Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

It’s part of old saying:

“Arguing online, is like winning in Special Olympics - even if you won, you are still mentally challenged.”


Excuse me? You are saying that Mercy was must pick when everyone screamed at you that you were throwing if you went Mercy instead of either Zenyatta or Lucio. Yeah, an I got some Ocean Front property in Arizona I’d like to sell you.

You also missed the point that the person you were referring to is using an Alt account, with this one being the lower of the two. But never mind that, calling someone out for having a lower SR than you is the basis for Rank Shaming, which you just did then backed it up with those questions. Yeah…


Nobody screamed at you for throwing in Season 1 because nobody had a clue what they were doing in Season 1. Get your facts straight.

Would never want to live in US, no thanks.

The person questioned my knowledge over Goats. I doubt the person has experienced Goats in high Silver / low Gold. You must have missed that one out conveniently.

Yeah, and I’m also a Pro player. :yum:

Of course, you can’t defeat my arguments so you gotta play the victim card. You do realize there’s a context right?

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To which you replied:

Maybe, even though you don’t live and wouldn’t want to live in the U.S., you might want to look at a map of the U.S. Basically, I used a song an anyone who knows anything about basic geography knows that Arizona is one of many states that doesn’t have a border with an ocean. An if you’d buy that (the ocean front property) I’ll throw in the Golden Gates for free.

Doesn’t change anything, it is one of the main reasons that peoples accounts can now be Private, because people like you come into a discussion or during games an start insulting people just because in Competitive they are lower than you. Never mind that some of us who enjoy Overwatch are not Spring Chicken (meaning we are not twitchy teenagers, E.G. are old), have a life outside of Online Games, or have had a hard life an may have nerve damage that prevents us from playing to OWL standards.

Don’t know anything about Arizona and your reference means nothing to me in all honesty. Like I said, would never want to live in US.

Haven’t insulted anyone.

Have never mentioned anything even remotely close to this. Has nothing to do with this conversation. We aren’t having a debate about morality.

Credentials matter - when you apply for a job interview, is the interviewer shaming you when they ask you for your qualifications? Are you being credential shamed? :rofl:

Anything and everything can be perceived as offense or an insult in this day and age. That’s your responsibility. I’m not in control of what other people find offensive. Literally anything can be perceived as offensive.

Either way, rank does matter when discussing balance. You can have whatever opinion you want - what counts is if it’s legitimate or not.

You still haven’t discussed any of my arguments or facts, you simply try to put a target on me and attack my reputation or morality since you can’t actually address my actual position.

Nice bait, but it’s painfully obvious.

Fine, lets look at your actual position… AHHH YESSssssssss that position with the other thread #Don’t bring Mass Rez back… Seen it, replied to it, an you still got it wrong. Mass Rez for ‘Hide and Rez’, according to you, happened all the time. Yeah, not so much… It DID happen, yes. Did it happen every game? No, no it did not. But lets look at the points you put in this thread.

Already replied to the first one. But since the beginning of Overwatch it was Lucio/Zen or you were throwing till the advent of Ana. All 4 supports could have been used for:

But were NOT enabled by Ana. As I stated above, all 4 of the ONLY healers could have been used. But the release of Ana changed the game slightly. Instead of just Lucio/Zen it went Lucio/Ana or Zen/Ana or you were throwing if you went Mercy.

OH, you mean when Ana got Nerfed and Shields prevented her from being as useful? An Mercy players were STILL screamed at that they were throwing if they didn’t switch to Zen/Lucio/Ana…

AH yes, the Rework went Live, even though ‘THEY’ were warned that Mercy would be OP in the PTR discussion. That was NOT Mercy players fault that "THEY’ released an OP monster, then refused to fix it for months.

So, when Mercy started getting Nerfed it was till healer’s faults since Mercy could Damage Boost. Or Zen Damage Boost? Hummm, I thought the only other one that could Damage Boost was Orisa during Ult, Zen could Discord 1 enemy, not boost anyone on their team… And wasn’t Moria added before this, making a grand total of 5 healers as opposed to 15 DPS.

With the introduction of Brigitte, who has received nothing but Nerfs since release which brings us back to:

Oh, so a Triple Tank Meta Part II. That is the Tanks job, to soak up damage. An since they did it so well in the 1st Triple Tank, and some were Nerfed for it (D.Va specifically, but Hog also had some changes) to where they became hybrids of DPS/Tanks. Now, with the Tanks playing a larger roll of DPS in the game, the DPS are crying because they cannot be killed because the Healers AOE healing won’t let them die easily.

