Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Here here. Nothing more fun than having a Tracer coming straight at you, thinking you are an easy pick, an taking her out with a few headshots. Or a Genji going all Dragon Blade and zipping towards you only to die in mid Swift Strike to a couple of headshots. Or that pesky Widowmaker that no one is bothering with at the top of the Statue on Kings Row, 5 shots later and I as Mercy can leisurely stroll out of the spawn door. An just for you:

More like 25% (Or less) of the old “Hide and Rez is only way to play Mercy” Mercy mains. Many of us never did use “Hide and Rez”. Our job was to Heal, not let our teammates die. But if all the healing in the world wouldn’t keep our teammates alive, due to multiple Ultimates going off at once, then would we use Mass Rez. Unless it was to pick up 1-3 teammates to keep the game going, you know Tempo Rez. But with the way things are going in the game we are called upon NOT to heal the team, but to be a Side-Kick for DPS such as Pharah (from day 1 of Overwatch), Reaper (after his latest Buff), Widowmaker (would rather be wiping that smug look off her face with kill shots), Hanzo (same as Widowmaker), an now our ‘Mercy Buff’ is the introduction of Ashe… It isn’t so much that we want Mass Rez back the way it was, with no counters. We want a FIXED Mass Rez with strengths and weaknesses that original, an more importantly I-frame (Invulnerability on cast) Mercy, was sorely lacking. We want to feel valuable again, not just seen and played as any DPS Side-Kick. That’s boring as mud, and mud spelled backwards is dum(b).
But you come in here and think that we are all the same, but lack the understanding that there were many ways to play Mercy outside of “Hide and Rez”,a n that many of us never even practiced it in the first place. Did it happen, yes. Did it happen as much as it was portrayed by Streamers, probably not. An if you look at a lot of their game play you would see that most of the time when they said “Mercy is Hiding” she was not, she was right with the team or slightly behind doing her job of healing.


What about when you do a group project and you all have your role but some people don’t work at the same level or do as much as others in that group?

Woah, looks like that is Overwatch in a nutshell. You get put into a grouo of people and you have to work with what you have. You have to try and carry your weight on that team and you can only control so much when you only get to control one side.

You may have done great on that project but the project in total could still be trash because you were forced to rely on others.


Considering your team and the enemy team always have the same MMR, your example doesn’t work. Also you took my statement out of context.

Has nothing to do with my point.

Oh my god I am cackling! That is so messed up but fricking hilarious.

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In all my time when I play Mercy, the only time I ever ‘hid’ was when I knew I was in danger or some angry ninja boi just yelled out loud.

If you expect me, a healer, whose entire mobility and ult that relies on my teammate being dead, to be out in the open just to be killed first before my teammates, thats stupid. If Im out in the open with my teammates where the enemy knows who to target first, I wont be able to use my ult.

To preface again, I never hid nor left my team to die, but I do take cover or at least try to stay out of enemy sights so that I dont die first because youre always the number 1 target.


That’s very accurate description of playing Overwatch. You can get worst players in whole playerbase, best ones, or somewhere in between - doesn’t matter, that’s what you have to make victory with.

Correct. You may not want to dance in sights of the enemy team, or they eventually will figure out, that it can be a good idea to shoot you first. Ideally, other team should have no clue about your current position, or know only where you been 10+ seconds ago.


The Devs disagree with you. Mass Rez didn’t get removed from the game for no reasons.

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I wrote 2 paragraphs after that, and that is all you took from it?

:disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:SIGH :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:


There are no facts in those two paragraphs, it’s an anecdote / story.

But let me do it again:

  • Wrong. If that was the case, Devs wouldn’t have removed it or specifically commented on it in a dev update and in multiple subsequent forum posts stating Mercy is fine in terms of mechanic and that Mass Rez isn’t coming back.


More anecdote. None of these are facts, just story time made up from you.

More anecdote. In general, the job of the support is to facilitate his teammates and help them make kills (through utility or through keeping them alive). This is not rocket science or discovering hot water.

