Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Context clues make it easier.

Correct. It appears you’ve misunderstood what the poster was saying and responded with something unrelated. The poster used language to express that they feel Valk. is not worthy of ultimate status. They are not denying that Valk. is currently Mercy’s, factual, ultimate on the servers. Language allows for a deeper conversation. The language used by the poster expresses how intensely they feel about Valk. being unworthy of ultimate status. Language is not black and white.

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If you don’t understand what I’m saying that’s cool, I can adapt my language to fit you, I taught TI to great kids, including some on the spectrum, part of the job is to reach regardless.

However, more and more you look like a troll, rather boring one at that, and I’m fed up with your bot-like condescending posts. Factually, I’ve started to flag a couple of the worst examples, perhaps some staff will share my concern, unlikely though as it may be.

I care not to explain the obvious meanimg behind my post for the nTh time to you. I’m sure everyone else got it, I have nothing to worry about.


Factually, I am fully versed in the english language

I do not believe there is a true measure of the popularity of a thread.

Factually, I am not an apologist for Blizzard.

I think and act on my own and of my own free will.

There are many things I find wrong with Blizzard, such as the handling (or lack thereof) of false reports.

Their treatment of Mercy at this time is not one of those things, however

The definition of ultimate within the context of Overwatch is well known, and I have stated it

Blizzard is entitled to define their game and the elements within it. If these definitions did not exist, we would not have a game to play. As such, Blizzard rightfully and correctly owns definitions like “ultimate”

A customer is someone who has installed the game and ergo agreed to the terms Blizzard has set in the user agreement…including the definitions of the elements of the game, elements that must exist for there to be a game that one can play at all

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Then you don’t understand English and basic reasoning. Do you have upvotes in your posts? Did you look at the upvotes of the OP? Those are my factual basis, and you – you don’t have any factual basis except your usual baseless doubts.

And you supported it by saying, in effect, that Blizzard owns it, therefore they can do with it whatever they want. That’s the corollary to your statement (in simple terms, that’s what your statement implies, even if it’s not explicitly said).

Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?


Factually, the exact thing that I replied to is quoted above

it says that valkyrie not an ultimate

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My previous response to this still applies. Language is not black and white and the poster was using language to further express their distaste for the current ultimate as an ultimate.

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Factually, I am fully versed in both

I dont see upvotes as a measure of consensus.

Factually, an upvote can be clicked for a variety of reasons, and in fact, the label is “like” which is not the same as “agree”

I have already covered the matter of the value of upvotes above, but I will add here that the absence of downvotes means - factually - that only the “votes” of those in favor of something are collected.; and this in turn means that opposing voices are not heard. As such, upvotes are factually a very poor means of measuring consensus

I have stated facts and opinions relating to this matter throughout this thread, and many others as well

Factually, my statement on this item was that Valkyrie is an ultimate when the statement I replied to stated that it was not an ultimate, and as such, factually, I did not support the statement in question

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Factually, the poster I replied to stated “valk is not an ultimate”

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Factually, you did not, or chose not to, understand what the poster was saying through the use of language. Factually, your reply had nothing to do with what he poster was discussing.


I fully understand the sentence “valk is not an ultimate”

As I see it, my reply was specifically addressing what was posted

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It is very clear that you did not understand what the poster said. Again, language is not black and white. “Valk. is not an ultimate”, in this context, is strictly speaking about how the poster feels regarding Valk. “Valk. is not an ultimate”, in this context, is not denouncing Valk. as being a, factual, ultimate in the game.


It is very clear to me that I understand what the poster said

It was a very short, simple statement that declared that valkyrie is not an ultimate

I replied to it as such

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As usual, arguing on the basis of absence of facts, a poor way to argue.


It is very clear to me that you did not understand what the poster was saying, your reply is the proof.

It was a short, simple statement that had a deeper meaning because: language is not black and white.

You replied to a statement that you missed.


Factually, I provided several facts as well as associated analysis in the post you have replied to

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We only have about 500 posts left before this thread hits its post limit. Please stop feeding the troll. He’s been doing this for weeks and has hogged several thousand posts between what he writes and the replies they get. Please stop feeding him.


i think if she were to have cast time lowered it creates the same issues of moth mercy

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The poster I replied to made a very simple statement that is easily understood by anyone with a working knowledge of the character Mercy

I understand it, and I replied to it

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I had no idea that there was a post limit. I’m so sorry. I’ll stop feeding.


I dont believe a post limit is a problem here, really, given that the OP can simply cut and paste the original post from this thread to a new thread with a similar title (possibly just adding v2 or something along those lines), and adding a link to the previous thread so it can be found easily

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