Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I don’t want to lower the cast time (in fact I could see that being increased in my idea). I just want to remove the movement penalty, finish-cast distance and GA lock.

The idea is to keep the flow of momentum of Mercy’s kit, in my opinion that’s the core bit of her kit. Mercy still needs to be at the same distance to start Res, can’t beam and res still stopped by stuns/hack.

Some very skillful maneuvers could come out of this. GA to a soul in the frontline, usually suicide, now Mercy can GA to safety if the player is skilled and if the team coordinates sufficiently.

It opens up the possibility space for res, without buffing res too much. Mercy wouod be more survivable during res and boops won’t stop it anymore, I think that’s fine considering the average Res per game is <7. I don’t think that’s much. If anything increasing the cast time would balance it out. It could easily be 2s or 2.25s as long as Mercy isn’t a sitting duck and the flow is there.

(“Factually, Mercy is not a duck nor does she sits during Res”, I know, no need to point that out Sheldon).


First you say;

and then you contradict yourself with;

Yes, you are the one who brought it up, when I had said nothing about it. I wonder, are you trying to derail the conversation, or do you just not understand how discussions work?


Factually, these two statements are not contradictory

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I think it’s just derailment. I wouldn’t feed the troll anymore, like Silawatsi said

Just to stoke some convo, what’s your opinion of a Mass Rez-Valk hybrid that functions kinda like Dragonblade?


It is well within the parameters of the topic at hand to discuss why someone believes the opposite of the original post, however you and many others haven’t discussed or provided evidence or analysis as to WHY and WHAT in this iteration of her makes her impactful.

Where the our side of the arguments tends to offer more as to why we are unsatisfied, with evidence or analysis that can lead us to the conclusions that we have come to. You feel a certain way, but can’t back up how her kit supports this and you can’t come up with sound reasoning that disproves our concerns.

So, factually this topic is still about Mercy being bad and you can respond with a differing opinion but until you actually bring something of substantial value to the conversation to have a discussion, it is probably best that you don’t just give your close ended factually crap that doesn’t initiate actual discussion.


That it can be broken, like Valkyrie used to be, but still better ult than current Valkyrie.


Hmmm, Cleopatra, I think the old mass resurrect is good at low tiers (plat and lower), but not as effective in higher (diamond and above), so I agree it would be broken, but not OP. Doing the resurrect the way you propose, PuffyPony, would be a more difficult version of mass rez.

Personally, I prefer it because it will flow better with the mobility of Mercy due to GA. In comparison, I hate the current resurrect on cooldown because being virtually immobile just kills Mercy’s flow, despite e-resurrect being more powerful.

My reasons for believing this is a corollary to the assertion I made in an earlier post:

Rez on cooldown is so powerful because it is a team fight reset when the enemy team gets a pick, and that is so BROKEN because 1st picks is the overwhelming factor that determines whether a fight is won or not (egad, this was already discussed when Valk Mercy was still in PTR and unreleased in live OW servers; it’s so broken even the likes of Montecristo, OW pro caster, castigated instant resurrect on cooldown in an OWL segment – the Mercy community who tested it on PTR already foresaw what the professional OW community was so late to acknowledge in public months later after Valk Mercy was released).

In comparison, mass rez is weaker precisely because it is a purely defensive ult – pulling off a reversal in a team fight is hard, so much harder the higher a player goes up in the ladder and in OW pro league. For instance, Zen’s transcendence in GOATS and sniper compositions is used defensively, and it has one of the lowest team fight win rates in the game when used. In comparison, trans has higher win rates when used in Dive compositions. (you can look this all up in WInston’s lab, a great resource of professional OW stats)

That’s the reason why in the very first PTR valk-Mercy megathread, I was one of those who believes that the changes in resurrect is meant to make Mercy viable in more compositions in OWL, otherwise she’d only be useful in PharMercy in pro play.


Personally, I couldn’t care less, if Mercy is viable in OWL or pro play in general. It always brings additional problems, since hero is being balanced around environment with high levels of communication and teamwork, none of which exist below platinum.

Maybe in some high level games, one resurrected teammate makes a difference, but in average gold game you need 2-3 teammates resurrected to even make noticeable difference.