Yeah, I just disproved your entire premise that the Healers are defining the Meta because there were changes and additions to the game during each of those times. The Healers are not playing in a vacuum, hero changes occurred around them and THAT, that right there, changed the Meta. Sure, the Mercy Rework caused a LOT of problems, which could have been prevented if Mercy had just been tweaked instead of Reworked. That is the whole premise behind this thread, but you come in here and put out your take on the whole thing and by gum you are right and thousands of Mercy players are wrong.


Wrong. I’ve never claimed it happened all the time. However, it happened significantly enough for the development team to remove this unhealthy mechanic from the game.

And you were wrong there.

Wrong. Depends on the competitive tier.

Wrong. Beyblade literally relied on the nano-boosted Reaper. Ana provided sufficient healing to support 3 tanks. She was necessary.

Wrong. Depends on the competitive tier. Just because the top 1% used Ana/Zen doesn’t mean Mercy was a throw-pick for the rest of the 99% of the community.

Again wrong, depends on the competitive tier. Mercy is the most reliable healer and had amazing utility. Dive didn’t happen everywhere but mostly at the top.

Has nothing to do with what I say.

The sniper meta predominantly relied on Grav + Damage boosted Dragon.

Has nothing to do with what I’m saying.

Who is another support.

D.Va nerfed? You serious? The only significant nerf to D.Va that actually is going to do something is the one that just happened a week or so ago.

The DPS no longer can do their job properly because there is an incredible healing power creep. Symptoms of that are the Sniper meta (the reasons for which Hanzo + Widow were used I have already explained) and the culmination of Goats as the end product of that power creep.

Literally disproved nothing. You don’t even address any of my arguments. Not to mention 90% of your assertions are flat out wrong.

I love the straw-man. I’m not alone in this - the Pros, the majority of the community and the Developer team agree with me. And you are not in the thousands. More like 10-15 people who have a lot of alts to come and raid the forum and do nothing but spam.

Legions, the horde is coming :rofl:


I was a straight a student in almost every grade. Just because I did well at every given time, didn’t mean that was the case for other students. I was there exception. Not the rule and I knew it. If I knew others struggled, and it was consistent it wasn’t about just me.

If every student was consistently failing except one, that’s not saying that the other students are bad, just that one is the outlier. There’s still a problem.

They can, they should, plenty do.

I work in evil : insurance. And somehow they care about the health and wellness of workers in each place I’ve been. Is it the rule? No. But it can be.

This is a game. These are consumers. Their feelings are valid


Don’t change the context when it’s clear.

Credentials matter in a conversation of skill or some proficiency. When two candidates apply for the same job, you pick the one who has more skills and will do the job properly. The other one is not credential-shamed or whatever non-sense you want to claim.

Not in a void. You take my position out of context. Just because you demand something unhealthy to be back doesn’t mean it should be. Do we indulge everybody’s feelings about everything? Where do we draw the line? When is someone unreasonable? Who decides that?

If I demand and my feelings tell me that I want Widowmaker to one-shot everybody at a click of a button do we do it?

Who’s feelings are more important? Mine or yours? If I feel Mercy is viable, what then?

Funnily enough, that’s not how the real world works.
Favoritism, connections, personality are all things considered in getting a job. Not inherently merits.

It’s not about just feelings in a game. Plenty of Mercy players are happy. Plenty aren’t. Design of the game, design of a hero, context of what mercy players want: all should be considered.

A battle mercy with healing dps bullets and non team reliant mobility could be balanced. I don’t think anyone wants it tho.


You can have all qualities of a good worker, but if your potential superior looks at you and says “I don’t like her, she is too independent and doesn’t blindly follow whatever I say”, you will hear “We will call you next week” and no one will call.


So everything I said was wrong because of Competitive Tier, or it happened often enough to be noticed… But one key thing.

You forgot, not surprised… D.Va’s Defense Matrix had received a big nerf in August 2017. The ability now uses up twice as much energy while it’s activated, which reduces the shield’s uptime by 50%. To counter such a big loss to the Defense Matrix, Micro Missiles were added to her kit making her more DPS and less Tankish.

As opposed to DPSwatch of all the DPS getting slight to major, E.G. Reaper, Power Creep. Tanks are SUPPOSED to soak up damage, but with strong AOE healing they just don’t die. OKAY, I’ll buy that. Puts Mercy out of the picture with her measly 50 hps single target beam doesn’t it? Back to being a Throw Pick if you pick Mercy for Competitive.

so, we are 20, no 10 to 15 now. Funny, there are 1825 Likes on the 1st post on this topic, many more on the old forum’s Mega Threads (as well as more Mercy Players posting back then), but nay there is only a few who, an I need to re-quote you on this one:

Yeah, sorry but I have only 1 Alt account, an it is over 1000 SR higher than this one. But Mercy mains have spent hundreds of dollars to buy Alt accounts each, supporting Overwatch’s bad balancing act by giving them money, just to pump up the Likes on this one thread, an have been doing it since Mega-Thread 1? Yeah, I don’t think so.


