Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I’m wasting my time.
Sure. Wish you two a great day.

Keep being vocal, haha-

You are not making sense. Mass resurrect has been gone for over a year, and you’re blaming it for all of your friends leaving Overwatch… a year ago? When did your friends leave the game?


They could leave due to Mercy meta appearing, but that was after rework, when mass rez was already gone.

At that time, for that same reason, and they never returned.
They played everyday, every single day. But they got exausted.

Please, I beg you. Don’t bring mass rez to the game. Ask for anything else you want. You’ll make me quit the game if that happens and I really don’t want to.

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Why would they leave because of Mass Rez?

Just drop an AoE ult on it, ez teamkill.


It was annoying, but not overpowered. At higher tiers, where players are quick to grab OP heroes, other healers were preferred.


Wow, just wow. All your friends in Overwatch left you all alone a year ago because of Mercy mass resurrect.

I wish you better friends, then. :slight_smile:

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That… makes a lot of sense.
Tell everyone to get new friends and you do custom games with the mercys. If that happens it’s the only people you’ll have to play with.

Assuming and generalising a group of people without evidence.

Funny how you dismissed any proposition for changing Mercy but you argue that she shouldn’t be changed. Why should your opinion wield more value than others ? That’s a double standart.

Making the apology of banning people based on their opinions.

The purpose of the megathread was to gather feedback (at least what they wanted us to believe, the real purpose imo was to concentrate feedback to ignore it easily). Filling the megathread was by no means a violation of the CoC.
+ Making another assumption according to which people used alts accounts to post in the megathread, which by the way is not a violation of the CoC, and is simply blatantly false.

Adding an assumption, which I would say is rather toxic, without evidence to back it up.

Passive aggressivity.

Making the apology of the well-known joke concerning Mercy made by the developpers themselves, which not only could be interpreted as very toxic, but also encouraged people to spread toxicity towards Mercy players.

This can be said to literally anyone, yourself included.

Funny because they did exactly that when they pushed the initial rework.
Double standart ? :thinking:


In which case GOATS reign supreme, and we can kiss DPS goodbye in this game. Mercy is the only support hero right now whose primary niche is supporting DPS – Zen is great for any composition, Ana-Brig-Moira-Lucio are used in various capacities for triple tank metas.

On a side note, I wish Mercy is a generalist similar to Zen, and not the niche pick that Blizzard made her to be.

Lol, he just wants to have fun at other people’s expense, but he’s so socially awkward about it. I honestly hope he does have better friends, tbh, based on what he’s written so far.

Which would be hilarious, as DPS are known to be most team-independent role. Now game is entirely about teamwork.

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That’s the thing, most casual DPS players don’t want to rely on their tanks and support. I’ve always wondered if GOATS is Blizzard’s way of forcing the community to think about teamwork. If it is, Blizzard sure pissed off a lot of DPS mains in the process. :slight_smile:

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Then they wouldn’t be so eager to destroy it.

New hero on PTR, and he has literal immortality as E ability, healing grenades as alt-fire, burst heal for himself and nearby teammates, and ult, that doubles both healing and damage for friendly projectiles(not hitscan or beams).

Insanity gets worse. Immortality field has radius of 3 tanks, shorter cooldown than resurrect, and lasts 7 seconds, unless destroyed(drone in the air has 250 hp).

So you recommend me to have better friends because they stopped playing a videogame? What? That’s how friends are meant to work?
-Ah, you don’t play Overwatch anymore? You’re not my friend anymore.

You know… there’s world outside and real life friends who existed before and after OW came out.

That explains a lot… And I was supposed to be the social awkward one here. What does my friends have to do with all this anyway? lol except the fact I told you they quitted due to the mass-rez meta and the op mercy after that?

“I don’t know what to say, let’s bring personal information and attack his friends so we might look badass” Nope. The argument here was about a Overwatch hero, a Overwatch main community who’s vocal about that hero, the point of devs and other players and personal issues we not the subject.
When I told you there was some people on “your side” who simply looked bad and said / acted exactly the way they shouldn’t? You just did that.
You don’t want to be a stereotype when you just… did everything that stereotype did for months and months.

That’s why most people who love Mercy, have real suggestions are ignored. Because there are so many people who aren’t worth the attention “fighting” for the same, everyone ended up being ignored. And I can say it without attacking any personal information about you, except the person you just shown to be.

Lol, no. See, that’s the reason why you feel socially awkward, it requires a certain sort of emotional stability and empathy to be very sociable.

I mean, think about it – why are you so sore about Mercy for mass resurrect? Why such gloomy feelings about it?

Lastly, playing around with friends is a fundamental human activity. So, yeah, you either need better friends, or you need to play other games, preferably the ones your friends play. :slight_smile:

Because it ruined everyone’s gaming experience.
Everyone killed, fight, did whatever they had to do, a Mercy was hidden, rez 4 people, died, and “yey” victory because you just put 4+ people alive again pressing a ultimate button.

That was annoying, that lacks skill, that lacks strategy.
“Die in the point and I can mass rez” isn’t startegy. Is laziness.

And you know that I’m not the only person on this forums / reddit or any other place knowing mass-rez is a terrible idea.

And please, don’t come with the “but that’s good for the ult economy”. Because I’ve seen so many people with that argument and it makes almost as much non-sense as rez ability itself.

- I’ll ignore all the information about my personal life and friends because like, you really have no idea what you’re talking about and have nothing to do with it -

You are reading too much into such a simple statement – it’s fundamental that friends are playful around each other. It’s the first thing babies learn when they meet other babies in toddler playground. It’s a universal, banal feature of human experience.

If you want to over-complicate your life with your drama, it’s on you, and not on me.

Again, we’re here to talk about mercy. I don’t need life advices from a unknown web person. Leave it be.

I’ve seen you talk about everything except mercy herself… lol

You brought it up, attaching your emotional baggage as an argument against Mercy. Which you are still doing in your previous post, btw. And you wonder why I find you socially awkward?

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Oh right. You have nothing else to add except that.
Valid argument on Mercy. Read my posts up there when I made the reference about videos and posts attacking Devs, players, calling names, shaming, witch-hunting, anything involving drama except the hero herself. Picking every argument that’s possible to pick, except what really matters.

You’re exactly that kind of person who made so much good Mercy feedback invalid.
Now I’ll go back to my “no cyber-friends” life, being socially awkward and start searching for friends on reddit as OW Forums Dr. Phill just recommended.