Same. I’ve always favored fun over everything else in the games I play.


It is always funny to me that before the rework, Mercy was considered a niche pick in pro play (she was only used to pocket Pharah) and one of the argument for the rework was that she could be more “skllful” and be viable in pro play. Fast forward to when Mercy was finally reworked (and OP), people were aghast than pro players were forced to play the “braindead” hero instead of “god-IQ, galaxy brain” heroes like Ana or Lucio. Even with the current Mercy, you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone actually liking seeing her in pro play, but people will still point to that fact to justify her current kit because she’s “”“balanced”"".
Basically, you can never win with these whiners. #MakeMercyFunAgain.


They can. They just dont want to. Why? Because they are happy Mercy isnt a problem anymore. Otherwise the devs dont care much for the hero or Jeff Kaplan would have spoken up about it. Since this is an ongoing thing for over a year. It now dies down because people just give up and leave the game.


I wonder, why rework heroes for pro players, if pro players don’t want to play them, unless they are brokenly powerful. They despise those heroes, they won’t pick those heroes as their main, yet Blizzard tries to force them to play those heroes.


I was thinking about something else that isn’t really feasible but might be… Original ? An AoE Res that depends on the height you casted it. Still with LoS. Basically you have to jump ((or not) or GA boost)) to increase the size of the Rez (making you visible for both teams (or not if you have your eyes closed)) then land and cast (for x amount of time) the actual res (with LoS). I would argue that it cann’t be cancelled by being displaced (Pharah’s E, Lucio’s Boop, Brig’s Whip-Shot etc…) but still be interrupted by controls. The interaction with displacement could work pretty much like how BOB is handled. Moving him around doesn’t stop him, but he doesn’t have the same LoS on targets. And you keep the whole aoe burst heal/pulse heal proposed on the OP.

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I literally have no idea and it pisses me off.

Pros like aim. That’s it. Utility and map awareness is NOT what they like. Under no circumstances will they ever LIKE torb or symm or sombra etc. EVER. they. Don’t. Like. Them.
So why am I punished because pros don’t like my hero? I don’t like football. I’m not forcing the nfl to change to volleyball. I don’t like McCree. He looks sweaty and gross. I’m not banning him so the game as my desired look. Why are my heroes reworked for a desired play for other people?


's current state.

That bit is important.

There have been times in which I didn’t despise Mercy’s state, and in fact, that I loved Mercy’s state. Those were her season 2 through season 5 states.

This has my approval.


Lol, that won’t be viable in high gold and higher if it becomes her ult, but it definitely sounds fun! I watched an open Widowmaker tournament, and some of the high gold/plat Widowmakers I saw have GM mechanics, or at least Jayne said so (a nice popular streamer and currently coaching micro-plays for support players of Dallas Fuel). That sort of mechanic for Mercy rez makes her open season to any sniper and hitscan with great aim.

As an aside, Jayne doesn’t do a lot of Mercy vids on his channels – my go-to is still Animetic, she plays Mercy so PERFECTLY, great balance between aggressive and defensive Mercy play (Ayaya!).

I hear ya. The funny thing is that pros don’t like it, casual players like me don’t like it, who’s driving these changes then? It feels like a lot of their priorities (aka OWL) is driven by financial interests, and not really the grassroots.

There’s a lot of disaffection not just from the Mercy “micro-community” (some Blizz exec coined it), but from other OW hero “micro-communities” as well. There’s so much negative buzz from the communities of a lot of Blizzard’s other games as well (I own a couple of Blizzard games, I used to like their games a lot, but now only Starcraft 2 remains untarnished in my eyes), all grassroots grumbling.



'Cause… 1776 was a hot year for the Revolutionary War?





Could not agree more. :laughing:


Why would a Moira main complain about DM?

Literally only one of their abilities are countered by it…

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I don’t mean you stand immobile when you are preparing to cast it. It’s just to position yourself to cast it. Like how Sym is using her wall. You have a preview of it then build it. Pretty much the same. You gain height (or not), visualize the AoE, then fly down to cast it :grinning:

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