The spread of general personality types on a hero main is really interesting. In the case of Mercy, I’ve noticed that it can actually be used as an indicator of where they stand on her design.

The defensive Mercies who are content to follow others lead, never really go aggro (both in positioning and pistol use, they generally stay in the back) and rarely make any shot-calls are more likely - not guaranteed, just more likely - to be very happy where Mercy is, and are wary of rework advocates.

The Mercies who want her to stay as she is think a rework that gives the unhappy Mercies what they want will fundamentally change Mercy’s playstyle and take away what makes Mercy fun for them.

On the other hand, you have the aggro Mercies who hate staying in one place for too long, are very active with shot calls, and pepper in pistol fire whenever they can get away with it. These Mercies are much more likely to be rework advocates who crave a higher skill ceiling, “hero moments”, and carry potential (but only if they work hard enough at mastering the hero, of course).

Rework advocates are befuddled with the pushback from Mercies who like her as she is now. They believe that Mercy can reach a state that pleases both parties, instead of one party being happy and the other miserable. The general idea is “keep Mercy’s playstyle as it is now… but also add a several new ways to play her for the more active/aggressive Mercy population.” One hero, multiple playstyles. Mercy would hardly be unique in this descriptor.


I think another factor is how Blizz f’d Mercy’s rework.

Ive seen some comments here and there that they they would like to see her change, but then dont want to at the same time because Blizz might do another Mercy 2.0 and mess her up again. It left a very bad impression on people and because of that, people are content with her.



I actually woudn’t trust the current balance director with a Mercy rework, since he clearly has no idea why people are even drawn to playing support in the first place. It’s not just Mercy - anyone remember him blindly throwing nerfs at the wall and hoping something would stick during Ana’s quad tank reign?

My only hope left is that either another person from the balance department is entrusted with Mercy, or we get some new blood at the top of the balancing food chain.


Dude… :grinning: my point went over your head.

And they have. And here we are - Mercy is balanced and viable currently.

Which actually made her stronger overall.

:grinning: DPSwatch where none of the DPS are actually used in the most dominant meta.

I’m sorry but balance shouldn’t be made around bronze players. This isn’t an attack on you, it’s not rank shaming and I feel zero malice towards you. (In fact, I don’t feel anything for you being objective). You don’t balance the game around the bottom of competitive tiers. That’s basic logic. I have nothing against you, by all means feel free to post some videos and I would actively suggest improvements if you feel so inclined (but I doubt it).

Are generally people that felt “impactful” because they could do Hide&Rez, hide press Q and bring the whole team back with literally zero skill. It did feel impactful for them (and it actually is). They hate current Mercy because she actually requires skill and decision making and her skill floor and ceiling are both higher. They don’t like current Mercy because they are forced to adapt and become better players to actually play her properly.

That’s why there’s a pattern that the biggest advocates for Revert/Change of Mercy are those at the bottom of competitive tiers since Mercy is objectively viable and balanced currently. And she doesn’t have an unhealthy abusive mechanic nor she is the OP monster she was after initial rework. She is exactly where she should be. Again, not a slight on people at the lower spectrum (for those that will try to vilify me and paint me as something I’m not) but simply a reminder that you don’t balance the game around the bottom. You balance it around the top - I’m not going to explain the logic behind that because that should be self-evident.

I mean youre not wrong, same people who nerfed Ana’s damage (even though the problem was her nade in the first place), nerfed JR grenade hitbox, nerfed Roadhog with no compensation at first, thinking DM.va was great (yall remember “DM the riptire?”) and recently Reapers buff.


Even while I fit description - I stay in the back, never make any shot-calls, and never go aggro - I want rework to happen.

View myself as kind of “grey cardinal” of the team. Whatever power I have, I prefer to keep for most dire moments. Can follow the lead, but can easily act on my own, if that lead makes obvious mistakes and can cost me.



I’ve always hated the very concept of hide n rez, and I never considered anyone who did it a “real” Mercy main. Please stop generalizing and making false accusations.

The current build of Mercy restricts all players to a very passive playstyle. I had an aggressive Mercy playstyle and want a rework so more active playstyles are an option again.


So you just basically discounted approx. 95% of the Mercy player population. What do you mean generalizing? Hide&Rez is the primary reason Mass Rez was removed according to the community, the Pros and the Devs. That’s not a generalization, that’s a fact.

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