Even more anecdote and nothing factual. I do get your point, but I don’t agree with it fundamentally. And this idea is absolutely broken and falls apart under the most basic scrutiny. Mass Rez shouldn’t come back in the game.

I feel plenty valuable, impactful as Mercy currently. She is balanced which is a a fact. Your anecdote is a subjective story.

Have never stated anywhere anything remotely like that. That’s you projecting.

More anecdote.

If that was the case Mass Rez wouldn’t have be removed.

Literally 90% of what you wrote is pure subjective opinion / anecdote and nothing to do with facts.

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You actually believe that you are put into games with exact matching MMR. Oh lordy that is hilarious.

What if the person with the highest MMR on one team is DPS and the other teams one is a support? Those are not entirely equal pairings. In a game like Overwatch it isn’t possible to have perfectly balanced MMR matches simply because you are given an MMR that doesn’t take into account that your MMR is likely based on whatever you are playing the most of but it can pair you up with anyone of that similar MMR who could play something wildly different to you with a greater advantage because of their role.

Let’s say the tean with the highest MMR support has two other players, a DPS and a main tank who are their lowest MMR players and the team with a higher MMR DPS has a low MMR tank and support. Lets say that the two tanks have fairly similar MMR so both teams might have tanks that can create the same amount of space to act on. Who acts on that space? Most often DPS make the most of that space.

Which team has the better opportunity taken from that space? Most likely the higher MMR DPS.
The higher MMR support player is probably making things difficult and performing substantially better than then the other support, but the higher MMR DPS is doing more damage that your own which means that DPS will likely be able to ult and overwhelm your team pretty soon. Let us say that the higher MMR support is Ana. What are you going to do when the ult comes?

Rein’s shield breaks and can you heal through that?

That support could be making their team strong, but they are securing less kills that are required to make a push a success and therefore they are not able to carry that match as well as a higher MMR DPS could unless they are wildly far from their own rank. No MMR match is perfect, this is why steam rolls exist.

If people have a few bad games because of being stuck with players that just didn’t mesh or find their groove, that doesn’t mean the player has immediately become terrible by losing some SR or background MMR. They still have their skills, the stats are constantly shifting which makes perfect MMR matches impossible to achieve. MMR gives you a score that dictates where you stand, it does not tell the story of what you used to get that MMR to match you to someone else with that similar score.

You have said previously that supports have the potential to carry a team.
Well, could you carry a team with Mercy at a high rank? Or is it you working with a team that makes that possible?

If you cannot hard carry like that at high ranks, then what you can do at low ranks to which you don’t belong make those points of carrying irrelevant.

You need to develop skills in the closest to fair playing field, which is becoming harder and harder to find these days because of smurfs, throwers, leavers and just in general not being able to find cohesion with every team you get.

Team matters. At every level.

I already told my story of being a gold placed in a weird MMR match where I got stuck with Grandmasters, Masters, Diamonds and a Plat. I already said that my team won even though they were stuck with me. Communication helped me to not fail my team that day because apparently I possessed enough mechanical skill to make it through that game, but their communication helped me and it was good fun. You can play above your skill level with a team if they can work with you, especially in a game like Overwatch where mechanical skill isn’t the most important.


Chin up, N7…at least you arent a lawyer, politician, or used car salesman; or work for the IRS or a payday loan firm


I’m working to be an insurance lawyer. Like double evil. Actually one step away from Satan. :sob::sob::sob:


I am so sorry, dude.

Perhaps you can save me 15% or more on car insurance some day?

Hey, I’m evil not gross. Auto is sooooo low rung. HIGH CLASS INSURANCE only. Poor people can’t afford me. :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

…I babysit on the side for low rates to keep some semblance of a soul​:cry::cry:

And do my best in forums and such to criticize the large corporations that I’m subservient to without exposing myself because they feed me.

