Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

This has to be my favorite part. Even I have read more posts than all of the devs combined


This gave me some Moira’s vibes xd

Hmmm, as a person who despises mercy’s top position in the meta for the past, well, almost forever, this is actually pretty good and i agree on a lot of points. I mate despise mercy because of how much of a must pick she is in 90% of situations, but i do enjoy playing a hypermobile healer OCCASIONALLY when i have to go healer, so i, and most other people who harbour disdain for mercy, contrary to popular belief, DO NOT want her to be ‘deleted’ or ‘dead’ as some mercy players like to think. However there are still issues i feel like i cant agree on. For example why is it that so many people think Valkyrie is ‘garbage’(including OP)? Is it because its not as impactful as sound barrier or transcendence? Its not supposed to be. Its JUST AS, IF NOT MORE (depending on situation) effective as other ults of main healers, nano boost and coalescence. Of course there are differences, but they are usually cancelled out by each other. Per example, you may say that Moira does more healing but her ult not only lasts less, but is also very susceptible to being cancelled. Only argument i can see is that due to the amount of nerfs valk got, it became less fun to play, which i would understand, but dont call it useless then, because its far from it.


Actually… Bastion is a different topic altogether who really needs some work. But giving him a “overclock” ult would be cool and better than his live version… sure.

A thread which makes plenty of valid points, hopefully it stays as well as being popular.


I have literally read over 162k posts. :laughing::ok_hand:

And yet, people claim i couldn’t possibly know more about game balance than the devs.


Is jumping in a pit of spikes an option?


I was thinking about many things to make Val balanced and fun, but all of them were way to OP or just 100% unviable. Even your idea comes with far too much utility.

Valkyrie Mercy is now Meta since almost a year, non stop, even with more than 9 heavy nerfs. It’s just no fit for Mercy.
And that has nothing to do with “people are more comfortable with Mass Res”.
It’s just the for the game far healthier Ult for everyone.


Dont be mean. LOLOL

Poor Bastion

EXCUSE ME but you are attempting to push an horrible idea onto poor bastion. Overclock? Hunny pls, he’s not a clock, he’s an omnic.


It isn’t my idea

Okay, first, why must her ult enhance her suit?

Second of all, for clarification purposes, what isn’t balanced about it according to you?

Valkyrie is currently the way it is because she has rez as a regular ability.


Not really. Sometimes things sound strong on paper and they dont play out that way in game.

Sombra has unlimited Stealth and can Hack people… on paper that sounds super strong but look at her.

The only way to know is to put this on the PTR and TEST IT

Its why we have a PTR

You tried to say it would be good for bastion? Babes, YOU NEED TO GET BACK TO EARTH ASAP


I’m sorry, but overclock focuses on his Flexible kit. Based entirely around the uses of his Tank mode, as if it Had To be removed from his Q.

Basically, its as if Mercy had like, Rez on E or something… That would just be crazy, and would take some crazy balance to even be Barely usable.

I’m a fan of just simply improving Bastion’s current Kit, just like what they should have done with Mercy.

Not removing the ult, and “Reworking” it into an E ability. -.-

What you are talking about is just trying to fix failed reworks… That never goes well.

Nice try attempting to use that against me, tho… I like In depth discussion.

Try again next time.


No. It’s for the bugs. Again :c

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Public Testing Realm but i still don’t agree with him :stuck_out_tongue: the idea he’s suggesting is way to problematic.


What are you talking about? The PTR never has bugs based on how Blizzard treats that kind of feedback.

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Because that is the direction the devs wanted to take her.

What isn’t balanced about Valk? Lots of things. She shouldn’t have unlimited healing. It shouldn’t negate her biggest weakness. It should actually be able to heal your team and feel like a support ult… for a start.

Did you even read that person’s suggestions on Bastion?

Again… this isn’t really the point. I was just saying for example. This is about Mercy. Bastion needs work. We should take that discussion over to that thread. lol

Dear Devs,

Please pin this thread as it serves to be more useful than the cringe that is, “The OverMoji Cafe”.