Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I stand by what I have said, and I have nothing further to add to this particular item

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Where did you pull this idea that I said anything about the forum rules? All I said was people would look at you funny and implied that you’re discrediting yourself constantly. That has more to do with your fellow forum users than any rule system.


Factually, I did not claim that you said anything about the forum rules

Factually, I brought up the forum rules in this particular discussion

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Why they just cant bring back Mass res without inv? Im okay with a cast time and something like this


I dont think there is a “can’t” here - as devs could restore old code and/or recode the ability from scratch if it was their intent to do so - rather, I think it is more along the lines of “shouldn’t” and “wont”

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They can, and I think they should, or at the very least place resurrect into its rightful place: with its ult. The consensus of the participants of this thread agrees that Resurrect on E is a bad idea, with very few exceptions.


I dont believe such a consensus has been reached

Many posters, myself included, do not want such a change made

Many, not a few

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The consensus of the participants of this thread. Read the post properly.


Still few :confused:
valk is not an ultimate


factually, I have done so

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Factually, Blizzard owns the intellectual property called Overwatch, and within the context of Overwatch, they have properlyly (as the owners) determined the meaning of the word ultimate within the context of this game

Factually, the definition is specific to each hero in the game, and the ultimate for they have defined for Mercy is Valkyrie

As such, factually, Valkyrie is an ultimate

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I think res on E is fine personally, make it a bit more mobile so Mercy doesn’t have to stand around with staff in her hands for half a hour and it’s good enough for me.

I think Valk’s issues are far greater and more impactful.

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Factually, Mercy does not have to stand around while performing rez. The Mercy player can opt for her to do so, but I wouldnt recommend it.

Factually, the time it takes to cast rez is far less than a half hour

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I believe the amount of people within this thread that favor res as an ultimate, in some form, outweighs the number of people that do not. I’ve come to this conclusion simply because the evidence within this thread point to it.

The person you replied to is using language to express that they do not believe Valk. is worthy of ultimate status. They are not saying Valk. is not, factually, an ultimate.

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Why is it okay for other heroes to have 1:1-5 ults but not Mercy?


Then you don’t understand English. The consensus of the participants in this thread, which is also currently the most popular thread of all time – your statements about consensus has no leg to stand on.

Your usual Blizzard apologist nonsense. If you want to defend Blizzard on the basis of their “ownership” of OW without considering greater issues regarding the stakeholdership of the entire OW ecosystem – players, Blizzard shareholders, OWL, streamers, etc.

In your worldview, maybe the owners and shareholders of the business comes first. I prefer my worldview where the customers are king.


This person is using language to further how they feel about res. to the readers. They are aware that Mercy is not committed to actually standing still as well as that the res. cast time is far less than half an hour.


The word consensus was used in the original statement I replied to

I do not agree that consensus has been reached

Factually, the statement I replied to was “valk is not an ultimate”

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Guys. This thread is approaching the post limit.

Please stop replying to trolls who do nothing but repeat themselves and obsess over semantics. It’s a waste of valuable post space.