I live a precarious life and upon reflection I really need to be retired already :weary:

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so when I have the grand viewing hall in my spawling mansion full of Picassos and Rembrandts, then I come see you for a 15% or greater discount?

(the emphasis above added by me)

a lesson that many of the most vociferous anti-Mercys should take heed to…“dont bite the hand that feeds you”

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Didn’t know lawyers even have souls :smiling_imp:

But it’s fine.

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I’ma be honest… They absolutely can. Just not in my field. Every single person in my line of business is nothing short of abhorrent evil.

And upon reflection…
Probably why I don’t like Mercy and favor Moira… and why I don’t like tracer and favor sombra. :woman_shrugging:t5:

:thinking::thinking: I might have some soul searching to do in my near future…

It’s fine tho. I don’t actively hate mercy anymore. Could be the game but maybe it’s because I’m actually a better, kinder person…

It’s probably the game but let’s not reflect on that.


Good luck with that. Since I am not very much of a believer, I don’t have a soul to begin with.

Would be hard to say, if I am actually a nice, kind person. As I prefer to be that way, because I am fully aware of what I will become otherwise. Would rather not release my evil side, as it would be impossible to contain afterwards. Even while it’s tempting to let go, and sometimes that side can be seen, if someone really gets on my nerves :no_good_woman:

Don’t favor Moira, because whole idea of healer designed around dealing damage feels completely foreign to me. :woman_shrugging: And, surprisingly, I also prefer Sombra over Tracer.

An yet, IF all Mercy players ever did was “Hide and Rez”, or even a majority, where is the correlating evidence?
I’m not saying YouTube videos on best places to hide, not Streamers who hate with a purple passion Mercy in general (for her lock-on beam being ‘no aim, no brain’ nor that ‘Mercy is always hiding’), or Pros saying to the question “If you could go back in time, which Hero would you delete?”. Is there an ACTUAL report anywhere of how often, how many, what SR ranks used it, and during which season “Hide and Rez” occurred?

The answer to both is: There is no evidence one way or another.

They said it was prevalent, but didn’t back it up with ANY facts. ‘THEY’ went ahead with an OP rework rather than see if they could Tweak Mercy and the Rez mechanic. An ‘THEY’, just like you, absolutely refuse to admit anything different much less see things from our perspective.

  • “Mass Res is bad for the game.” How/why? It was good for 2 years, an for those 2 years she got Buff after Buff because Mass Rez was so weak.
  • “Rez, in any form, should not be in a FPS.” Oh, why not? It’s in other games.
  • “Mercy is ALWAYS hiding.” Except if someone is looking at videos, Mercy is not hiding.

Etc. etc. etc. Broken Record much?


Your setup on this joke in the previous post made me smile, but this one with the punchline included got me ROFL-ing. :smiley:

So true. All team compositions played at the highest levels rely on synergy on all 3 archetypes – tanks, DPS and supports.

The only times I felt that synergy went haywire, meta-wise – Ana and the quad tank meta, and Brigitte and GOATS. In both cases DPS got displaced, and even then there were exceptions – Misfits introduced “Beyblade”: nano-boosted Reaper to counter quad tank; GOATS got countered by compositions involving Pharah, Doomfist, McRee and Sombra, and a quad-DPS composition with Orisa and Mercy performing as solo tank and solo healer, respectively.

In summary, imho 2-2-2 is the most balanced state of the game, the introduction of Ana and Brigitte when they were still new upset that balance. I can go further back and state a case as to why Ana’s and Brigitte’s kits were overloaded when they were initially introduced (hint: it’s a response to the oppressive nature of 2 flankers viewed most favorably by the DPS crowd), but that’s a discussion for another day.

At the end of the day, no one wants to lay the blame on Ana (because, dur, skillz), but it seems fashionable to dump on Brigitte among the DPS crowd (because, dur, lack of skillz). In all cases, Blizzard is dealing with the unintended consequences of introducing the aforementioned support heroes with overloaded kits.