Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Really though. Mercy is a problem and has been since the rework. Just nerfing her heals and calling it a day literally fixes nothing and then we are going to have to deal with that for how many more months?

This is getting absolutely ridiculous.

Mercy needs to be fixed. Today. This week.

Regardless of if you agree with me or the OP, something needs to be done.


Then you might want to address some of its points…

You said you would put Resurrect behind Valkyrie, and that Valkyrie could use some work. You did not say what you would actually do to Valkyrie.

And how would you do that without changing it fundamentally?

“Rough start”?

It’s been nearly a year since the rework. Valkyrie just doesn’t work as an ultimate. Going back to mass-rez makes sense because we know that it is something that can be worked with; it was fine in seasons 4-5. We have never had a version of post-rework Mercy that actually works.

Bad start. If you want Mercy to be about mobility and healing, it doesn’t make sense to start the post off with a healing nerf.


Can we have an ability that is actually a basic ability?

An effective cooldown of 25 seconds is a bit absurd.

My overall opinion on the effects:

For an ultimate, that still seems pretty bland. It still seems like an E with a 15 second duration. Optimal distance from the fight will still be 29 meters (unless the beam range increase/flight is removed), and Valkyrie will be used mostly for that one charge of Resurrect.


So she heals at a rate of 75 health/second so long as she is healing an ally?

What was the point of this change…

If it’s going to be replaced by an even more powerful regeneration?


Well, here’s the thing we can all agree about! But sadly:

And that “successful rework” is still a mess after all these mo(n)ths.


Is that was it was scrapped as an idea before the game went live? I don’t even know if it made it to beta. I joined late beta.

You missed the MAJOR problem with Valkyrie. You cannot make it powerful with rez on E. It will never work. Valkyrie is the way it is because of rez on E.

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Reworking Valkyrie and giving her a garbage e ability then calling it a day literally fixes nothing and then we’re going to have to deal with that for how many more months?


No… this is about analogies… And you failed in spinning one i had made, out of control.

Mercy doesn’t need a hero deleting rework, to “fix” Her already hero deleting “Successful rework”

Which is why Titanium is a Genius.
The rework proposed here not only focuses on retaining Balance overall, but reinstating her identity, and “character” While ALSO Fixing the issues caused by her aforementioned “Successful Rework”


While i agree this needs pinned, you… Are dead to me. :no_mouth:

Sorry but it was said to emphasise my point. The peeps in the OverMoji cafe are pretty chill.

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That sounds like a horrible ultimate idea, honestly. A combined heal/damage beam sounds like an E ability. Keeping the 50hps sounds bad, and wouldn’t combo well with that long cooldown on your proposed E ability.

E ability? Is that what we’re calling that abomination?

Not only is that healing buff quite insane, it also tunrs to res in Val. That’s more utility than any support can dream of.
There is no testing needed.
We know what happens if we put Res in Val with more power. Val is only used for res, because why not. And the “no weakness” issue is only bigger than now.
And the down time of that can be shorted by that E ability with that, for Mercy, far to strong healing output.

There is no way in which that would be balanced. And if you just nerf everythng… that wouldn’t change a lot, same as now.


What’s the point of potential when the ability doesn’t offer a realistic chance to actually harness that potential in practice?

AoE heal beams? A decent Mercy could match the realistic impact of that without using Valkyrie.

AoE damage boost? Well now the main healer isn’t healing in the middle of a teamfight, cutting into the team’s sustain by a lot.

And Valkyrie can have its uses… it’s just flatly outclassed by other ultimates with the same functionality.


:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Not to mention it’s not fun when we have two ultimates (Supercharger and Valkyrie) that are visually very similar.

Are there any other ultimates that you can actually mistake at a quick glance?


I mean… I often confuse an ulting Bastion for a throwing Torbjorn… Especially the part where they die. :upside_down_face:

But yea, you hit the nail on the head with that one.


In fairness, that thread does a good job of staying lighthearted. Something that I’m not particularly good at when giving legitimate feedback except for the handful of snarky remarks… And even those weren’t supposed to be very lighthearted.


I’ve just come off a suspension for calling people “potatoes” for not understanding the basic concepts that you also outlined in your thread. Who knows what will happen :slight_smile:

Trust me, explaining “5v6” scenarios with ult uses and doing a massive calculation comparing mercy’s 50 HPS / minute with valk against lucio’s hps + ult / minute still isn’t enough.

No matter how much you work and calculate.
Some people are unwilling to understand.
Some people are unable to understand.

The most upsetting part is the vocal minority that don’t wish to / are incapable of understanding or even reading in depth what you / me / we write.

They just disagree to disagree.

Even if 11 months and 13 nerfs should be an indication for something


Yep, 100% agree. It’s been a year already.

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Doing a quick skim great post as always Titanium. Honestly I’m surprised they believe that valk Mercy can be balanced without harming her play style, but at this point I’ve give up on the balance team. (Have my own thoughts on all of that which I’ll avoid sharing.)

The only way to fix Mercy at this point is either a revert or a rework, which unfortunately I see neither happening anytime soon.


They are just the typical Mercy haters who argue that same BS. one of them tried to argue with me that those who main Mercy dont main supports.

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