Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Take it with a grain of salt, but I say this from long fruitful experience – the capability to work well with any kind of person is the most valuable asset to anyone starting out in whatever field. That alone will get you pretty far.

And if you choose who you look up to with the same care you treat others in these forums (i.e. mentors who align with your ideals and aspirations), the highest levels of cooperative achievement is definitely within your reach far into the future.

i genuinely appreciate that but I absolutely meant this as a joke. I do work for evil, but I have come to terms with it. I plan to retire at 37, move to California’s Mountains/Hawaii’s and live in a hobbit hole ala Lord of the Rings in reclusive bliss by myself and only venture out to get electrical things I can’t make myself and have the local children think I’m some mystery phantom.

Why 37, specifically?

That’s the number of years that including Law school, required years at a company that paid for my law school, paying off undergrad loans, and saving up, should take before I have enough money to quietly retire and make a living off of art I like to make, and living off the land with my one cow and a dog. I haven’t settled on whether I want a pig yet.

Go for a teacup pig if you do.


lol teacup pigs still get pretty big. I’d want a full pig. It’s just I’m not sure how to really care for one… Cows are easier I think…
But I don’t want my cow to be lonely.

I have a while to think about this. I’m sure I’ll make a right and absolutely different choice lmao

Lol, I’m apparently living #theDream, then. :smile:

Good luck with raising your pigs/cows, or electrical stuff that you plan to do in your hobbit hole.

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The devs confirming it, the dev update. Tons of videos, reddit, the fact that it’s removed from the game. My personal experience, Pros etc. The evidence is overwhelming. The SR abuse etc. Streamers. I dunno what more evidence do you want.

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You cannot carry with any hero single-handed in a rank to which you belong. I don’t understand how you find that confusing.

You can carry at low ranks under the premise that you don’t belong there with any hero that is.

There’s absolutely no way a Silver player gets matched in a game with Grandmasters, Masters etc. in competitive, period. There’s no way I would believe you without seeing some serious evidence.

If you played Mercy you are not using any mechanical skill when performing your primary function. And if you claim Valkyrie is a “spectator” mode that means you don’t use your gun (otherwise you wouldn’t claim it is), meaning the little Mercy has in terms of mechanical skill is not utilized by you.

However there are heroes who singlehandedly swing the game in your favour just by being better in the mirror matchup. Rein and Ana for example.

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Eventually Blizzard will nerf them, too, with reworking new heroes to that state. Double standards should live on.

Then how can you rank shame someone for performing well at their level and say “WELL I CAN CARRY AT YOUR RANK” but being well above that rank. If you can’t carry with a hero at your INTENDED RANK than you have no right to rank shame anyone else for not carrying at their rank either.

I was a gold player at the time and it was about S3 and I queued up at like 3-4AM. It was one odd game where the enemy team had a plat put on there team as well, so they didn’t belong there either.

They got me to play Lucio at the time to try and work with them but said if I was bad at it, they would try and let me play what I was best at and see what happened.
I did fine with Lucio and our team won.

I don’t believe it is spectator mode.
I believe it undermines the skills you learn in the base kit by making all of what you were already doing that much easier. It takes away from her already rather low skill ceiling. Why is that so difficult to grasp?

My issue is not with balance, it is with design.
The design makes the challenges you learned on base kit just lessened.
When you shoot in Valkyrie, is it not easier than doing so from her base kit?
When you heal in Valkyrie, is it not easier than doing so from her base kit?
Evading attacks in Valk, is it not easier than doing so from her base kit?

Mercy needs to have a decent amount of challenges to overcome but not through straight up aim mechanics to enhance she is meant to be entry level and reliable but those challenges stop her from just being flat brain dead.


And as I said, this was very early on in the game now and it was a bad time to queue because of long wait times at that time in the morning (like 3 or 4AM) and somehow it just happened. It never happened again mind you, but it did queue me higher in Plat games all morning simply because there wasn’t many golds on in AUS servers. This was a result of the matchmaking having no one right for a game and it had a brain fart and that’s what happened.

I wish had video evidence because it was the best game I ever recalled. People were nice and communicated and it was really just nice.


Did you even think about what you said for a second? You can swing the game in your favor if you are better than your opponent. That’s how the game is generally won - by the better team / players. That’s so obvious that I don’t even know why you would state something like that. If your Mercy is better than the enemy Mercy who dies every time trying to rez and you don’t you swung the game in your favor. Every hero can do that, it’s not exclusive to some heroes.

I’m not rank shaming you. Those two are oxymoron - if you are performing well, you will climb. If you are not you will stay at your level. How is that so hard to grasp? You can’t perform well and stay at the same place. The reason I can carry at your rank is because I’m objectively better at those players meaning that it doesn’t matter generally what hero I pick because I will out-perform them vastly. That’s not rank shaming. That’s a fact.

You play well -> You climb. You don’t play well or play average -> You stay where you are. This isn’t rank-shaming. This is basic logic.

Don’t lie then to create “drama”. It’s painfully obvious because it’s absolutely impossible for that to happen. The MMR of your team was the same as the MMR of the enemy team.

Because Valkyrie provides you with options - that’s the skill in utilizing it. Not using the base kit. You don’t seem to grasp that idea. Valkyrie provides for decision making other than “Hide + press Q”.

Those options are already present without Valkyrie. Healing, damage boost, pistol, or GA somewhere else - all of that exists outside of Valkyrie.

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That’s not what I’m talking about…like at all. Honestly, get better at the game amiga. Learn about compositions, heroes, practice mechanical skills etc. Your posts betray severe lack in game sense, knowledge about multiple elements within the game. That’s not rank shaming, just an analysis. Upload some videos and I will be more than happy to provide some constructive criticism.

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I don’t really see how Valkyries flexibility is a good thing. It’s a crutch which is out of line with any other ult. Its use allows choices to have less detrimental outcomes because you can always switch and adjust. And any choice you make isn’t inherently “bad” either.
Making the most of an ult is growing as a player. Mass rez wasn’t an exception to that. But it was more in line with other ults that have one shot of being good than valk is with it’s kit and duration


Got no interest in creating videos, or playing different heroes. I know exactly what kind of hero I am in this game for. Professional part of community is of no interest to me, just like it was in TF2. They can play anything they want - I won’t ever cross them in my games, or have them in my team.


Than basically the problem/issue is you. To try and force the developers to cater to you solely and balance the game around your desire for a hero to be OP is absolutely the most egotistical and selfish possible thing.

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Nobody ever said anything about wanting mercy to be op though?


Mercy wasn’t even played by them, until she was reworked. So yes, I ask devs to leave “casual” heroes alone. I don’t ask them to make heroes like Genji more accessible for me, pro players can have him all for themselves. But keep pro players away from more casual heroes.

Symmetra lost quite a lot of her players, thanks to same decisions.

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