Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I don’t usually post. But i still endorse the idea of the OP.
I’m sure there is a lot of lurkers like me.
Don’t assume that because only a few peoples dare to write up their opinions and convictions they are the only ones to have those. We’re still waiting to have a decent counter argument to what Titanium poster in their OP btw.


It would be really, really nice if Mercy could remain in her current state so that the many who enjoy playing her now could continue to do so

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It does give us precedence to have the issue addressed.

It was coherent enough for the developers to rework Mercy in the first place… and their argument was in the second person, which makes less sense in a PvP game than our argument, which is in the first person.

1.07% pickrate in GM. Ana was considered a “throw-pick” when she had a 2% pickrate in GM.


The population of people who do like is half the size of the population that liked the old Mercy.

The 1 star represents how easy a character is to pick up and play without any prior experience. It should never, under any circumstances, represent how possible it is for a player to reach higher ranks on that hero. That is intentionally causing an imbalance to pander to people who are overly concerned about “muh aiming skills”.

Because every hero should be playable in top 500. If that is not the case, then there is a lack of balance within the game.


There is new conspiracy born, that devs don’t fix Shadowstep, because otherwise Reaper will overtake Tracer, as new ruler of flankers.

Personally, I think it’s not possible to make hero playable everywhere, as different tiers have drastically different levels of teamwork - from non-existent in bronze to extreme in GM and Top 500.

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Rumors are, there is some kind of raid, coordinated by Aria.


Ever had that feeling of déjà-vu ?


Raid? I swear it’s called brigading. Either way, that’s not enough justification to just close all threads that are remotely related to Mercy. :neutral_face:

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Megathread flashbacks


Hat’s off to Titanium for being a good Mercy main that leaves actual good feedback and not spam.


I prefer the word protest. :>


If mods go with scorched earth tactics, they may actually do that.


The thread probably popped on the front page, and a mod “accidentaly” thought it was part of the raid I guess.


Wow, this got locked? Why?

Protest as in organize a raid which does nothing but spam the forums with non-useful feedback that has been spammed over and over again instead of leaving actual good constructive feedback ?


wow this is almost hitting 10k

Tbh, I don’t support a coordinated “protest” on the forums but depending on the reason, I could overlook it. Now, what was the reason? <:

I just KNEW it…
Anyway I would like to see, and I am sure even you might agree with, some QoL (Quality of Life) changes to Mercy’s current kit to make her a more viable healer and give her Ult some much needed UMPH (power) that it is lacking:

  1. Mercy’s healing back up to 60 hps, or at the very least 55 hps so that she can heal her teammates properly. Course, that would mean changes to the RPS (Rate Per Second) that Mercy’s Ult charges.
  2. Flight restored a bit from 12.5% of original flight speed to at least 20%, preferably 25% of original flight speed (reverting the last Nerf to flight speed). Flying slightly faster than running speed won’t prevent her from being killed by a Genji blade, much less most other Ults.
  3. Healing beam in Valkyrie upped to correspond to Moria’s healing during Ult, but ONLY to one person. 60 hps just isn’t cutting it, and it is spread out too thinly. If it was upped to a proper 70+ hps to ONE person, instead of multiple people only getting 60 hps (which will not stop Winston’s trickle beam, much less the other damage dealers). Jeff wants Mercy to be all about Healing, then LET MERCY HEAL. Mercy juggles her healing/damage boosting beam anyway, why should the Ult not be able to be juggled? Which of course would bring in…
  4. Damage Boost in Valkyrie being 60+, rather than 30, to ONE person. It is too spread out, an not very Ult worthy the way it is now. Sure, it would encroach on Orissa’s drum Ult, but the drum’s damage boost was directly copied and improved upon from Mercy’s kit.

Any or all of those 4 things would help Mercy out tremendously on PC, an in turn help out on your mode of play Console. But, instead of trying to come up with ideas to help the Mercy community as a whole you haven’t made any suggestions. True, I want Old Mercy with Mass Rez back, but even I can come up with ideas that would help her current kit an make her on par with at least Moria, which Mercy currently isn’t in many people’s view. Of course, many of these have been suggested before, but ANY time QoL changes for Mercy have been suggested they have been flat out Denied by any non-Mercy player because it would make Mercy OP again…
So we are in a classic ‘Catch 22’, can’t move forward, won’t move back. It’s like the old Russian joke about ‘Catch 22’.
“The doctor’s office, for heart patients, is on the 2nd floor of the hospital. That way if the patient ACTUALLY has a heart condition, he/she dies trying to climb the steps. If the patient can climb the steps to the doctor’s office, they do not have a heart condition.”
Paraphrased since I cannot remember what movie I heard that from nor the full joke.
