1 (which are alts and smurfs of the same people). You want respect?
That will not happen and I hope this becomes a way Blizzard teaches its own fanbase it’s not with vinager you catch flies.

We (all of the players, not just the mercy ones) stopped getting developer updates, feedback on the forums… because why? Anything they would say, ALL the forum mercy spammers would move there and bring the drama to that place. Hope this was a happy ending. We tried to warn this would happen.

But at least… you tried. And I’m glad you’re happy with what you’ve been able to get from Blizzard: nothing.

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Dude this is toxic af.

A change happens that the playerbase hates, and what do they do?

They leave feedback.

The company who made the change ignores the feedback, and what do the players do?

They try to make it so they can’t ignore the feedback by repeatedly bringing it up.

The company still ignores their very unhappy customers, and the players give up on the idea of the company taking feedback so they stop giving it. Then they stop using the product altogether and turn to the company’s competitors.

This is a terrible business plan.


Simple, don’t watch them, I don’t. Why is it you go out of your way to look for channels with a negative mental attitude in the first place? That’s how respectable mainstream people like me avoid negativity in the first place. It’s not really healthy living life with a tin foil hat on.

Blizzard and their spokespersons should never sound like lunatics in the fringes, nor should they comment on those guys – they don’t have that luxury since they’re mainstream establishment.

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It’s not toxic. I merely stated why Blizzard had the right to do jokes about Mercy on a public show. That’s just a small list.
I’ve not insult anybody. And that’s the way most people feel about this whole situation.

Now don’t play the victim because you asked for it.
Mercy is balanced, Mercy is fun to play. You just don’t want her to the way she is. But that’s not every OW player problem, neither Blizzard. It’s your problem.

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Irony of this, is that it seems to have long-time consequences for balance of the game, too. And not in a good way.

But, knowing Blizzard, they will push on.

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I hope they do. I’m glad they didn’t change a hero because some people don’t think it is uh… “Fun”. There’s way too many priority things to do.
And if “fix mercy” is the only feedback we have to give them, they should keep not listening to us.

I’ve never seen Overwatch so balanced like it is atm.
Because they stopped listening.

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They already did it in the first place.

And they better do it again, as absence of mass resurrect is, in a way, responsible for GOATS. Which they keep trying to hammer down with their misguided nerfs, like trying to kill mosquito with sledgehammer, destroying whole house in the process.

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Ridiculing your own playerbase on a public show is in poor taste and again, bad business because it alienates the playerbase. Sure, blizz can do it. It doesn’t mean they’re in the right for doing it.

Asked for what?


And why everyone I know stopped playing the game.
Every single one of them. Mass rez ruined Overwatch.

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No, it didn’t. It’s absence did.